Why am I unable to Make In App Purchases in WWE Supercard?


AC Question

Unable to Make "In App Purchases" in WWE Supercard

I seem to have an issue making a purchase for credits in WWE Supercard on my Samsung Galaxy Note 4. It keeps telling me that a purchase is too high risk and it's being denied, prompting me to try again in 30 minutes. I am using my google play balance to pay, which has $32.00 in it. My account is not new. I made a purchase of an APP, Scribblenauts, with no issue at all. I then followed it up with a an in app purchase in Waldo & Friends for gems which cost 99 cents, and there was no problem there either. Why is it just this particular game? Im not seeing any cases of people being unable to buy credits among my friends and other players of the game. Any fixes?