What did you use your $25 accessory credit for, after returning the N7?


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2011
I'm with Verizon and I was looking at the website to see what's worth getting around $50 or less. I am going today to finalize the exchange on my new Note7, so I figured I'd use my credit in the store.

What did you all buy with your $25 credit?
Is it Samsung branded gear only, or anything in the Store?
I'm on the phone with Verizon now and told them I'd rather have a bill credit instead.... CSR said, all she has to do is fill out the paper and let her manager sign it...
Taken care of, $25 bill credit instead of $25 off accessories
I'm with Verizon and I was looking at the website to see what's worth getting around $50 or less. I am going today to finalize the exchange on my new Note7, so I figured I'd use my credit in the store.

What did you all buy with your $25 credit?
Is it Samsung branded gear only, or anything in the Store?
With Tmobile and they're issuing a bill credit
I didn't even know about any $25. No one mentioned it when I exchanged mine.
Same with me. Of course I originally bought at Best Buy and returned it there. Then got Note 5 at Verizon and exchanged it for Note 7 yesterday.
Bill credit for me. Why would I pay for the accessories in store? All carriers overprice them a ton. Amazon for me when it comes to that :cool:.

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