Will Droid be recieving Android 2.1? (Other buying ?s)


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Jan 2, 2010
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1)This is critical as to whether or not I plan on buying it.
2)And also, do you feel the droid is sufficient in the UI compared to the Eris?
3)And do you feel the build quality of the droid will last it 2 years?
4)Have you experienced dust under the screen?
5)Is there still home screen lag/will it be fixed?

Thanks so much!


Nov 10, 2009
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Most likely 2.1 will come to droid in 1q. I love my droid. I have no lag at all with home screen, but I don't use a home replacement either. I keep my droid in my front pocket 90% and have had no dust issues.
The droid ui is great. I bought weather donate as well as the calendar and agenda and have my screens set exactly how I what them (until next week ;))
Very, very satisfied with the droid and believe it will have no problem going two years.
My 2 cents


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Nov 10, 2009
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1)This is critical as to whether or not I plan on buying it. Not confirmed but it's unlikely that 2.1 wont come. It's Motorola's Android Flagship
2)And also, do you feel the droid is sufficient in the UI compared to the Eris? Personally I really like the HTC UI over the existing 2.0 UI. However I've been on (Leaked) 2.1 for over a week and have to say when it actually gets released for the Droid it will be equal to if not better than HTC's
3)And do you feel the build quality of the droid will last it 2 years? Yes. It is a very solid phone. I have no fears about using this for the next two years [or until my geek lust overrides my good judgement.
4)Have you experienced dust under the screen? Nopes
5)Is there still home screen lag/will it be fixed? The lag I've experienced comes from the home replacements I've used or the ported over 2.1 not being Droid specific.

Thanks so much!

You're welcome and happy new year!


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2009
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It's January, anyone hear anything about the Moto Droid getting 2.1?

It's January, anyone hear anything about the Moto Droid getting 2.1?


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Nov 12, 2009
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Ditto on all accounts. I do use home screen replacements, but of the ones I have, launcher+ works the best for me. No issues with lag. Or at least i dont notice it coming from a blackberry storm. The Droid is much faster than the Eris. I loved the look, and feel of the Eris much better than the Droid, but chose the Droid because I knew it would be better in the long run with the better screen and faster processor. The slide out keyboard was just an added bonus. Go for it! Buyer's remorse is a killer, but I have no regrets with the Droid.


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Jan 2, 2010
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I just wanted to thank you guys so much! This is a great community and I am 95% sure that my next upgrade will be Droid (unless Nexus One should somehow appear on Vzw). Again, thanks for the feedback and the generosity, as I am nervous about posting in new forums due to flaming. :D and happy new year to you all too!


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Oct 17, 2009
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the nexus one will (in some form or another) come to verizon eventually, but it could be anything from weeks to months.

hopefully they will talk about it a little on the 5th


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Jan 2, 2010
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Yea I see the Nexus One coming to Verizon's as well. I just do not see Google sticking with one carrier. Of course T-Mobile can be there test bed I guess.


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Jan 2, 2010
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the nexus one will (in some form or another) come to verizon eventually, but it could be anything from weeks to months.

hopefully they will talk about it a little on the 5th

I am tempted to disagree with you, respectfully. When google anounced the g1/dream, they partnered with tmobole exclusively. I can see them doing this again. However, other hardware by htc or other manudacturers could sprout 2.1 devices on verizon, but I find it unlikely that it will be a cousin of the Nexus One.


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Nov 10, 2009
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the droid is definitely an amazing phone and yes I see the phone lasting a long time if their updates are solid. after using my girlfriends eris im really impressed by the quality of the device. from the experience im honestly disappointed in the choppiness of the browser on my moto droid. my moto droid loads quicker but the eris hands down scrolls quicker and with no choppiness. sorta sucks to pay more and have my browser run worse :(

don't get me wrong I love my moto droid but just disappointed with my browser experience. oh and I forgot the eris has multi touch pinch and zoom on the browser that's nice
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Dec 22, 2009
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I am tempted to disagree with you, respectfully. When google anounced the g1/dream, they partnered with tmobole exclusively. I can see them doing this again. However, other hardware by htc or other manudacturers could sprout 2.1 devices on verizon, but I find it unlikely that it will be a cousin of the Nexus One.

What about the rumored HTC passion/bravo that MAY drop in the near future.It was originally rumored to come to VZW before the holidays in december and ive seen rumors that it might come out in january. If not I hope the droid does get 2.1 this month...my upgrade is in 20 days :D

And I cant imagine the browser on the droid is anywhere near as bad as a Blackberry...give my storm2 a run and even on the supposedly snappy 3rd party browsers, youll be waiting days to load anything but text only mobile websites.


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Dec 24, 2009
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the droid is definitely an amazing phone and yes I see the phone lasting a long time if their updates are solid. after using my girlfriends eris im really impressed by the quality of the device. from the experience im honestly disappointed in the choppiness of the browser on my moto droid. my moto droid loads quicker but the eris hands down scrolls quicker and with no choppiness. sorta sucks to pay more and have my browser run worse :(

don't get me wrong I love my moto droid but just disappointed with my browser experience. oh and I forgot the eris has multi touch pinch and zoom on the browser that's nice

Download Dolphin, and you too, can have these on the Droid. Easy as pie.


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Nov 10, 2009
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I am tempted to disagree with you, respectfully. When google anounced the g1/dream, they partnered with tmobole exclusively. I can see them doing this again. However, other hardware by htc or other manudacturers could sprout 2.1 devices on verizon, but I find it unlikely that it will be a cousin of the Nexus One.

Yeah, to my recolection, VZW and AT&T both turned Google and Android down and T-Mo said Hells Yeah! I kinda expected it to go to T-Mo simply because of loyalty reasons. ips has a very valid point though. VZW is going to run with the Android platform and we've already seen some of what HTC is up to. I would expect to see some very stelar Android products to hit VZW by the end of the first quarter. And probably a few that make us Droid owners kinda wish we'd waited lol ;)


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Nov 10, 2009
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Download Dolphin, and you too, can have these on the Droid. Easy as pie.

I have dolphin. I use both and their still both choppy while scrolling. It really really dissapoints me that I paid twice as much for my moto droid yet my girlfriends eris browser experience is much greater. I've gone through 2 moto droids and their both the same. Really choppy while scrolling around on web pages. The last update absoluteluly destroyed my browser on my moto droid...pisses me off that they are not releasing any sort of update for it


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Jan 2, 2010
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My bad lol. I hadn't heard about the passion. That could definitely happen. But you think it would be a nexus phone or a whole different line?

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