Verizon update

Nope, looks like just the December security patch. Still on 7.0. DL was 930MB but the update went much quicker than usual.

According to the online info, it just installed App Flash, which is more bloat. So first thing I did was go into the application manager, show system files, go to App Flash, then force close and disable it.
Thanks for the info. Disabled it on my phone.
No problem. My biggest fear was that it would force the latest Chrome version on me. Thankfully I seem to have been spared for now. That app goes backward with every update.
grrr my phone is running warm after this update

Quite the opposite for me. Seems like it is running much better than usual. Off the charger since 6am and with typical "business use" for me, I am usually at less than 50% by now. Had a busier than normal day today and I'm at 78% 11 hours later! Hadn't been that good in a while.

Also, some of the apps that I use frequently like google messenger seem to respond better...although messenger was updated yesterday too.

Is anyone having trouble getting their hotspot to engage? I downloaded the update yesterday. Today my hotspot started acting up, so I rebooted and now it won't engage at all. Yes I have removed and replaced the battery to no avail. Is this due to the update?
wow! battery is taking a hard hit. and yes my battery seems to be heating up more. great job Verizon!
1. They ought to give people a choice whether to update, or NOT.
2. Is this part of a general strategy to render your current phone anemic, so you'd buy new ones ?
3. I disabled all apps that are not useful to me (FB, Football, News, etc.) , and the phone doesn't seem to lag much.

The update comes in several installments. I recommend you do one installment, wait at least a few minutes (I waited hours) before doing the next one. You'd want all the calculations, rearrangements to settle down, before embarking on another update.
1. They ought to give people a choice whether to update, or NOT.
2. Is this part of a general strategy to render your current phone anemic, so you'd buy new ones ?
3. I disabled all apps that are not useful to me (FB, Football, News, etc.) , and the phone doesn't seem to lag much.

The update comes in several installments. I recommend you do one installment, wait at least a few minutes (I waited hours) before doing the next one. You'd want all the calculations, rearrangements to settle down, before embarking on another update.

I have been doing all those things on all my phones and went back to do more. It's a little better but not like it was prior to the update.

Oh well, maybe they will fix it with the next update. BTW, its a pure Verizon model if that makes a difference.
1. They ought to give people a choice whether to update, or NOT.
2. Is this part of a general strategy to render your current phone anemic, so you'd buy new ones ?
3. I disabled all apps that are not useful to me (FB, Football, News, etc.) , and the phone doesn't seem to lag much.

The update comes in several installments. I recommend you do one installment, wait at least a few minutes (I waited hours) before doing the next one. You'd want all the calculations, rearrangements to settle down, before embarking on another update.
My update had only 1 component.
My update had only 1 component.

If you reboot, you'll get another message at startup that says it is completing installation. I got it after I installed my update.

As for the effects its had on my phone, I am one of the happy ones. Battery life and performance have been stellar since I got the update. Things seem to be a bit more snappy. Pleased so far.

Ok, I shut the phone off and pulled the battery. Everything appears back to normal. No significant lag any longer.

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