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Trusted Member
Dec 3, 2011
Just one major question. I'm still iffy on doing the wire trick, so is there any other way to remove or stop Verizon's bloatware on the Rezound? The Rezound already has great battery life but I want it to be even better. And any other helpful tips would be appreciated.

Sent from my rooted HTC Rezound with Tapatalk
Just one major question. I'm still iffy on doing the wire trick, so is there any other way to remove or stop Verizon's bloatware on the Rezound? The Rezound already has great battery life but I want it to be even better. And any other helpful tips would be appreciated.

Sent from my rooted HTC Rezound with Tapatalk

You can do it stock on ics so you can wait for the ota or install the latest leak which probably is the ota.

Or you can unlock and root which does not require the wire trick to s-off. You can do almost everything just unlocked as you can with s-off. And yes you can do everything you just talked about.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW
All right, well this is my 5th android device and I've never really done much with rooting. My bootloader is unlocked and it is rooted. So can someone tell how to flash ICS or point me towards a guide please? I'm not betting on Verizon to release it soon.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Okay, another problem, can't do anything with CWM. It won't backup and if I try to backup before reboot, it won't reboot either. His do I fix this?

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
Okay, another problem, can't do anything with CWM. It won't backup and if I try to backup before reboot, it won't reboot either. His do I fix this?

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2

Switch to amon ra recovery. It's what most all the rezound users use and works very well. You won't want to here this, but you will have to relock in order to flash the leak. That or use a Rom with a gingerbread firmware patch. If you want to leave the software stock then you can freeze the bloat with titanium backup sense you are rooted

Sent from my ADR6425LVW
As far as Amon Ra goes, that is the ticket. CWM isn't that good on our phone and AR is is basically the same thing.

As far as relocking, my understaning is that you want to remain rooted and lose the bloat while getting to ICS. With the link I provided, you will not have to relock, or manually remove the bloat. There are also a bunch of tweaks in there to speed things up. Heck it even comes either with Sense, or you can install a de-sensed version....The firmware patch is installed automatically for you with the installation....
As far as Amon Ra goes, that is the ticket. CWM isn't that good on our phone and AR is is basically the same thing.

As far as relocking, my understaning is that you want to remain rooted and lose the bloat while getting to ICS. With the link I provided, you will not have to relock, or manually remove the bloat. There are also a bunch of tweaks in there to speed things up. Heck it even comes either with Sense, or you can install a de-sensed version....The firmware patch is installed automatically for you with the installation....

Is this ICS? I thought you had to relock to get ICS (any flavor, lol) on the Rez.

This seems too simple. I'm rooted, unlocked and custom ROM'd with Scotts CleanROM GBE 1.7.
Is this ICS? I thought you had to relock to get ICS (any flavor, lol) on the Rez.

This seems too simple. I'm rooted, unlocked and custom ROM'd with Scotts CleanROM GBE 1.7.

You can use ICS on GB firmware if you use the "old firmware patch" It basically allows a GB user to run ICS by fixing most(if not all) of the things that they changed/moved in ICS.
That one uses the aroma installer. It basically gives you a ton of options while you install the rom. The gb patch is one of them. It is very easy

Rezound via Tapatalk 2

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