Search results

  1. K

    Registration for "immersive Gear VR experience for $99" - How did it Go

    Just got my shipping notice. Will be here Tuesday.
  2. K

    Registration for "immersive Gear VR experience for $99" - How did it Go

    They are going to ship out like 35,000 units and it's only been a week. Let's pump the breaks a little bit.
  3. K

    Registration for "immersive Gear VR experience for $99" - How did it Go

    Or a week for some people. I'm hoping that it isn't 6 to 8 weeks.
  4. K

    Registration for "immersive Gear VR experience for $99" - How did it Go

    I paid for my order on the 21st and haven't received a shipping notification yet. I'm hoping I get the notification this week.
  5. K

    Registration for "immersive Gear VR experience for $99" - How did it Go

    Got my e-mail. Paid. Anybody know when the items will ship?
  6. K

    Registration for "immersive Gear VR experience for $99" - How did it Go

    I registered just now. I ordered my phone from T Mobile so I didn't have a sales receipt so I just used the confirmation email I was sent. It says that my claim is pending. I hope I get it.
  7. K

    T-Mobile Pre-Order Question and Comment Thread

    I pre-ordered mine on Saturday afternoon. I got the shipping notice last night. Will be here tomorrow. I'm excited to get the 256GB memory card for my Nintendo Switch.
  8. K

    HTC 10 going back, I'm going to iOS

    I really disagree with the iPhone keyboard. I think it's the weakest keyboard, and for me, makes it really hard to do any work. Maybe it's because I type with my thumbs and I like being able to long press to get into extra keys that the iOS keyboard doesn't have. I hate having to go into a...
  9. K

    HTC 10 Reviews

    My problem with the Verge is that they are an iPhone shop. They only use other platforms when performing a review and then back to the iPhone. So they immediately default to how the iPhone does something.
  10. K

    HTC 10 Reviews

    Well, I purchased my device for $600. I think they should have included the earbuds because the earbuds are inexpensive to manufacture and incredibly high margin. I don't think you go to all the engineering effort to have a device that can produce such great sound and not give the users the...
  11. K

    HTC 10 Reviews

    This is what I'm talking about. We don't know their margin on the 10. It's fine to say HTC hasn't been doing well and they need to release a product that will do well but when we start throwing out what they should do, like you did above, it isn't that simple. I know a lot about this stuff and...
  12. K

    Are headphones included with the HTC 10? [Varies by region]

    I'm disappointed. I was going to purchase the Ice case but instead I'll use that money to purchase the earbuds.
  13. K

    HTC 10 Reviews

    Too many reviewers and so-called smart phone experts also think they are business analysts or CPAs, when they are not. I really don't care what some blogger thinks the market should look like because most of the bloggers/phone "experts" know very little about financial analysis. So when The...
  14. K

    HTC 10 Reviews

    Does the S7 still use TouchWiz and come with a ton of carrier bloat?
  15. K

    Is the HTC 10 priced too high?

    Re: Priced too high? One Plus Three will compete with the Nexus line more than the HTC 10 product.
  16. K

    HTC 10 Reviews

    Andrew said there was an update that fixed it but I don't know if the Verge had that update before their review went up or not.
  17. K

    HTC 10 Reviews

    8.0 Said it's a very good phone but it's not a Nexus, iPhone, or Galaxy.
  18. K

    Does the HTC 10 record in 4k?

  19. K

    Is the HTC 10 priced too high?

    Do you have a background in accounting? The $100 wouldn't be booked as a marketing expense but as a sales discounts which would immediately impact their profit margin. It wouldn't be booked as an operating expense. So I don't understand why you think they are performing accounting jujitsu...