Why the received whatsapp media is not showing in the media section inside the whatsapp contact?


AC Question

I recently switched from iPhone to Samsung but there are somethings that I haven't grasped till now. On iPhone, usually we can delete whatsapp received pictures from gallery but still see them in whatsapp, on android we can't. So i made a nomedia file to hide those whatsapp pictures from my gallery although that's not the ultimate solution (would be very happy receiving any other solutions). Now the problem is that when I want to search for a picture that someone sent me 2 weeks ago on whatsapp, I press his name on whats app, go through the media and guess what ! only pictures I sent will be shown in the media section, not those received. can anyone help me please? I've been living like that for the last 3 weeks, and I'm not able to adapt.

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