Why do I keep getting incorrect password when trying to connect to WiFi?


New member
Mar 13, 2015
Keep getting "incorrect password" when trying to connect to WiFi

I just bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 for my mother (who is 83 and doesn't read English), and can't get it connected to the internet! She has a TimeWarner modem here, with a TP-Link router - her laptop connects fine via ethernet, and my own Galaxy Tab (not sure of model - bought it last year, an 8-incher) connects wirelessly (I input/saved the password when I was here last year, and it reconnected automatically with no fuss when I returned today). But when I enter the same password on this new Tab 4, I repeatedly get the message of "incorrect password" &/or authentication failure.
I've tried disconnecting the power to the router for a minute and then plugging it back in, as well as restarting the tablet (clicked on "forget" the network, then tried to connect again) - all to no avail. Under WiFi Networks, her listing/network shows up as "Secured (WPS available)" - I've tried the "WPS push button" and "WPS PIN entry" options, but after a minute or two of scanning, I always get the message "WPS failed. Try again in a few minutes". If it's of any relevance, her network security shows up as WPA2PSK, Signal strength: very strong.
I am only in the country for a few days, and if I can't get this sorted out before I leave, I will have gotten my mom's hopes up for nothing :-(
I worry that by pressing the WPS reset button on the router, I might mess up her internet connection altogether - leaving her with no internet at all!
Is anyone able to give me some advice?
Thank you!
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B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Re: Keep getting "incorrect password" when trying to connect to WiFi

Welcome to Android Central! Do you know for sure that you're typing in the correct password? It sounds like with your tablet, you were relying on the previously saved password--so are you sure you're remembering it correctly?

Can you log into the router and change the password? You'd need to know the router's login and password, of course.


New member
Mar 13, 2015
Re: Keep getting "incorrect password" when trying to connect to WiFi

I've set the Galaxy Tab 4 to "Show password" - I have a screenshot of the password on the computer, and that's what I used to input the password on my own tablet last year. I've also tried putting the password in so many times, I'm certain I've entered the right one.
Log into the router and change the password? Yikes? Are you familiar with PCs? Would that be under Control Panel\HomeGroup\Change the password? Not sure what the router's login would be, though... and, of course, I don't know what my mother did with the instructions manual that came with the router (but I'll google it and see if I can find one online).


New member
Mar 13, 2015

I apologize! Apparently the password I was entering (the one showing up under HomeGroup in Contol Panel) was not the password that was being asked for. When I went to TP-Link's website to look up how to find login and password for the router, and subsequently clicked on the Wireless tab, a different password showed up. Too darn many passwords in this world! Anyway, as soon as I typed in the password that showed up there, my mother's Galaxy Tab connected immediately. Thank you for your suggestion, as it guided me to the right place to find out what I was doing wrong!

B. Diddy

Senior Ambassador
Mar 9, 2012
Re: Solved!

Glad you figured it out! Yeah, the Homegroup thing is a specific Windows feature, and has nothing to do with Android devices. Multiple Windows computers on the same wireless local network can join the same Homegroup and easily share files and devices.