will evo shift get ics


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Feb 22, 2011
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will evo shift get ics or not?

We shift owners are the red-headed step-children of HTC. Our devices will be abandoned in some back alley very shortly (if you've noticed lately, they already have been). We can't even get what's already available for other HTC models. Not much hope for those who want/need a slider. So we need to see what offerings Sprint gives us in the upcoming year and go from there. Or switch carriers.
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Sep 2, 2011
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Ok there are 3 aosp ics beta roms and maybe if we are lucky and wait there is a dev waiting for the evo design ics update that he may port to the shift dor us
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Jul 17, 2012
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----- Forwarded Message -----
From: HTC <contact_us@htc.com>
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2012 8:36 PM
Subject: Regarding your message
Dear Steve,

Hi Steve. Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately the Evo Shift 4G will not be receiving the ICS update. Again, I apologize for any inconvenience. Devices not being upgraded to Android 4.0 will still get software improvements, security fixes, and technical support as needed.

Please keep an eye on our social networking pages such as Facebook and Twitter.

Just to let you know, you can visit our self help website at HTC - Mobile Phones, Smartphones, Cell Phones, Tablets. On that site you can get some tips and tricks about your phone as well as your user guide.

Again thank you for choosing HTC, and if you have any further questions you can always email us back, we are open 6am to 1am EST.

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