i've calibrated my battery several times, following the different methods in the XDA forums, and no matter which method i follow (drain, plug in till full, plug in power off, etc...) my battery perecentage isn't accurate...at times it will drop down 30% after a reboot
so what do i need to do, why is this not working?
if i pull out the battery and turn on, reboot with no charger, power off and on with charger plugged, or whatever random thing i decide to try next, my % will jump anywhere, from 8% to 40%
what is the deal here, why can't i get this thing to be accurate?
so what do i need to do, why is this not working?
if i pull out the battery and turn on, reboot with no charger, power off and on with charger plugged, or whatever random thing i decide to try next, my % will jump anywhere, from 8% to 40%
what is the deal here, why can't i get this thing to be accurate?