She sent me this screenshot of her phone. It has some weird numbers at the top and some lines drawing around the screen. Any ideas? She claims to have not dropped it or gotten it wet.
Figured it out. After searching for things like weird horizontal bar across top of screen and P: 0/2 etc, just searching for dX dY Xv Yv Prs led me to the answer. She some how enabled the pointer option under the developer options. Settings --> Developer Options --> Uncheck the pointer option.
Thank you--Thank you MrChen911. Four years later, and my wife did the same thing on her G6 Edge. She spent an hour on phone with Verizon support, and all they did was have her remove all of her settings!! No help, and I was no help until I found your solution. Thanks again...Sam
thank you Mr Chen! i had the same problem --- now in 2024! -- i googled the weird letter combinations and your answer was the only thing that came up --