Video stops recording


Nov 6, 2021
I'm not sure if I have an android probelm or Samsung S20FE problem
I have been recording videos on my phone for a couple of years now with no problems.
Now, the video recording cuts out after a period of time, and it has never done this before.
The video sizes have taken on a new denomination: UHD60, UHD30, FHD60, FHD30, UD30. These are not the names I remember them having in the past, altho I can't be sure because I never had to worry about them. However, FHD30 cuts out at 5 minutes, and UD30 cuts out at 5:38 or so. The higher resolutions somewhat less.
Is it possible to prevent this? Does anybody know what has changed.
I have cleared cache and data, rebooted in Safe, cleared cache and data again, rebooted, but still the same problem. Also have stopped recording to SD card and now record to internal storage, didn't help.
I have seen quite a few people mentioning this problem in the past, but no solutions. Some people have reset to factory settings, but they haven't reported back whether the problem is fixed, so I'm reluctant to go to this trouble.

Any help appreciated

Oops I think I put this in the wrong thread, don't know how to fix it.
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I have now, mustang, and the FHD30 and UD30 ran for pretty much the same times as above. As I say I can't recall having this probelm before recent updates (android 12?), thanks for the suggestion. Seems like I may have to live with it, but it is a nuisance when you don't know when the video will cut out recording. (I am recording musical performances)
I have now, mustang, and the FHD30 and UD30 ran for pretty much the same times as above. As I say I can't recall having this probelm before recent updates (android 12?), thanks for the suggestion. Seems like I may have to live with it, but it is a nuisance when you don't know when the video will cut out recording. (I am recording musical performances)
Your on Andriod 12? The s20fe shouldn't be on that yet.
OK, maybe I'm not, I did put a "?". However , I did have an update recently and I think the problems have surfaced since then
OK, maybe I'm not, I did put a "?". However , I did have an update recently and I think the problems have surfaced since then
You have enough storage on the device? 5 minute videos being cap is usually 8k videos so won't overheat , I'll see if I can come up.with more answers .
Yes plenty of staorage internally when I was recording there, and on the SD card.
Even recording on the lowest resolution, UD30 (whatever that is) still omly gives me 30 seconds or so over the 5 minute mark
Yes plenty of staorage internally when I was recording there, and on the SD card.
Even recording on the lowest resolution, UD30 (whatever that is) still omly gives me 30 seconds or so over the 5 minute mark
Yeah thats strange , I'll see if I can come up with anything more tomorrow.

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