Website redirect- how to remove?


AC Question


I'm a new Android user and I've had my phone a whole two weeks.

Two to three days ago, I opened an app for the first time called ColorNote and immediately the stock browser opened up and said I had a virus, etc and then opened the app store for a game.

I immediately uninstalled the app, deleted everything I can think of, started using Chrome and still, it's happening. It makes me want to go back to my iPhone.

I went through the system files today and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. It was pretty tedious- I googled every file before I deleted it. I saw a Wild Tangent file (even though I never downloaded a game of theirs) and deleting that apparently did not solve my problem.

Google searches are fruitless.

Who can help?


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May 23, 2010
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Welcome to the forums!

The alert saying you had a virus was possibly an ad that appeared to be legitimate. I would suggest a factory reset to be safe. In the future, don't click those links and instead back out or simply close the browser page.


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Jul 27, 2015
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Oh I'm not silly enough to download what it sent me to. I knew it wasn't legitimate from the onset. My problem is that I'm continuing to get the pop up/redirect, even when I'm not using a browser. I downloaded and ran Avast Premium, which found nothing. CCleaner found nothing as well.

T Busby

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Mar 29, 2014
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Welcome to Android Central! Adverts may appear when opening a website in your browser. They usually just redirect you to the Play Store to download an application. If in doubt just press the 'back' button, that's why Android is so useful! Where was this application downloaded from?
Last edited:


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Jun 24, 2011
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I seem to have a similar problem since 7/26 or 7/27. Every morning once I open my first app I am getting re-directed to some game in the app store. The app can be my Verizon text app, or my K-9 email client or What's app. It doesn't seem to matter what app I am opening. Just the fact that I am opening some app had me redirect to the app store. The game in the app store it leads me to is from King.

Anybody has an idea how this is working? The redirect does not start from a browser and it doesn't seem to be a specific app I am using, because the "triggering app" keeps changing. Now I could assume it was a shady app I recently downloaded or updated. I guess I could play that through and uninstall one after another.
But what about the apps I am forced on by my phone manufacturer (HTC One M8) or Android?


Aug 8, 2013
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Same issue here only mine is a link in Chrome. I installed 360 Security and it didn't find any malware. Just started 7/26 or 7/27. I know how to get away from it but I don't know how make it stop.


Jul 15, 2012
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Welcome to Android Central! Adverts may appear when opening a website in your browser. They usually just redirect you to the Play Store to download an application. If in doubt just press the 'back' button, that's why Android is so useful! Where was this application downloaded from?

No one is clicking ads, or even using a browser. I unlocked my phone to this web site open....I close everything, task manager close all apps, click Facebook, Gmail, or simply unlock my phone and a website opens in browser to with a bunch of gibberish and a warning with an ok button. If you click ok it opens app store. No idea how to attach screenshots or I'd send you one


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Jan 6, 2014
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I'm also being redirected to the same findforfun website upon opening apps. It doesn't do it every time, and I can't seem to get it to redirect me now that I actually want it to for screenshot purposes....BUT it is very annoying especially when opening SnapChat because it'll wait until I open a picture, then by the time I can back out of the redirect, the image has self destructed. Avast doesn't seem to be detecting anything, and this is the only "findforfun" redirect issue I'm finding anywhere on Google or any forums.

Galaxy S6 btw, and this did not happen until about 8/19ish


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Jun 8, 2010
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I deleted a few suspicious apps and it stopped. Download MP3, a lyrics app and a couple others. Must have been imbedded in them.

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Download mp3 was the culprit on my phone. Download Stopbadapp from the play store. It found the bad app. This is the only app I've found that works to find what is causing this problem

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