Why does it seem like all HTC android phones have terrible battery life?

Pain in the ass? Here are your steps to turn off LTE:

1) Add HTC 4G network power widget to your homescreen
2) Tap said widget
3) 4G network is off

If that's a pain in the ass, I'd hate to hear what you think of texting or listening to music...

thats funny!!
I didnt mean HTC would be the one that came up with said technology....I just think that there has been alot of money dumped into Battery Technology lately for Automobiles. So I dont see how some of whats been learned there cant be transformed or reversed engineered to work in upgrading a phones battery.

Sarcasm aside, the point I was getting at was that htc could have just engineered around a higher capacity battery in the short term, but they didn't. In fact, their batteries are getting smaller.

Only thing I know of is Lithium Air, and that's still pretty far from being viable. For the time being it's all about bigger batteries, low power hardware and efficient software. Or being plugged in every few hours.
This is true. Also let's not forget that the Incredible doesn't have LTE. No really knows how big of a strain it will be on the battery in the Thunderbolt. If the "rumors" are true and the phone is really only getting 3 hours of battery life with LTE then HTC has some serious tweaking to do.

I'd hope they didnt save testing the 4g on the phone for a few weeks before Launch(sarcasm). Wouldnt they have noticed that the battery was only lasting 3 hrs a LONG time ago and addressed it? It doesnt seem that they would overlook somthing that important all the way up to close to launch.
I'd hope they didnt save testing the 4g on the phone for a few weeks before Launch(sarcasm). Wouldnt they have noticed that the battery was only lasting 3 hrs a LONG time ago and addressed it? It doesnt seem that they would overlook somthing that important all the way up to close to launch.

There's not much they CAN do to address it. If the packaging of the phone was already set, a higher capacity battery would be out of the question. Their only option would have been software-based, and that can only do so much.
There's not much they CAN do to address it. If the packaging of the phone was already set, a higher capacity battery would be out of the question. Their only option would have been software-based, and that can only do so much.

I've seen kernel changes make a pretty significant difference. Here's hoping they don't just take the easy route and underclock it.
Eh... if there is any new battery technology on the horizon it'll end up in an Apple product first, not htc. I seriously think htc uses a dartboard to pick their battery capacities. I mean... 1500 mAh was clearly more than enough battery for the Evo, so their next round of 4.3" flagship phones obviously needed far less... right?

Then again when you can ride marketing, hype, and fanboys... who needs engineering?

Ha! HTC is very stingy with batteries for some reason.
The thunderbolt does not have terrible battery life.. Using a standard battery life expectation when dealing with an LTE modems in a mobile phone is not fair.

You are speaking of a device that when I did a speed test this am i am getting 21Mbs down... thats faster then some cable modems. So the fact that it drinks deeply out of the juice pack should be expected.

Do not let the reports from "insiders" sway your thoughts.. the device is quite good we just need battery tech to take it to the next level...

The Panda...
thanks panda, if you could give us an estimated hours running on lte moderate use?

an yea its def better than some cable speeds, cable company im a technician for offer 15 down, 750kb up...but max at 30 down. we are tryin to get to 50mb this year with a docsis 3.0 update, but thats getting delayed....similiar to the bolt with no official date
I'm used to terrible battery life, my bb tour lasts about 3 hour with moderate usage..can't wait to get rid of this thing
I think part of the issue is that HTC has a LOT of synching going on in the background, which eats battery life like crazy. Sense itself is just a battery hog, and HTC hasn't done a great job of tuning what processes are running.
I would undoubtedly agree with your notion. I've spoken to a HTC rep and they say that they're aware of the battery life on these phones... and is working on a fix for it. Oh, well - what can we do but to wait. :(
I would undoubtedly agree with your notion. I've spoken to a HTC rep and they say that they're aware of the battery life on these phones... and is working on a fix for it. Oh, well - what can we do but to wait. :(

Yea you know what HTC's answer to us Evo users was to fix battery life? Unplug the phone from the charger and wait about 5 minutes. Plug the phone up and let it charge until the green light comes on and then unplug it again. Pretty convenient huh? lol
I actually had decent battery life on my bold. Then I updated to Blackberry6....and I'm lucky if my battery last half a day. oh well, something I've gotten use to.
HTC phones with Sense UI tend to have poor battery. How the Sense UI runs in background and syncs just has poor power management. However the UI runs very smooth and is well optimize it just simply just need a battery to match it's performance.
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I actually get decent battery life with my HTC Shift. I can usually go about 12 to 14 hours before needing a charge. That's with fairly heavy use. That's nothing compared to my BB curve, I'll go all day without needing a charge but it only has 1/4 of the programs running on it. On actually pleasantly surprised how good battery life I get after reading so many threads about android poor battery life.
I actually get decent battery life with my HTC Shift. I can usually go about 12 to 14 hours before needing a charge. That's with fairly heavy use. That's nothing compared to my BB curve, I'll go all day without needing a charge but it only has 1/4 of the programs running on it. On actually pleasantly surprised how good battery life I get after reading so many threads about android poor battery life.

True but I believe it has do with that 800mhz processor it runs. The Qualcomm MSM7630, 800 MHz(Shift) and the Qualcomm MSM 7230(G2) seem to do well with or without sense. Those the G2 seem in comparison exceptional battery life were the Shift is OK.

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