Went back to my iPhone 5s.....


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Jan 24, 2011
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iMessage works across All of Apple's ecosystem. If you get a message on your phone, you can respond on you iPad, iPod, Mac, or iPhone ( same with Facetime video and HD Voice calling)
iMessage also work on wifi, so even if you are in an area where signal isn't great inside your house, it's a non issue if texting.
And, as one other mentioned, Apple doesn't compress photo's or video messages.
And, Say someone sent you a picture message yesterday and maybe even a few days before that, and then today sent you 3 more picture messages: all you have to do it tap on one, get it full screen, then then I can just swipe the pictures to go back and forth thru All of the picture messages sent from that person.
On android, if someone sends me 2 pictures back to back. I can view one, then I have to go Back into the message feed, and then click on the second, SO annoying.

Hangouts isn't even close to iMessage. I think hangouts kind of sucks. I have 4.4.2 on my LG G2 and don't use hangouts at all. its boring white background and poorly implementation is just not for me. I use my default message app instead.
hangouts and ALL android phones compress all pictures and videos.

Hmm... When I send full res photos through hangouts, it downloads to the same size.

Don't get me wrong, I think ios has the most elegant text messaging set up. I prefer it visually. But in the end it's a small thing and don't see it as note worthy advantage. Hangouts is perfectly fine and constantly improving.

Also hangouts is available across more platforms including pc/Mac. In that way, it's superior.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk


Aug 18, 2011
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Hasn't Apple been losing ground (I thought I even read the had even been over taken) to Android for a while now? I know Apple still has its diehards, but I thought the gap has been closing or had closed recently rather quickly.

As for the imessage thing, Ya it's great, if the person on the other end has an iPhone. Hangouts runs across multiple platforms, while iMessage is Apple only, as per Apple's MO. Apple continues to lose ground to Google because they are so stubborn. They don't want to share, never have. I mean the government has even begun test using Android devices over BlackBerry, which to me I always pictured Apple being that company. I will even point towards iOS7 and how they pushed it out even after testers telling them it wasn't ready (See Apple Maps, which is still horrible). I saw an article written where people still use Chrome, Maps and other Google services on their Apple devices over the Apple equivalent.

Apple isn't going anywhere, but they are not the company they once where. Idk maybe losing Steve Jobs was a bigger blow than people thought. iPhone was revolutionary, and to me Apple took that reputation and ran with it for to long.

Accused Samsung and Verizon fanboy from my Verizon Galaxy S5
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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2013
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Hmm... When I send full res photos through hangouts, it downloads to the same size.

It maybe does full res if sending from computer to computer, but all android phones compress images because the carriers require it. iMessages side steps the carrier completely and isn't subject to that restriction.

Also hangouts is available across more platforms including pc/Mac. In that way, it's superior.

To me just because I can install it on iOS and android doesn't make it more superior because you are installing an inferior product.

App quality is another issue between the two OS'. I just bought a iPhone 5S and kept it 14 days and then took it back to AT&T, but I also carried my LG G2 with me at the same time.
Facebook, G+ , Starbuck, Geico, My bank app, Calendar, iOS native mail client, native Visual Voicemail, Siri, Shazam, One Note, OneDrive, WoW Armory (just to name a few of many) are all Way higher quality on iOS.
heck, even google released Chrome for iOS several weeks before android phones got it.

Obviously I like android or I wouldn't have taken the iPhone 5s back to AT&T and kept my G2. I also agree hangouts is improving.
You hit the nail on the head right here:

But in the end it's a small thing

THAT is what makes apple (imo) better than android. Apple does less things but the things it does, it does them more elegantly, more polished etc Because Apple pays attention to the Little things. A bunch of little things add up.
Cut, Copy and Paste is 10x better on iOS than whatever android calls their version of that.
Things like being able to swipe thru 5 photos from a friend without having to go back n forth from the thread to view one at a time like android and hangouts requires.
Mail on iOS automatically sizes All emails to Fit the screen, on android, you have to pinch/zoom all over the place to get it to fit in the screens display.
iOS mail also auto downloads all pictures, no ? things all over the place. Safari has bookmarks at the bottom that when clicked, just pop up, on Chrome, it literally loads bookmarks like its a new web page.
What I hate about iPhone is the tiny 4" mini display. I prefer a 5" to 5.5" display (G2 5.2" might be perfect) and 1080p like all flagship android phones support.
I like being able to put my apps where I want them, not some auto moving grid that Apple forces on me... can't tell you how much I hate that.
And now, thanks to iOS 7, I hate the Rainbow Bright colors.. they make me want to puke. I tried to like the colors, trying to convince myself they were bright and easy to read and then I threw up in my mouth a little.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2013
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Not that I know of. Hangouts does live video calls but doesn't send a previously recorded video.

Sent from my T-Mobile Note 3 using AC Forums.

iMessage works across All of Apple's ecosystem. If you get a message on your phone, you can respond on you iPad, iPod, Mac, or iPhone ( same with Facetime video and HD Voice calling)
iMessage also work on wifi, so even if you are in an area where signal isn't great inside your house, it's a non issue if texting.
And, as one other mentioned, Apple doesn't compress photo's or video messages.
And, Say someone sent you a picture message yesterday and maybe even a few days before that, and then today sent you 3 more picture messages: all you have to do it tap on one, get it full screen, then then I can just swipe the pictures to go back and forth thru All of the picture messages sent from that person.
On android, if someone sends me 2 pictures back to back. I can view one, then I have to go Back into the message feed, and then click on the second, SO annoying.

Hangouts isn't even close to iMessage. I think hangouts kind of sucks. I have 4.4.2 on my LG G2 and don't use hangouts at all. its boring white background and poor implementation is just not for me. I use my default message app instead.
hangouts and ALL android phones compress all pictures and videos.

Thanks for the responses. I don't use text messaging as much as many other people do and the subtle differences are lost on me.


Dec 23, 2009
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Lots of people have kicked the habit of drinking the Apple Kool-Aid! :D

As I stated earlier, more have switched from Android to iPhone than vice-versa. And, on the 4 major U.S.carriers, iPhones count for over half of all their smartphone sales. The 5s is #1 on all, and the lowly 5c is #2 or #3, depending on which carrier. Lots of people have kicked the habit, but they are still going strong, and getting stronger in the U.S.. Now, worldwide, it's another story as their prices are too high for many overseas countries.

Greg C

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Jan 11, 2013
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I have a few coworkers who switched from the Apple to Android. Two reasons given the most is that the IPhone screen is too small and And is easier and more customizable to use.


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Jan 10, 2013
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I have the Note3 and 5s, but if I had to choose only one smartphone, I would choose the Note3 because of the SCREENSIZE and the ability of total customization. Don't get me wrong I like my Gold 5s a lot for the simplicity and ease of use, but I like my Note3 better for what I use a smartphone for nowadays.
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Apr 28, 2014
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iMessage? seriously? I guess you are another Apple victim.

Have you ever heard of WhastApp or the other alternatives and popular IM around?


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
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Hasn't Apple been losing ground (I thought I even read the had even been over taken) to Android for a while now? I know Apple still has its diehards, but I thought the gap has been closing or had closed recently rather quickly.

As for the imessage thing, Ya it's great, if the person on the other end has an iPhone. Hangouts runs across multiple platforms, while iMessage is Apple only, as per Apple's MO. Apple continues to lose ground to Google because they are so stubborn. They don't want to share, never have. I mean the government has even begun test using Android devices over BlackBerry, which to me I always pictured Apple being that company. I will even point towards iOS7 and how they pushed it out even after testers telling them it wasn't ready (See Apple Maps, which is still horrible). I saw an article written where people still use Chrome, Maps and other Google services on their Apple devices over the Apple equivalent.

Apple isn't going anywhere, but they are not the company they once where. Idk maybe losing Steve Jobs was a bigger blow than people thought. iPhone was revolutionary, and to me Apple took that reputation and ran with it for to long.

Accused Samsung and Verizon fanboy from my Verizon Galaxy S5

The iPhone 5s sold 2.75 million untis in 24 hours. The iPhone 5c sold 1.32 million in 24 hours. So in one day Apple sold 4.07 million iPhones.

Not to start a war but ya Apple isnt worried. iOS 7 is fantastic for what it is. Not sure why the hate on it so much. As far as Apple Maps, that was back in iOS 6 and ya it wasnt that good then, but I have had no issues on iOS 7 when I was using it.

As far as Hangouts vs iMessage is concerned its not even close. iMessage trumps it 10 fold IMO. But thats all personal preference.

For the record I am still using the galaxy s5 :)


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
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iMessage? seriously? I guess you are another Apple victim.

Have you ever heard of WhastApp or the other alternatives and popular IM around?

WhatsApp only works if the other person installs the app also. Kinda hard to get all 50 people of my work department to install it just because I want them to....


Moderator Team Leader
Apr 17, 2012
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WhatsApp only works if the other person installs the app also. Kinda hard to get all 50 people of my work department to install it just because I want them to....

Yeah that's my issue with messaging apps. I just stick to text.. Works for me lol.

Sent from my T-Mobile Note 3 using AC Forums.


Dec 23, 2009
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The iPhone 5s sold 2.75 million untis in 24 hours. The iPhone 5c sold 1.32 million in 24 hours. So in one day Apple sold 4.07 million iPhones.

Not to start a war but ya Apple isnt worried. iOS 7 is fantastic for what it is. Not sure why the hate on it so much. As far as Apple Maps, that was back in iOS 6 and ya it wasnt that good then, but I have had no issues on iOS 7 when I was using it.

As far as Hangouts vs iMessage is concerned its not even close. iMessage trumps it 10 fold IMO. But thats all personal preference.

For the record I am still using the galaxy s5 :)



Jun 10, 2013
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I left the iPhone and have not looked back.
Apple really needs to step up its game with the iPhone 6. Bigger screen is not gonna win people back.
iOS is stale and boring and needs a revamp, pastel color change was not the answer.

Couldn't agree more. This coming from an apple iPhone loyalist since the 3

I am loving my S5 right now and am likely here to stay for the foreseeable future.

Posted via Android Central App


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2011
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That's fine when other people are using the same platforms. But that is not everyone's experience. I personally have taken a huge hit in the messaging aspect since switching to the S5. 18 out of the 20 people I text regularly have iphones, and due to that, group messaging has been a horrible experience for me since switching. Obviously imessage is working well for all of them so what am I supposed to do, ask all of them to move to WhatsApp or another alternative just to suit my needs?

In your case, and iPhone fits your better. But that is down to the individual.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Jul 13, 2012
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That's fine when other people are using the same platforms. But that is not everyone's experience. I personally have taken a huge hit in the messaging aspect since switching to the S5. 18 out of the 20 people I text regularly have iphones, and due to that, group messaging has been a horrible experience for me since switching. Obviously imessage is working well for all of them so what am I supposed to do, ask all of them to move to WhatsApp or another alternative just to suit my needs?

I use to think that too until I was in a bad reception area where I was not getting good data connection. I could not send out or receive iMessages there.
After that experience, I stopped using iMessage and felt that its benefits did not outweigh its limitations.


Apr 28, 2014
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WhatsApp only works if the other person installs the app also. Kinda hard to get all 50 people of my work department to install it just because I want them to....

Anyway in my country it's not an issue as most mobile plans offers unlimited SMS count. So iMessage is unnecessary, but if that's not your case so then I agree iMessage is convenient. But statistically I think most people that have smartphone also have WhatsApp installed.


Well-known member
May 10, 2013
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Greetings: I am also an iPhone convert. But I will never say iPhones are bad, I think they're a great, solid and fun to use phone. My wife has the iPhone s5 and I could not imagine her with Anything else. She would never even attempt to go into the settings and try/adjust the phone on and iPhone. So you get where I am coming from on an Android device; KISS.

I don't want to get flamed here but I have to say as a convert, this Apple vs Android gets a little overblown. I mean on an iPhone you swipe left or right to get to your screen of applications.
On my GS5 I do the same thing. GS5 has hidden apps once you delete them, Apple you can just hide them in a folder. To get to messages on an iPhone you can swipe down from the top, same with the GS5. On and iPhone you can swipe up and turn on the flashlight, BT, Wirless, airplane mode, on the GS5 you can do the same by swiping down. With the phone in lock mode you can take pictures, listen & control music and view messages on both. The real argument is over the stability you get with closed in Hardware, OS & App Store versus the freedom of and open OS and Hardware. If you step back its pretty much the same with a point going here and there for small items. The Apple ship turns slow but IMO I see more old Iphones than I see old Android phones.

But as mentioned before at this time the GS5 screen and camera rule the roost!
I wonder if Apple does come out with a big screen, comparable camera and better battery life would people go back.

You are right that the two platforms offer similar experiences. But I would say that the biggest differentiator is the hardware options that Android devices provide. Sizes, colors, shapes, CPU, cameras, etc. There are so many different options for smartphones and that's what makes Android great. I can use my Note 3 with the S-pen and my father can use the HTC One with Boom Sound speakers. And with the software tweaks by the manufacturers, you get an entirely different experience altogether.

Sent from the Samsung Galaxy Note 3...yeah, it's spectacular.

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