Waze - A role model for Google maps - A list of desired features for Google Maps


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Feb 17, 2013
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Hi fellow Android users!

I hope I am writing this thread in the right section. Even more I hope Google developers come on these forums and view these threads.

Below are some features of Waze (and my ideas) that I would like see implemented into Google Maps. I have looked through these forums and I am surprised no one mentioned Waze or even a lot of these suggestions. Google maps is great already but it can be so much more! While Waze is great, Google Maps has much more users then Waze so in my opinion with these features Google Maps would be even more awesome that it is now. I currently use Google Maps, Waze and Escort Live. I would like to use only one!

I hope Google actually checks out and reads these forums. Even more I hope to see these features implemented in the upcoming updates of Google maps in the near future. Of course the user would have the ability to turn on or off any features they choose.

Below is a feature list from Waze (I copied/pasted/added and took out some things). I changed "Waze" to "Google" and "wazers" to "Google users" I took out the ones that Google currently does. The remainder of this list should only be what Google currently does not do. Forgive me if I left in some that Google currently does do.

While I would like to see all of the listed areas implemented into Google Maps, the bolded areas are areas I would Love (not just like) to see implemented. I added my own (underlined) ideas as well.

# Feature
1 Select a road and edit the name, type and city for that road
2 Option to display other Google users in the area on your map
3 Option to display the location of speed cameras in the area on your map
4 Option to display the location of police speed traps in the area on your map
5 Option to display the location of reported accidents in the area on your map
6 Option to display the location of manually reported traffic jams in the area on your map
7 Option to display the location of reported hazards in the area on your map
8 Option to display location and type of radar signal detected from a radar detector

9 Create your own map colour scheme
10 Option to display approximate current speed (speedometer)
11 Display a list comparing alternative routes with distances and estimated travel times
12 Display a map comparing alternative routes and estimated travel times
13 Option to automatically suggest a destination frequently taken based on time of day and your location
14 Record new roads
15 Map displays a special icon when recording new roads
16 Report an incorrect junction within app
17 Report a missing bridge or overpass within app
18 Report wrong driving directions given by the Google client app within app
19 Report a missing exit within app
20 Report a missing road within app
21 Report a general map error within app
22 Top bar display shows number of local events (speed cameras, traps, accidents, traffic jams, hazards, police etc)
23 Ability to input new directions and report local events with just voice (instead of thumbing through menus while driving)

24 Display list of recent events by type
25 Display list of local events by type
26 Display list of events on your route by type
27 Top bar shows current number of your group event notifications
28 Display list of events from your groups by type, current and historic
29 Choose the distance to apply when including nearby events
30 Nearby events are rotated in full over the map when you are not moving. Removed once you start moving
31 Delayed reporting of events with automatic hide
32 Reporting of events in current or opposite direction of travel
33 Adding a message to an event report
34 Adding a photo to an event report
35 Choosing which group receives your report
36 Reporting a police trap
37 Reporting a traffic jam
38 Reporting an accident
39 Reporting a hazard
40 Reporting a speed camera in your current direction of travel
41 Report an abuse of the road reports system
42 Other Google users are shown on the map with either nickname or anonymous, as they have chosen
43 Ability to ping other Google users you see on the map (a public Chit Chat directed at specific Google user), provided they choose to allow such pings
44 Report an abusive message sent as a Ping, Chit Chat or comment
45 Delete a Ping, Chit Chat or comment you have sent
46 Connect with a Foursquare account and check-in
47 Ability to achieve the Roadwarrior Badge with Foursquare
48 Option to disable tweeting that you are connecting to Foursquare
49 Connect with a Facebook account
50 Connect with a twitter account
51 View traffic related Twitter messages
52 Reply to traffic related Twitter messages, then sent to other Google users and also tweeted
53 Display your points and your rank (placing) compared with your Facebook friends who use Google (weekly and for all time)
54 Option to tweet your road reports
55 Option to tweet your destination and ETA
56 Option to tweet your point scoring (road munching)
57 Option to post to Facebook your road reports
58 Option to post to Facebook your destination and ETA
59 Option to post to Facebook your point scoring (road munching)
60 Option to tweet that you have unlocked the Roadwarrior badge on Foursquare
61 Option to have your Facebook name linked with your Google users icon on the map: to everyone, to no one, or to friends only 62 Option to have your Facebook profile picture linked with your Google users icon on the map: to everyone, to no one, or to friends only 63 Option to have a link to your Facebook profile linked with your Google users icon on the map: to everyone, to no one, or to friends only 64 Option to have a link to your Twitter profile linked with your Google users icon on the map: to everyone, to no one, or to friends only
65 Choose the language for the app interface from a list downloaded from the Google server
66 Icon to show when not connected to the Google server
67 Option to choose whether to connect to the Google server automatically
68 Icon to show when not receiving a good GPS signal
69 Built in summary of what Google Maps does and how it works, with screenshots
70 Video guided tour to using Google Maps
71 After 10 minutes in the background without being used, the app will stop running
72 Send Google your app debugging logs
73 Display the version of your installed app
74 Display keyboard short cuts help screen
75 Map displays a Google-muncher when munching cookies (driving across unconfirmed, pacman-type roads)
76 Option to display the road goodies in the area on your map
77 Option for pop-up display of you points status as you earn points while driving

78 Display the points ticker
79 Setting to prefer routes over unconfirmed roads, that earn more points
80 Display your points and your rank (placing) in your state or country
81 Pop-up notifications of your progress in your level of waziness
82 Display your level of waziness
83 Display bonus point opportunities
84 Display the top 50 point earners for the week (and last week's top 3) in your state or country, and also worldwide
85 Display the top 50 point earners of all time in your state or country, and also worldwide
86 Find groups that are nearby, popular or by searching the name
87 Link to view a group profile from a road report sent by a group member
88 Link to the Facebook account for a group

89 Link to the Twitter account for a group
90 Join a group
91 Choose your main group

92 Display details about the group, including the number of members, group icon, the name and location of the group, the number of new users and reports made in the last month, a linked Facebook account (if any) and a linked Twitter account (if any), the creator (owner) of the group, and the date the group was created
93 Create (start) a group, linking it to a Twitter account and a Facebook page
94 Automatic music volume reduction when spoken turn-by-turn instructions are given
95 Option to accept pings (Chit chat directed to you personally)
96 Select the appearance of your car when being tracked on your map from 3D Arrow, Arrow, SUV, Beetle, Bus, Blue car, Gray car, Green car, Race car, Red car, Yellow car, Motorbike, Red Ferrari, Smart, Taxi 97 Option to automatically switch between night and day colours
98 Option to choose a nickname
99 Option whether you are displayed on the map with your nickname or as anonymous
100 Automatic switch between landscape and portrait display

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