Verizon update

Yep. I just did the update and it disabled the remap I had applied. No biggie to me. I'm sure someone will figure out a workaround or new method soon enough.
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Trying to get people to forget exploding phones with some razzle dazzle marketing for a new device and then they pull this?

This isn't going to end well if it isn't resolved quickly. Oh, and good luck getting people to download updates in the future.
I feel/see that my LTE soeeds, with this update and before, just don't quite compare to that of my iPhone 7+. Was wishfully thinking maybe that this update would silent address it. Maybe i have a setting borked somewhere. 😕
I got the dqa bug as well, clearing cache didn't help. Since I hadn't done much with the phone yet I factory reset with success.
Yup. Just got the update. I had no issues. I didn't remap the Bixby button and I'm just going to turn it off because I have my Edge Panel on the left side.

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