When is Verizon note 5 getting nougat?

I don't know if it is to be honest. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't update it.
S7 Edge VZ and still waiting. Don't get too excited with your Note. It will be a while.
June is if we are lucky, the way Verizon handles these things. I'm guessing I'll be eligible to upgrade (September) before we see it.

I don't think so ... VRZ S7 and S7 plus will get upgrade today ...
So we are next on line .... Yay ...:)
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Still probably going to be a month for US carriers, Sprint is usually the first when it comes to updates and it has yet to be released for Sprint, here is hoping soon though but we just got a Security update a few days ago so perhaps at the end of the month or early April.
Verizon should release Note 5 "N" about 2 months after the release of the Note 8.