Video messages look pixelated


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2011
Okay, so whenever I send people video messages, on the recipient's phone, the video looks very pixelated not like how it looks on my S8. Is there any texting application in the Play Store that will make the video look of higher resolution? I've tried Textra, Verizon messaging Plus, chomp, basically all the popular ones. I don't send video messages out very often, but it's still an issue. thank you. I know that for a fact that textra compresses the video and possibly sometimes as the pictures during the sending process so it'll go through the network faster and take up less bandwidth.
The thing I noticed is if you load the video to YouTube, then send the people you want to share it with the YouTubeink, they'll get the nice higher res video. Sending direct thru chat and message sources seems to compress it too much and it looks bad, pixelated
The thing I noticed is if you load the video to YouTube, then send the people you want to share it with the YouTubeink, they'll get the nice higher res video. Sending direct thru chat and message sources seems to compress it too much and it looks bad, pixelated
Very very true true what I thought of doing actually as well as texting people a link of my Google photos upload.
no one wants to go thru the hassle of having to upload to youtube every time you want to message someone a video. Samsung needs to fix this problem. The try to blame it on carriers, but I've sent the same video with my samsung v. my iphone, and with the samsung it is horrible; with the iphone it is perfect. I also have tried various messaging apps, and it is the same with every one, so the problem lies in the phone - not the app or the carrier. Point being, it can be done (the Iphone has accomplished it) & it is NOT a carrier issue (I have TMO)
Definitely not a carrier issue. It happens across all carriers and between all s8 plus and note 8 phones on my end. Need to find a fix for this, no reason to have a high dollar flagship phone and can't send clear video messages

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