Why is my Samsung Galaxy S8 battery draining faster than usual?

Dan 5369

New member
Sep 24, 2017
I bought this phone at the beginning of the summer and all of a sudden during August the battery started draining faster when the display is on. Considering that I used to put the resolution on max and augmented brightness back when the battery was behaving normally, I can't say that doing those things are causing it to drain faster because I don't use those settings anymore and it is still draing fast and it is inconsistent with what the phone says it is draining the battery. This happens only when I use the display. I could play music from Spotify and blast it from a Bluetooth speaker for hours and the battery behaves normally. The phone also keeps telling me that I have a lot of hours left of battery life, but 1% battery drain takes away like 20 or 10 minutes.
Could be a change in your setting, one of your app update or system update that causes the additional battery drain. 1% battery drain in 20 or 10 minutes sounds ok, not unless you are used to seeing better numbers there.
Deactivate Google Location/History services.

I had the same problem and this made a big difference.

It is even scary to see how much data Google is collecting and sending. Even every time you open an app it will send details to Google.
Deactivate Google Location/History services.

I had the same problem and this made a big difference.

It is even scary to see how much data Google is collecting and sending. Even every time you open an app it will send details to Google.
Where can this be deactivated?

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