Who has decided to switch from an Android phone and buy an iPhone now?


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Nov 1, 2015
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I have not and likely will not but was curious as to how many are thinking of going that route. I have seen many comments where people seem to be strongly considering it.


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May 24, 2011
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I just switched my note 7 for an iPHONE 7 plus. I loved the Note but with more and more fires happening, the phone is going to lose to much value to justify paying $900 for now. The pixel killed it for me because of no ip68. No other phone besides the Note 7 and iPhone 7 are worth it to me.


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Feb 6, 2011
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IPhones are great phones...... for other people. I'm an Android guy and can't imagine any reason I would ever switch. But that's just me.


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Dec 15, 2009
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not me. I did use my dad iPhone 7 plus for one day before giving it to him. love the thinnest, battery life, and camera, but can't stand ios. the notification system can't touch Android N. all I can say is, all these pixel bashing sounds very familiar to last year when the 6p was announced. most ppl are writing it off before reviews come out or using it themselves. so far, most ppl who have played with the pixel really think it is a good phone. I personally am excited about Google assistant and the new camera speed. I can almost guarantee you we will hear the same thing next year how everyone will say the pixel is awesome, and pixel 2 isn't worth it.

edit: my wife is a long time iPhone user since iPhone 4, so I have experience with ios for much longer than just 1 day. previously I had to use it for a full week before I got a replacement phone, and did not enjoyed using it.
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Jul 9, 2012
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Funny, just goes to show how different perspectives can be. I'm a longtime Apple hardware and iPhone user and this is the first year since the original iPhone that I didn't get the new iPhone at launch---didn't even consider it as I found it ever so incremental over the 6s. And now I've pulled the trigger on a black Pixel XL, Google Home, will get the Daydream VR, Google Wifi and a Chromecast Ultra for my 4K TV. I've used Android to varying degrees since the Galaxy Nexus (half dozen phones, a few tablets, presently rocking Chromecasts and CC audios throughout the house) but finally think fully immersing in the Google ecosystem is worthwhile.

Now if Google would just hurry up and release the rumored Pixel 3, I'd be all set. :cool:


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Sep 12, 2010
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I have not and likely will not but was curious as to how many are thinking of going that route. I have seen many comments where people seem to be strongly considering it.

What does this have to do with the Pixel? Nexus dying off belongs in another forum. Unless your comment is that Pixel makes you so mad that you want to leave the OS all together.


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Mar 20, 2011
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No. I already carry an iPhone 6 for work, and an MXPE for my stuff. There are several good things about the iP 6 (camera, security updates), but I prefer the Android eco system. BTW, battery life in the iPhone is NOT better the way I use it. I take lots of photos for work, and use it as an actual voice phone.


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Nov 22, 2009
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I have no interest in the iPhone, but from the sounds of it, next year will be the year that Apple puts out an iPhone that will truly tempt people to switch. The design has been essentially the same for three years, with upgrades that do not justify the price. If the rumors about the anniversary edition next year are true, it will be interesting to see how many people get pulled toward Apple. Hopefully, the Android phone manufacturers, including Google, will step up, as well. It may be interesting to ask the same question in a few months.


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Oct 1, 2012
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I've switched back and forth between ios and android ever since verizon got the iPhone 4. Each time I switch there's something I miss about the other. I have an iPhone 6+ now and have missed android. I skipped the iPhone 7 because mine's doing just fine and there wasn't enough to make me go through the effort of an upgrade (plus, next year is the 10th anniversary so I expect something more impressive). But the thing that kept me from switching back had been the convenient Siri integration to set up appointments, reminders, timers, etc. Just something I personally use a lot. Now it sounds like the Pixel with its Google Assistant integration will give me a similar level of integration. So I've tentatively pre-ordered a Pixel XL and I'll be looking for some more in depth reviews in the next couple of weeks. Looking forward to it.


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Jul 16, 2010
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It hadn't even occurred to me. I do like Apple's camera using experience, and I appreciate their attention to color fidelity in screen calibration, and of course their build quality is top notch, but there's literally nothing else I personally find appealing about iPhones. But others clearly do, which is fine.

FWIW, if I were to purchase an iDevice it would be the larger iPad Pro, as a device for illustration. But at this point that's an expense that I can't justify when I have other good alternatives already.


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Sep 20, 2016
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IOS has a nice appearance but it is very basic, compared to android which has a world of possibilities. I know quite a few users who boast about their new iPhone 7 (even though it doesn't have an headphone jack), however I have no practical need nor desire to change my android device.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2011
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If the V20 sucks I may go iphone or pxl depending upon reviews. Right now iphone 7+ has problems with vzw data that rules it out for me


Oct 3, 2016
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From someone who's had both the iPhone and Android. I personally prefer Android. Don't get me wrong, I love my iPhone, but it's just easier for me to manage my files, write scripts, edit audio and photos, and utilize multiple applications on one file when needed. When I'm away from my computer and want to try something out, it's my go to gadget.

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