You Mail App


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2009
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Has anyone noticed the YouMail App causing their moment to randomly shut down?

I ask because I've had a massive problems with the Moment (and I am on #4), and I'm thinking that's the cause.

I've been on the phone with Sprint Tech Support, and one of them finally suggested taking my phone back to factory specs, and then adding my apps back one by one, giving several hours in between in order to see if we could locate a problem with an app. I've done just that, and YouMail was the second app I added back, and all of a sudden, it started randomly shutting itself down (and the only way to bring it back up is to do a battery pull). It's also had a TERRIBLE battery drain and my phone has been running hot.

As of now, I've been YouMail free for almost 24 hours, and I haven't had a shutdown or low battery.

Anyone else have any issues as such?



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Jan 1, 2010
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Sounds like you had a problem like I did, it appears some apps that are running in the background will utilize the processor and cause it to overheat. I never did figure out which one of my apps did it, I just reset mine, and only added apps I needed.. Been a *LOT* better so far.


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Feb 20, 2010
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It was definitely the YouMail app and the problems definitely started about a week ago. I had the exact same issues: the screen would turn off and the phone would overheat. The only way to restore it was by taking the battery out and turning off the phone.

If you waited too long, though, you'd find the battery had completely drained. If you caught it within a few minutes the battery would only be mostly drained.

That it was sucking battery power that fast makes me think that it wasn't off or locked up. What was probably happening is that YouMail was trying to sync in the background and - for some reason - failing.

I started the frustrating process of removing programs one by one, with the most recently installed first. I only got to YouMail yesterday and - just like you - since removing it I haven't had any problems. Something changed on their end between when I first installed it about a month ago and when it started causing problems. *Insanely* frustrating.


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Feb 20, 2010
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YouMail knows about the problem

From YouMail CS, 2010-02-20:

Essentially there is something that the YouMail app is doing that is
causing the phone to think it needs to stay "awake". This causes a
battery charge to last significantly less than it should. It could be
that some of the "custom" changes HTC made to Android may be causing
the problem.

Our android developer is currently working on this fix for the next release.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2009
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I'm glad to know what the problem is - and I'm glad I got rid of it. As much as I liked the "cute" things about youmail - calling callers by name (Hi Rebecca...Melissa can't answer the phone...), it's not worth the crap I went through to keep it. Also, it didn't just start recently - it's been doing it since I got my Moment in December. I've been through 4 phones trying to find the problem, and it was YouMail all along...

Regardless, I'll just use the visual voicemail that comes with the Moment and be just as satisfied!