Where does the 7.0 update for the 6P stand now? I'm getting a warranty replacement.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2011
I'm a little lost at this point where the Nougat update for the 6P stands. I would have followed it closer but I have been using my 6P with 7.0 installed for a few weeks. Every time I think I understand everything Android, I end up here asking a basic question. I'm always learning!

Now I'm getting a warranty replacement tomorrow. My current 7.0 phone is going back. I assume the replacement is going to have Marshmallow on it out of the box.

I have recently read that Google pulled back on the 7.0 update only for the 6P and just released it again to the 6P in the past few days. I read "Android 7.0 Nougat factory and OTA images for Nexus 6P now up for grabs."

Does this mean the 7.0 update is going out as an OTA now? So - I can just use my replacement phone as is and it will soon be updated OTA?

Or - should I pull out those step-by-step directions to install the binary file myself? My only concern with that is will I still get the monthly security updates or will I be destined to do manual updates indefinitely?

Thanks for your help!
I'm 99% sure that the new update will go out OTA. Not everyone went the beta route to update to N so if they wouldn't release an OTA, none of those 6p's would get updated. I went the beta route and updated, and from all info I've seen, I'm in the same boat as you. I'm not seeing any drastic battery drain as some are, so far it's been the same as before. But of course people using the N previews were seeing much better battery life than they were on MM, so maybe that's what they're referring to. Anyways, hopefully we see something soon. We're getting close to the middle of the month which is when I usually see the monthly security patches.
....I went the beta route and updated...We're getting close to the middle of the month which is when I usually see the monthly security patches.

I'll be very curious to hear if you get the Sept security update. I don't know how long I can go back on MM. I really like 7.0 and did not experience battery drain like you said.
NRD90U is good, image posted. I had some troubles on the first release that was circulated and I sideloaded. Jankey performance and battery life was about the worst though. I'd say go ahead and start out clean with the latest rather than staying a while on M and then upgrading.
When I got my new phone (built 8/06/16) a few weeks ago I set it up as new and downloaded all the security patches through August and then signed up with the developer preview program and immediately got 7.0. I have had 0 issues with it on the clean install. I think doing this way helped since it's running awesome and gives great battery life.. 5.5 - 6 hours on screen time regularly and doze works as it should.
So my question to you guys (maxburn and MDMcAtee) is.... have you gotten the Sept security patch OTA? I don't know if you manually load this update or join the beta to get it, do you get the OTA updates from now on?
So my question to you guys (maxburn and MDMcAtee) is.... have you gotten the Sept security patch OTA? I don't know if you manually load this update or join the beta to get it, do you get the OTA updates from now on?

Yep... whether you sideloaded the OTA, flashed the full factory image, or waiting for the OTA to get pushed to you, well, over the air, your ability to take future updates isn't affected. The only time that process goes south is if you go in and modify the system image or replace the stock recovery with a custom recovery like TWRP.
Yep... whether you sideloaded the OTA, flashed the full factory image, or waiting for the OTA to get pushed to you, well, over the air, your ability to take future updates isn't affected. The only time that process goes south is if you go in and modify the system image or replace the stock recovery with a custom recovery like TWRP.

Great! I will look up those instructions again and install 7.0 tonight before I load any of my apps. Of course, I need to see if the new phone solves the problem the old phone was having first. Thanks for the help!

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