Went to best buy #sadness


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2011
Was going to treat myself for Christmas and get a Google home. Stores are out. No problem, I'll just buy online. Nope, store pickup only...And stores are out. Well crap!
Was going to treat myself for Christmas and get a Google home. Stores are out. No problem, I'll just buy online. Nope, store pickup only...And stores are out. Well crap!
I couldn't believe that all of my local Best Buy stores sold out of these things. I walked into Best Buy the week before Xmas to pickup a hue starter set and they literally had pallet loads of Google Homes. I picked one up as an impulse buy and fell in love with it. I was making a recommendation for a friend and when we checked to stores stock they had sold out. There were literally hundreds of them and that's not even an exaggeration.
One of the Best Buy stores in my area got replenished on the Friday before Christmas. I just went to Walmart and got one. Scanned the receipt with the Walmart app. Now I'm hoping someone will drop the price within 30 days and they will automatically price match me.
The Best Buy around my area have the google home Systems in stock. But good luck trying to find a Amazon echo dot in Best Buy around my area. Hey tell me hopefully the middle of January they will get them back in stock.
I think Amazon sold a metric boat load of Echos this Christmas, the Google $99 sale may have helped but Amazon sold them cheaper and on sale longer.

Google needs an answer for the Dot and or price the Home a bit cheaper.

We have 4 Dots, one Echo and one Tap around our house, I love the Home for what it COULD BE, but even at $99 it's priced high for what it is today.

I mean, I cannot even set the alarm time to anything but "scare the crap out of me every morning" full blast. Come on google....
Hi Marcb11 where I'm from the google home System is selling for $130. I am on A Nother google home forum and a lot of people like myself are having trouble with there google home Systems. When I say ok google it will not pick up on the first try I have to say it like three or four times before it recognizes my voice. When I first got it it did the first time with no trouble at all but know I have 3/4 times for it to pick up.
Hi Marcb11 where I'm from the google home System is selling for $130. I am on A Nother google home forum and a lot of people like myself are having trouble with there google home Systems. When I say ok google it will not pick up on the first try I have to say it like three or four times before it recognizes my voice. When I first got it it did the first time with no trouble at all but know I have 3/4 times for it to pick up.
They were on sale for $99 in mid December for a few days.

Try saying "hey google" for me that works every time but "OK google" is hit or miss. Which is odd because on my phone I have to say "OK google" for the assistant to work.

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