Galaxy S4 Wifi dropping [fixed], but with battery drain..Is this a coincidence?


AC Question

Galaxy S4 Wifi dropping [fixed], but with battery drain....

I recently got the S4. Right out of the box I was having issues with it dropping my wifi network, regardless of what network/strength of the network. I have the "smart network switch" and "keep wifi on during sleep" settings set to prevent this, but was still having problems.

I sent it in to Samsung for possible repairs and they found nothing wrong with it. I recently found the solution - I had to access the service mode and turn the "Wifi Power Save" mode off. Since then I have had no problems with it dropping my wifi network. But I have been experiencing more battery drain than I would like. Even with it remaining idle it seems to eat through battery. I can get about 12 hours out of it, but that's with only a little use. Any more would be pushing it.

Just curious if anyone has a different work around for my wifi problem, given the solution that I have found in turning the wifi power saver mode off...
