Solution to battery life problem


Mar 2, 2013
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If you're having battery problems, or just a minor gripe about battery life, I suggest you download JuiceDefender.

To give you an idea on my battery life now... from 100% battery, I can use screen time for about 3 hours while surfing, playing games, texting, etc. and it will only be at 50-60 %.

Therefore, it will last up to 6-7 hours screentime, or over 2 days idling. Or 5 hours screentime + a day idling.

I will test it again by posting screenshots of my day today and tomorrow and let you guys know how amazing that app is at saving battery.
Just my two cents


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May 17, 2012
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This app really is incredible. Just bought it two days ago. My Nexus 4 still had about 60% left with 2.5 hours sot at the end of the day. As a test I installed it on my wife's gs3 without telling her. Her phone always runs dead by about 5-6 pm. When she got home she had 70% better left and was like "what's wrong with my phone it lasts for eternity!" definitely worth the purchase, and honestly I used to be a skeptic.

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Mar 15, 2012
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If rooted i would also suggest greenify. Its done wonders for my battery.

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Mar 2, 2013
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Let me present to you all... what Juice Defender can do:


From 100% to 13% battery left; throughout yesturday
-I have had an idle time of 20 hours, essentially one day.
-I have had screen time for FIVE HOURS and 18 minutes
-During the screentime, I have played on that GBA emulator for 20 minutes,
-I have used firefox for web browsing extensively, including searches and webpages.
-I have looked up my subscriptions in Google currents for 15 minutes in total
-I have done lots of text messaging, sent a couple WhatsApp messages
-I have had skype IM chats
-I have used twitter, facebook, instagram and tumblr extensively (these don't even show up on the battery life consumption! amazing!), as well as have push notification for them on
-I read a couple pages on reddit
-I have idled with screen on, MANY TIMES, just turning my phone on and off, looking at JuiceDefender's quick and amazing statuses.
-I made 2 phone calls 5-10 minutes long

And I still have 13% left, which would have resulted in another half hour to an hour of screen time left, or another 5 hours of idle time.

I didn't even have to use any location services, which, I have turned on. Imagine if I turned that off.

Final verdict: Download JuiceDefender.
To answer the above question, I'd reccomend JuiceDefender ultimate, but the free version does things just fine.


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Mar 4, 2013
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did you mention what mode you are running juice defender on, Im really tired and probably overlooked it...
Im trying out the free version and am running on "balanced" mode.


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Feb 25, 2013
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I just downloaded Juice Free, going to have to really test it out tomorrow since I'm already mid battery. I have been getting about 4 hours screen time without Juice Defender, so we'll see what happens. If it's really worth it I'll purchase the full version.


Mar 2, 2013
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I use JuiceDefender Ultimate. But the only settings that are different in Ultimate from the free version is that i set my phone to schedule to turn off all data and connection during night time when i sleep. Thats the only difference in ultimate for me personally. There are a TON more options in Ultimate if you decide to purchase it.

Otherwise, In free version, use the advance/customize mode and customize each and every setting yourself. Balanced mode is pretty much my custom settings so it should be good for you!

My two cents


Mar 2, 2013
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I am really astounded by the app. It turns off the data when your phone is off, yet still pushes notifications and updates. So when you turn on your phone, they will be there for you to check. That saves ALOT of battery.

Also, I noted I played on the GBA emulator for 20 minutes. And that was like one of the top 5 battery drainers. Imagine if I had not played it, and imagine if I had turned location services off. I could have easily gotten an extra hour of screen time or another 3 hours of idle.

I really am trying to aim for 2 days though, with 5 hours of screen time on average. I'll let you guys know what else I can do, play around with and update you all on how to save even more battery life. Im certain its possible to get 2 days of battery doing regular activities such as texting, surfing the web, entertainment, facebook, twitter, etc. Somehow.

Edit: I also forgot to mention in my post that I checked email quite extensively as well as downloaded alot of google play apps during my testing. I basically used every single app on my phone during those 24 hours, and I still had 13% battery left.


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Oct 15, 2010
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I'm curious what brightness setting you are using? My office is very bright so I usually have mine set at 75% or higher. Could use a boost, will check it out.


Mar 2, 2013
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I'm curious what brightness setting you are using? My office is very bright so I usually have mine set at 75% or higher. Could use a boost, will check it out.

At the time of my testing, I swapped between 20% brightness and 0 brightness. I know a higher brightness will probably drain battery more, so I'm going to say if I used 50%-75% brightness instead during the testing, I would get 1 and half hour less screen time. Which is a huge compromise unfortunately:(

But then again the only times we usually would raise our brightness is outside, where the sun hits, and you only turn on your phone for miminal texting or browsing for a couple minutes.


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Oct 15, 2010
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At the time of my testing, I swapped between 20% brightness and 0 brightness. I know a higher brightness will probably drain battery more, so I'm going to say if I used 50%-75% brightness instead during the testing, I would get 1 and half hour less screen time. Which is a huge compromise unfortunately:(

But then again the only times we usually would raise our brightness is outside, where the sun hits, and you only turn on your phone for miminal texting or browsing for a couple minutes.

Thanks. I wish you said you were on full bright:) I will report back with results.


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Sep 23, 2011
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I tried it when first got my N4 and got an error message about an incompatibility with the ROM.

Has any one compared it to Qualcomm's Battery Guru?

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Uncle Reemus

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Jan 16, 2013
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I love JD ultimate on my GS3! I usually get around 20 hours on average with about 4 hours of screen time.
I keep my brightness set at about 60-75% depending on where I'm at, but it never goes below 60%.
Best $5 that I could have spent on my phone!!!

Sent from my AT&T Galaxy S3


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Nov 25, 2009
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I thought long ago apps like Juice Defender were proven to only make battery life worse and never really did what they claimed. I stayed away from them ever since.


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Nov 25, 2009
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Well a master reset and plugged into the charger for 3 hours seems to have fixed it. Since then it's been discharging normally.

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May 17, 2012
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I thought long ago apps like Juice Defender were proven to only make battery life worse and never really did what they claimed. I stayed away from them ever since.

Well, based on about 8 accounts here we have "proven" that it improves battery life. Honestly how could it not by intelligently managing the 2nd biggest drainer of battery?

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Nov 25, 2009
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Well I just personally don't buy into those apps. My fix was a master reset for the original battery drain problem. Other than that my battery life is fine. I have no complaints. I can get 18-30 hours on a full charge and that's good enough for me.

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Mar 4, 2013
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Im happy this topic came back up.
My experience with Juice Defender and other Apps like EasyBatterySaver have not been great.

This pic is when I was running JuiceDefender for about 3 days. I thought it was not working right since my battery life was suffering but I figured everyone says to give it a few cycles to learn your habits and work properly. You can see the long gradual decline in the middle, this is when I was sleeping. SOMETHING was causing a pretty bad drain at night. I got good hours out of the battery but poor usage.

This was taken today. I uninstalled JuiceDefender yesterday and gave it a full charge. I read some articles on Pulse for about an hour and a bit before bed(couldnt sleep). The flatline is where I was asleep, and again when I was driving to work. The drain is gone and I got more usage out of the battery already.. Only change is uninstalling JuiceDefender.

I know these results aren't typical as people seem to be having good results with this app, and apps like it, but they don't seem to work on my phone.
EasyBatterySaver yielded similar results. I uninstalled and noticed better battery life instantly.......


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Feb 25, 2013
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I had the same experience as Pimp, my phone lost about 1.5 hours screen on time. And my battery drained way faster, I even removed weather widgets, news widgets, calendar syncs, etc. Because I didn't want to believe the JD was the root cause. I removed it again, I'm going to fully charge and test without to see if I get my 4 hrs+ screen on time like I was prior.

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