What is Google's goal here?


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Mar 21, 2010
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Google is going for World domination..

Really though, their goal is similar to that of Apple products. Build high quality devices and market the ever living **** out of them so that people just have to have them..

So far its working.

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
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Oct 11, 2009
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Google is tired of hearing about Android phones that suck every few weeks when a security hole is found.
Google is tired of hearing about phones that stutter and choke even with the best hardware because the only thing resembling Android left on them is Google play.
Google is tired of hearing that Android phones all run old software.

Google is building a phone in order to set an example for other companies to follow and to show people that it's not Android that is the problem, it's the companies who use it as a way to make easy money. The Pixel is an experience Google wants people to see. Nothing more nothing less.
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Aug 29, 2011
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I'm just happy that Google is finally making a premium, well optimized phone for the masses. It's really all I've ever wanted in the past few years. I used iphone for the past year for the facts that Jerry laid out. Sick of Buggy, laggy and old software running Android. I don't find this as a transition from Nexus but rather a new brand. A brand that I'm hoping is considered in time as "the Android phone to have"


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Oct 6, 2016
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The goal is Google Assistant.

....and VR daydream. Remember Google is giving a $80 VR headset away with all pre-orders. One of the reasons for the Three Week pre-order wait. This will enable google to establish a foothold on a VR user base, which is what they need in order to attract developers to spend the time and money to create content. Content is the key ingredient in establishing the VR software hardware standard that Google has invested in.
Others like One Plus may add snapdragon 821 chips but without the low latency screen etc. VR will not work properly. Google wants the other Android cell phone makers to adopt the Daydream VR standard.
The Pixel's price after adjusting for the $80 VR headset, and unlimited Photo/video storage is very reasonably priced.
Google has always been a Big Picture player. They have the financial clout to make long term bets and develop the software to nudge people in the "right" direction.
This is the beginning of a very exciting time. Don't judge the pixel based on past uses of the smartphone. AI and VR will take theses devices in directions we have seen before.


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May 10, 2011
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Google is tired of hearing about Android phones that suck every few weeks when a security hole is found.
Google is tired of hearing about phones that stutter and choke even with the best hardware because the only thing resembling Android left on them is Google play.
Google is tired of hearing that Android phones all run old software.

Google is building a phone in order to set an example for other companies to follow and to show people that it's not Android that is the problem, it's the companies who use it as a way to make easy money. The Pixel is an experience Google wants people to see. Nothing more nothing less.

Do you ever get tired of being perspicuous all the time?........:D

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
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Oct 11, 2009
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Do you ever get tired of being perspicuous all the time?........:D

LOL. All the time is a giant stretch :p

But seriously. Google is a really easy company to talk to. I've been talking with them about things for six years now. Sometimes people that make decisions and have answers. Other times regular people who happen to have a job writing code for the Android project.

It's not hard to draw this conclusion. Everyone at Google is passionate about Android. Even people using an iPhone at their desk know that Android is everything when it comes to Google's greater mobile strategy. They want it to be better. To make it better, they need to set the example.

Took them long enough :)


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
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LOL. All the time is a giant stretch :p

But seriously. Google is a really easy company to talk to. I've been talking with them about things for six years now. Sometimes people that make decisions and have answers. Other times regular people who happen to have a job writing code for the Android project.

It's not hard to draw this conclusion. Everyone at Google is passionate about Android. Even people using an iPhone at their desk know that Android is everything when it comes to Google's greater mobile strategy. They want it to be better. To make it better, they need to set the example.

Took them long enough :)

Maybe Googles slogan will be. It just works too, but better.


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Oct 5, 2016
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Next to all been said, also to show what Android in a Apple like "Hardware-Software" tailored world is capable of, which is to bring a user confidence and pure experience into the new software together with a smooth phone.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2016
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Google is tired of hearing about Android phones that suck every few weeks when a security hole is found.
Google is tired of hearing about phones that stutter and choke even with the best hardware because the only thing resembling Android left on them is Google play.
Google is tired of hearing that Android phones all run old software.

Google is building a phone in order to set an example for other companies to follow and to show people that it's not Android that is the problem, it's the companies who use it as a way to make easy money. The Pixel is an experience Google wants people to see. Nothing more nothing less.

Wasn't that the idea behind Nexus devices? Why would this change anything?

Jerry Hildenbrand

Space Cowboy
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Oct 11, 2009
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By looking exactly like it?

Alternatively, looking exactly like the HTC A9? While the idea that Apple copied HTC is hilarious, the 6 really did look like the A9.

Designers all gravitate towards the same style when they start to get good at it. Apple didn't copy HTC. HTC just found that good design and got it to market first. Bezels, flat thin backs and round corners are the direction every company but one is moving for a reason — that's what people want.

Using Apple as the example — you don't think Apple could design a phone any way they wanted to? They do, and the iphone looks the way it does because that's what people are buying and that's what people want. When people want something else (like a larger screen) Apple does it. These companies all copy a good design, not each other.

You're thinking like an enthusiast. Google didn't design the pixel for us. They designed it so the person walking into the Verizon store will see it and think it looks good enough to pick up and try. They'll refine the design, but I'm pretty certain they won;t change drastically from what we see in the first gen, Pixel or the Nexus 4 or the Nexus 5 or the Nexus 6 or the Nexus 6P or the Nexus 5X


Moderator Captain
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Nov 16, 2010
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Alternatively, looking exactly like the HTC A9? While the idea that Apple copied HTC is hilarious, the 6 really did look like the A9.

Designers all gravitate towards the same style when they start to get good at it. Apple didn't copy HTC. HTC just found that good design and got it to market first. Bezels, flat thin backs and round corners are the direction every company but one is moving for a reason — that's what people want.

Using Apple as the example — you don't think Apple could design a phone any way they wanted to? They do, and the iphone looks the way it does because that's what people are buying and that's what people want. When people want something else (like a larger screen) Apple does it. These companies all copy a good design, not each other.

You're thinking like an enthusiast. Google didn't design the pixel for us. They designed it so the person walking into the Verizon store will see it and think it looks good enough to pick up and try. They'll refine the design, but I'm pretty certain they won;t change drastically from what we see in the first gen, Pixel or the Nexus 4 or the Nexus 5 or the Nexus 6 or the Nexus 6P or the Nexus 5X
I'm kinda hoping Google or another phone maker jumps on the 2-year design cycle just so more accessories get made.


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Mar 16, 2016
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Personally, I think they should have continued the Nexus line and have it made by different OEM's (Asus, Huawei, HTC, etc). They don't have a solid market/fans so I believe users depend their perception of quality to the maker.

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