Good morning,
I have recently joined a class with an international diverse group of individuals. They love whatsapp for social conversation. I'm just now learning it. Several of them post photos, which is great, but they are downloading to my image gallery and then uploading to Google Photos. Personally, I don't want their baby and vacation photos mingled with my photos.
I'm new to the Android platform. Is it possible to enjoy their photos in WhatsApp without them polluting my image gallery? There can be 30+ photos in a 24 hour period. I don't want to create a manual process of cleaning up my gallery and Google photos every day.
I have changed some settings already.
In Whatsapp > Settings > Chats and calls, I have deselected Media auto-download for all options. (Now, I don't see any photos. The photos don't display in my whatsapp chat. If I click on the image to download it, the image saves to the gallery)
I can't find "settings" in the Image Gallery app. If there is a way to change the Gallery settings I can't find them.
I have recently joined a class with an international diverse group of individuals. They love whatsapp for social conversation. I'm just now learning it. Several of them post photos, which is great, but they are downloading to my image gallery and then uploading to Google Photos. Personally, I don't want their baby and vacation photos mingled with my photos.
I'm new to the Android platform. Is it possible to enjoy their photos in WhatsApp without them polluting my image gallery? There can be 30+ photos in a 24 hour period. I don't want to create a manual process of cleaning up my gallery and Google photos every day.
I have changed some settings already.
In Whatsapp > Settings > Chats and calls, I have deselected Media auto-download for all options. (Now, I don't see any photos. The photos don't display in my whatsapp chat. If I click on the image to download it, the image saves to the gallery)
I can't find "settings" in the Image Gallery app. If there is a way to change the Gallery settings I can't find them.