Will there be a Note 6 Edge?


Retired Moderator
Feb 21, 2013
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I wish there would be a Note 6 Edge. I am currently using my Note Edge as my daily phone and leaving my Note 5/S7 Edge at home every day. I love my Note Edge. One of the best phones ever.


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Sep 1, 2014
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I thin there will be but Samsung needs to find a way to make the edge more than just another gimmick.

I'm eligible to update but if the Note 6 is just the same design, no removable battery, no 4k screen and an edge that doesn't provide much I'll pass.

I would love to see an edge function panel, with options like silence


Retired Moderator
Feb 21, 2013
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I thin there will be but Samsung needs to find a way to make the edge more than just another gimmick.

I'm eligible to update but if the Note 6 is just the same design, no removable battery, no 4k screen and an edge that doesn't provide much I'll pass.

I would love to see an edge function panel, with options like silence

The Note Edge from last year was no gimmick. It actually had some very useful features unlike the S7 edge today. I have both phones and I never use the edge "features" on the S7 Edge.

If they make a Note Edge once again that has the same features as the S7 Edge, it's not worth buying.

I'm currently using my Note Edge as my daily phone once again and absolutely love it. I bought two extra batteries just to have for when my two originals start wearing out.


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Sep 1, 2014
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The Note Edge from last year was no gimmick. It actually had some very useful features unlike the S7 edge today. I have both phones and I never use the edge "features" on the S7 Edge.

If they make a Note Edge once again that has the same features as the S7 Edge, it's not worth buying.

I'm currently using my Note Edge as my daily phone once again and absolutely love it. I bought two extra batteries just to have for when my two originals start wearing out.
True I was referring to the s6, s7 versions the edge really doesn't provide anything there because it's too small for real quick benefits.

The Note Edge had a lot going for it but Samsung never put in and effort to really make the edge a standout feature.


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Nov 18, 2014
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I thin there will be but Samsung needs to find a way to make the edge more than just another gimmick.

I'm eligible to update but if the Note 6 is just the same design, no removable battery, no 4k screen and an edge that doesn't provide much I'll pass.

I would love to see an edge function panel, with options like silence

A gimmick to who? You? Lol the people (like me) who own one are not complaining. The S6/7 Edge is "gimmick" in every sense of rhe word. If you are assuming that the current Note Edge operates like the S6/7 Edge, you are sadly mistaken. It is absolutely no comparison.

Posted Via Galaxy Note Edge. Yea, the phone is perfect...


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Dec 8, 2014
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Edge panel must contain at the minimum the same exact functionality as the current Note Edge. Anybody that owns one knows what I am talking about.

Posted Via Galaxy Note Edge. Yea, the phone is perfect...

I thin there will be but Samsung needs to find a way to make the edge more than just another gimmick.

I'm eligible to update but if the Note 6 is just the same design, no removable battery, no 4k screen and an edge that doesn't provide much I'll pass.

I would love to see an edge function panel, with options like silence



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Jun 29, 2011
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I'm afraid they will all be dual edge with a glass back. If so prepare to pay huge deductibles when you crack the glass.


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Jun 29, 2011
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I'm not worried. Haven't cracked my S7 Edge :).
I'm clumsier than the average bear. No question I would bump it and drop it. Even with a case many reports of cracks front and back. If there were no deductible fee fine but I cannot afford $150 every time I drop my phone or bump it against something. My Note 3 takes this abuse without any sign of damage. No way S7E does.

I'm also not one of those people who doesn't mind using a cracked or chipped phone.


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Apr 17, 2012
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I'm clumsier than the average bear. No question I would bump it and drop it. Even with a case many reports of cracks front and back. If there were no deductible fee fine but I cannot afford $150 every time I drop my phone or bump it against something. My Note 3 takes this abuse without any sign of damage. No way S7E does.

I'm also not one of those people who doesn't mind using a cracked or chipped phone.

I dropped mine in a case hard enough to scratch the case up a ton and take an actual chunk out of my hand that I had to go to the doctors for.. No issue.

As with any phone.. Depends on how it drops. My Mom dropped her iPhone in a case.. A small drop nothing major and it knocked stuff internally out of whack (screen didn't respond to touch). Had to take it to Apple to fix.


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I dropped mine in a case hard enough to scratch the case up a ton and take an actual chunk out of my hand that I had to go to the doctors for.. No issue.
I'm sure you read about many cases here where people have dropped the phone very short distances with more serious results. You got lucky. If it hits the bend in the glass it will usually break. I've read of cases in which a drop measured in inches resulted in cracks. If you choose to believ the S7E is a robust phone fine. I don't. Hope the hand is ok.


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Apr 17, 2012
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I'm sure you read about many cases here where people have dropped the phone very short distances with more serious results. You got lucky. If it hits the bend in the glass it will usually break. I've read of cases in which a drop measured in inches resulted in cracks. If you choose to believ the S7E is a robust phone fine. I don't. Hope the hand is ok.

Anyone gets lucky when they drop their phone. I have seen them crack from the tiniest fall whereas other people have literally kicked them across a parking lot for them to tumble a ton and nothing but a scuff or two.

It is fine you don't like the S7 / S7 Edge being glass but you go around to a TON of threads to constantly bash it as if it will instantly crack no matter what anyone else says. If someone (like I did) says otherwise you explain how the internet somehow has a metric on cracked phones and you know this is an epidemic... when for years we have seen issues in forums pop up more than you would hear anywhere else since this is where a lot of people come for help and discussion on these things. Am I saying the phone doesn't have the potential to crack more due to glass? Absolutely not .. it is glass after-all. I am saying though that just because it is glass doesn't also guarantee an instant bust just because it is. If it is in a case it helps and caseless has ALWAYS been a gamble.

If anything I have seen more broken iPhones than I have ever seen of any other phone. Does it mean they are bad? No. It means people are careless with devices and drop them when in a rush and crack their screens or bust up the glass (in the case of the S7 / S7 Edge). Now this doesn't fit everyone (nothing ever does) since some have an actual accident but that is why insurance is there. If you KNOW you're clumsy then you really should just use your judgment and not get a phone that you think you will break easily. Simple as that. That is why products like the S7 Active exist -- for this very reason.

People hated on Samsung for plastic for YEARS .. they change and now everyone is shocked and I don't get why. They did what majority wanted .. a sleek / sexy look versus durability.


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Anyone gets lucky when they drop their phone. I have seen them crack from the tiniest fall whereas other people have literally kicked them across a parking lot for them to tumble a ton and nothing but a scuff or two.
From what I have read I've concluded the S7E is more delicate than most phones. The curves in the glass and the glass back make it that way. You're free to disagree but I won't be convinced otherwise. In this case common sense and dozens of complaints agree. Plastic and metal are less likely to shatter than glass.


Moderator Team Leader
Apr 17, 2012
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From what I have read I've concluded the S7E is more delicate than most phones. The curves in the glass and the glass back make it that way. You're free to disagree but I won't be convinced otherwise. In this case common sense and dozens of complaints agree. Plastic and metal are less likely to shatter than glass.

And I am not trying to convince you but please do the same and stop trying to convince everyone else that just because it is glass it means it will insta-break no matter what.


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Jun 29, 2011
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Sorry, I have a terrible memory. I tend to respond only to the most recent posts. I participate in a number of forums simultaneously and often respond to the most recent post without remembering the context.
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