Voicemail Notification Bug


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2009
A couple of days ago I started getting a notification for a voicemail message that doesn't exist. The notification only shows up right after I start up the phone. Shut down the phone, swap batteries, there it is. Do a restart, there it is. I've gone through all the settings and didn't find anything that might clear a cache if there's a notification that won't delete otherwise. I even tried leaving myself a voicemail from my home phone, then listening to it and deleting it. That worked for everything but the ghost voicemail notification. Any suggestions?
Call and leave a voicemail. Then check it and delete it

Sent from my SGH-T889

Already did that. No luck. The phantom VM indicator still shows up after restarting the phone. It's one of those things like G+'s community notifications -- the emails arrive up to several minutes after the app shows the notifications. And I can't ignore them because I don't know if it's a message from someone I'm helping or if it's a G+ notification till I open my email app. Same thing with the false VM notification. I don't know it's the fake till I call voicemail. It doesn't harm anything, but it's annoying.
Just an update. I've had several voicemail messages from others and several reboots since my last post. And it seems to be gone. The only problem now is that I still have no idea why it started. And I have no idea how it stopped. So my experience isn't going to be much help, if someone else has it happen.
I'm having the same issue. Just got my phone yesterday and there it was. Date next to vmail notification reads 2011. Weird. Hopefully it will go away.

Edit: it went away by itself.
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