Viewing emails from Galaxy S7 on Audi MMI screen


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Nov 5, 2017
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I’d like to know more about the stock email app that is pre-installed on my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge (a light orange envelope icon called "Email").

This is in relation to viewing emails on the MMI screen (Multi Media Interface) in my car (an Audi S3). Audi are well known for the technology that comes in their vehicles. If you connect a mobile phone via Bluetooth you can view emails and text messages on the screen on the dashboard. I’ve paired my Galaxy S7 Edge to the vehicle and can see my text messages and my emails on the screen on the dash. So far so good.


I can only view emails for one email account on my car screen but I have several email accounts configured on my phone in the same email app. E.g. I have a Hotmail account, GMail account, IMAP account and an Exchange account all configured in the stock email app.

I’ve figured out why this is happening, I just need a solution. The problem is the stock email app on my Samsung S7 Edge forces you to make one of the email accounts a "default”. My Audi S3 car interface is only showing emails for the default email account.

Before my Galaxy S7 I had a HTC One M9. When I connected that to my car I could view emails for all of the accounts configured in the stock HTC email app on the screen in my car. E.g. in date order my car screen would show a few hot mail emails then some Gmail emails then a few IMAP emails etc.


I thought installing a different email app (client) on my Galaxy S7 might work. I installed BlueMail and added my email accounts. The BlueMail app has a unified mode that shows all emails from all accounts in date order. This is what I'm trying to achieve on my car screen. BlueMail doesn’t force you to set a default account so I was hopeful this might work. One of the issues I knew I would face was getting rid of the stock Samsung Email app on my Galaxy S7. You can’t uninstall the default email app and you can’t disable it either. I therefore deleted all my email accounts from it, switched notifications off etc. etc. On the Galaxy S7 you can specify a default SMS app and a default browser but you can’t specify a default email app. To overcome this I installed an app called "Default app manager". When I ran it there was no default email program so I set BlueMail as the default.

I went to my car, completely un-paired then re-paired my phone. There was no emails at all on the screen in my car. Just my text messages. The reason for this must be because my vehicle is looking for the stock email app which doesn’t have any email accounts configured.

As soon as I re added my Gmail account to the stock Samsung email app, switched Bluetooth off then back on again my Gmail emails appeared on the Audi MMI.


For phones to connect to modern cars they need to have rSAP (Remote SIM Access Profile). The Samsung Galaxy S7 has rSAP. I’ve read that Audi car phones query rSAP profiles by full service id class list and / or profile descriptor list.

This is where I need help. Mobile phone manufacturers obviously have a way of specifying what the default email app and SMS app are on their phones which means my vehicle is looking for these manufacturer-specified default apps as part of the pairing process.

I was confident that if I could instruct my car that a different email app was the default app I would be able to view emails from multiple accounts on my car screen.

I’ve trawled Audi forums and other car forums for days looking for a solution. I’ve seen posts from BMW drivers who use Samsung Galaxy phones who report the same issue. They have several email accounts configured in the same email app on their Galaxy phone but can only view emails for a single account on their car screen. They also say the email account they see is whatever the default email account is within the stock email app.

Someone suggested instead of using the car forums I should try an Android forum so here I am.

Are there any Samsung Galaxy phone users who can view emails on their car screen for multiple email accounts? Like I say, this wasn’t a problem with my HTC One M9 so it’s got to be a Samsung Galaxy email app issue.

Thanks for reading this post : -)

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