Extended Battery Sucks Help:(


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2011
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So I Just Got My New Rezound And Extended Battery From Verizon On Monday
Fully Charged Stock And Extended Battery First Then I Turned On For The First Time with extended battery and it sucked My Batteriy died in less than 7 hours without 4g or 3g data off . I Tought It Was The Battery And Exchanged It But Its Still The Same After 4 days
Should I Call Once Again Verizon And See What They Can Do Or Is It Something Else
Please Help Me :(:(:(


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2011
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You have something not letting your phone go to sleep. Under power in the settings menu, you can see (mostly) what is using your battery. Can't tell you with out more info.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2011
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You still have an app running or something updating in the background, GPS on the whole time, something. I can surf on 4g for about 5 total hours a day with the extended battery.


Well-known member
Aug 7, 2010
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Interesting thread. So I swapped out my Rezound as it was "defective" (didn't see the boot loop threads). Other than that issue I was getting 17 to 18 hours out of my phone with the extended battery. My wife who is a light user can get about 36 or so hours. Anyways, got the new phone, rebuilt everything, and BLAM!!! I was getting 6 hours off of the extended battery with the replacement. Keep in mind that I configured this phone the same as my prior one. Only one POP email account, Ubertwitter only updating every 30 minutes, weather app only updating every three hours, etc.. (IOW relatively miserly). As far as I can tell the two main culprits are the display and that damned Verizon Location Agent. I am willing to bet that there is a problem with the display in the phone. There is no way it should be drawing as much juice as the battery status says it is. Anyway a new one is on the way and should be here by tomorrow.


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2011
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Interesting thread. So I swapped out my Rezound as it was "defective" (didn't see the boot loop threads). Other than that issue I was getting 17 to 18 hours out of my phone with the extended battery. My wife who is a light user can get about 36 or so hours. Anyways, got the new phone, rebuilt everything, and BLAM!!! I was getting 6 hours off of the extended battery with the replacement. Keep in mind that I configured this phone the same as my prior one. Only one POP email account, Ubertwitter only updating every 30 minutes, weather app only updating every three hours, etc.. (IOW relatively miserly). As far as I can tell the two main culprits are the display and that damned Verizon Location Agent. I am willing to bet that there is a problem with the display in the phone. There is no way it should be drawing as much juice as the battery status says it is. Anyway a new one is on the way and should be here by tomorrow.

The Verizon Location Agent has been causing a fair amount of problems on my Rezound. I used an app called system panel to monitor battery drain and VLA keeps showing up as being a huge problem. Naturally, I can't remove it without rooting, and I'm not ready to go that far yet. The problem is not the phone or the battery. As usual, it's carrier crapware no one wants that's causing the headaches. (Every carrier gets their own section in the market.. why can't they just post their garbage there and let the customers decide what to install? There's no need to be this difficult.)

Anyway, looks like Verizon is aware: if you check the change log for the leak, the VLA shows up as having been removed for this very reason.

[Update: Changelog Added] Exclusive Download: Android 4.0 (Build 3.11.605.22) With Updated Radios For The HTC Rezound

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