Why does my Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 drain fast?


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Feb 7, 2016
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My Samsung Galaxy Tablet 4 Drains Fast

My Samsung Galaxy tablet 4 has major drainage issues like i can use the tablet normally but once it hits like 68% ish battery mark it drains so fast and it has been like this for awhile now. Awhile back my battery had a drainage issue and i sent it to samsung for a free repair (under warranty) and it worked for awhile and all of the sudden it went from if my battery was on 20% battery it would drain super quickly like how it is now instead its worse! It does that around the 68% ish percent mark and i have tried many things my last options are buying a new charger or replacing the battery. I am wondering if there is a way to fix this battery drain issue without going to those lengths.


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Sep 30, 2011
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Re: My Samsung Galaxy Tablet 4 Drains Fast

Have you looked at what apps are using the battery?

Settings/General/Battery/ Click on the button?

I found my 10.1 draining overnight and it was Evernote. I set it to sync less often. Problem solved. You may have a hardware issue---but you may not.