Why are my downladed images not showing in gallery?


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2014
When I Bluetooth or download an image to my Galaxy S5 it used to create a download folder in the gallery. Now it downloads to the device/download folder. This happened on both my wife's and my phone but still functions correctly on our Tab4s.

I have tried several online remedies to no avail. Wonder if the last big AT&T update caused this problem.

PS-I found out I can download an image from the internet and it goes to the Gallery/Download folder. When I save/download an image from
a text message or email it goes to the device/download folder. Same for a Bluetooth transfer.
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B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
So are these images also not displaying in the Gallery itself?

I assume these folders you're referring to are only related to the Gallery app itself, and don't represent actual directory paths on your Internal Storage, correct? Using your My Files app, can you tell us what directories those various photo files are in (like /storage/sdcard0/Download)? For the ones that aren't displaying in the Gallery app, is there a file called ".nomedia" in the same directory?