Zagg HD screen protector


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Jun 9, 2010
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Anyone had experiences with these? I've never been fond of the regular protectors because of the orange peel effect they give the screen, but someone at Best Buy mobile showed me the HD version today.


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Dec 27, 2010
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So what's different about the HD version? I had a Zagg on my Pre and could only stand it for a day. It just felt horrible...

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


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Nov 2, 2010
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I bought a Zagg HD and now that it's properly on the phone I'm ok with it. It's not cut right or at least the one that I purchased. It was a pain to get the cut out for the proximity sensor to line up. But the clarity is much better than the original Zagg I had on my OG EVO. And it doesn't feel as rubbery.


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Jun 9, 2010
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So what's different about the HD version? I had a Zagg on my Pre and could only stand it for a day. It just felt horrible...

Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

The HD version is supposed to be crystal clear and get rid of the orangepeel look of the original versions.

I never liked the ones I had on my Pre and Evo 4G. They seemed to affect the touch input on the device as well (very much so on the Pre, not so much on the 4G). I didn't bother with one on my Evo 3D, but I'm pretty careful with my phone, and with the GG on them, I didn't think it was worth the investment.

My thought; if you figured out how to improve your product, why not just make one type, not the base and the "HD" version and charge more?


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May 16, 2010
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I just bought the Zagg HD at Best Buy a couple of hours ago and Best Buy was kind enough to put it on for me with no extra charge.

I never liked the original Zagg because of the orange peel effect and the rubbery texture it has. But after reading some positive feedback on the HD version, I decided to give it a try.

With the Zagg HD, the orange peel is still there, and the screen still feels rubbery, but not as much as the original.

When the screen is on, the screen still looks crisp and clear, as if the screen protector is not there. But when there's a reflection on the screen, you do see the orange peel effect.

I just got it today, so I'll see how it goes when it comes to scratches after I've used it for a while.

Here are some screenshots with the screen OFF and screen ON w/ reflection.


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May 16, 2012
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I just bought the Zagg HD at Best Buy a couple of hours ago and Best Buy was kind enough to put it on for me with no extra charge.

I never liked the original Zagg because of the orange peel effect and the rubbery texture it has. But after reading some positive feedback on the HD version, I decided to give it a try.

With the Zagg HD, the orange peel is still there, and the screen still feels rubbery, but not as much as the original.

When the screen is on, the screen still looks crisp and clear, as if the screen protector is not there. But when there's a reflection on the screen, you do see the orange peel effect.

I just got it today, so I'll see how it goes when it comes to scratches after I've used it for a while.

Here are some screenshots with the screen OFF and screen ON w/ reflection.

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Looks good but it's better on the HTC ONE X... LoL

Sent from my HTC One X using Android Central Forums


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2011
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I never liked Zagg but the HD that Best Buy put on looks and feels great. Nothing like the old kind. At least the HD, that is.

Trust me...I used to bad mouth Zagg all the time but I have no hesitancy to recommend the HD.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
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Best buy in Honolulu
was selling the the original for 20.00 dollars
and the HD for 25.00
of course I paid the extra 5 dollars. And am very happy with the results
Jul 24, 2010
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Best Buy installed an HD on my Evo when I picked it up on Thursday. MUCH better than standard ZAGG skins. There is very minimal orange peel, it's perfectly clear, and it feels less "grippy" than a regular skin. Viewing the screen straight on you can't even tell it's there.