●● It's me, dbd, unhappy Pre owner.

dbd -- pqp

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Jun 9, 2010
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Okay. Here i am. :cool:

Some of you may know me from PreCentral (I'm extremely famous there for my quick wit, ingenious responses, helpful help and keeping things interesting).

Out of the almost 3000 posts i've had there since last August, i would say 2874 of them were uh... umm, ah i don't know. That's not important right now.

By what's written next to my avatar, and my face in that pic, you'll probably realize why i'm here tonight. I haven't read one post in this forum yet, so i need you "Google robot people" to make me feel real welcome here because i just might sleepwalk to the Sprint store and get that EVO before i even know it. :D

I've been though the "throw this damn thing through a window" days with the Pre since last year at this time and things are looking pretty dark as far as a future for Palm.

So i'm here now to kick the tires and take a look around.
Amuse me. ;)
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Jun 9, 2010
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I wouldn't switch to Android.

I got my Pre last year at launch. Then I upgraded to the EVO on Friday for the launch. I'm gonna return my EVO tomorrow and go back to my Pre.

WebOS is just better than Android IMO. The UI, the quality of apps, the multitasking, email, etc. are all better on WebOS.

I found overclocking the pre fixes the big problem of sluggishness that I had with it. I think I might just pick up a cheap spare battery to fix the other big problem I have with it.


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May 6, 2010
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Ok...well i was unhappy with my pre and when it broke (for the 4th time, i've been through 3 ofthem) i decided to get the evo....actually i had decided some time before the pre breaking that i was done with it. you won't be as amused with this forum...there are plenty of people talking bs, but simply the number of android devices breaks these forums up into so many categories that many posts can go virtually unnoticed. that's not to say they don't show up, its just that if they are device specific therefore people don't pay as much attention to posts that don't pertain to them. at precentral, there are really only 4 devices....pre and pixi's and pre plus and pixi plus'. the responses at precentral are much quicker and b/c of the homebrew aspect there are a lot more people on the forums that can offer on-point help. that's not to say that the folks here aren't great, most are. the thing i don't miss from precentral is that elitest attitude that overwhelms that forum. talk bad about the pre and they tell you "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out..." lets face it, that phone has many problems and trying to be productive with it is close to impossible when it can't perform simple tasks seamlessly like placing a phone call.

have a good time here...


Jun 9, 2010
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You speak the truth. The Pre hardware is appallingly terrible. I've had the power button break on two of them. But I guess WebOS is so good that it keeps me hooked.


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May 6, 2010
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yeah i didn't take leaving webos lightly. if palm has a future, then webos will be the future of mobile os'. i didn't get into rooting and patching my pre...installed homebrew, but really thought the phone should perform as is out of the box. i thanked the people at precentral who really were a help and hopefully there will be a phone in the future that will make me go back to webos. i love my evo though. first phone i've been really happy with since my treo 700p....

treo 300>treo 650>treo 700p>samsung instinct>palm pre>htc evo 4g


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May 18, 2010
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Haha I remember reading your stuff dbd, I'm rodriguez102 from Precentral. Well here's what I think. I was a June6 pre owner, & I have had such a wonderful experience with WebOS since then. my real reason for going out to buy the evo 4g, was the pre. I need a big screen, I need powerful hardware, and that, the pre was not. I usually don't prefer virtual keyboards, but the evo is the exception (due to 4.3inch display, obviously). now about android. I found android to be a little less intuitive then WebOS, (multitasking is not the best, but it definitely works) but so far what I am loving is how mature android is compared to WebOS. there is so many patches that were necessary on the pre to make it do what android does out the door. so far I don't regret my decision, I am actually overjoyed about my decision. maybe a WebOS device awaits me in the future, (i am almost sure I will go back to WebOS one day) but for now the HTC EVO 4G with android is the clear winner. but I will admit, I miss the Precentral community, it was like a tight little family, but I still have it bookmarked, and still go read daily. android forums seem more divided, well they are, so many different devices. so jump ship dbd, its nice & bright overhere..


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Nov 2, 2009
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I have never owned or used a WebOS device so I can't compare between the two. My Incredible is my second Android device and before that I had many years with BB and the Crackberry forums. When I first jumped ship I was very happy with my Droid it blew away my BB Tour in almost every aspect.

At first I missed Crackberry and would check out the site daily then it slow turned to weekly and to almost never now. I really like the AC forum most here are very polite and helpful and everyone seems to be more mature then other forums I've been apart of far less flaming and arguing over here.

Hope you guys enjoy your Evo's and AC :)


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May 16, 2010
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I've only had a little experience with WebOS, but I also agree that it def. is ahead of android when it comes to notifications and just plain UI, but again, as other people have stated - Palm blew the hardware aspect, and that was probably part of their downfall. If HP throws some money into making good hardware (doubt it) - then maybe Palm and WebOS can have a bright future!


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2010
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Okay. Here i am. :cool:

Some of you may know me from PreCentral (I'm extremely famous there for my quick wit, ingenious responses, helpful help and keeping things interesting).

Out of the almost 3000 posts i've had there since last August, i would say 2874 of them were uh... umm, ah i don't know. That's not important right now.

By what's written next to my avatar, and my face in that pic, you'll probably realize why i'm here tonight. I haven't read one post in this forum yet, so i need you "Google robot people" to make me feel real welcome here because i just might sleepwalk to the Sprint store and get that EVO before i even know it. :D

I've been though the "throw this damn thing through a window" days with the Pre since last year at this time and things are looking pretty dark as far as a future for Palm.

So i'm here now to kick the tires and take a look around.
Amuse me. ;)

EVO? Dammit, I thought this was the iPhone fan forum. Looks like this is goodbye for me........



I'm back. Can you help me load WebOS on a Motorola V400?


Guess not.....

Get the EVO. I think one of the most important things to remember when buying a new phone from your carrier is that you have the beloved benefit of the return policy. Play around with the EVO, caress that touchscreen and stroke it gently (or rough depending on how hardcore the app is feeling), and show it what it's like to be a true man. And if you don't like it, your loving Palm Pre will be forgiving and embrace you again with open arms and physical keyboard kisses.

There are thousands of varying reasons to either choose Android or stay away from it. Only you, my witty chum, can make the final decision.

dbd -- pqp

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Jun 9, 2010
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Hey Rodriguez, and everybody else that replied so far.
Thanks for the heads-up.

This EVO really has my interest, and i find it more and more difficult to steer away from the Sprint store and not buy one.

How well is file management done on it?
Is it as customizable as winmo was? (I have never had an Android phone)

How is the photo app?
Is it snappy or sluggish, like the Pre's.


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Jun 6, 2010
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Hey Rodriguez, and everybody else that replied so far.
Thanks for the heads-up.

This EVO really has my interest, and i find it more and more difficult to steer away from the Sprint store and not buy one.

How well is file management done on it?
Is it as customizable as winmo was? (I have never had an Android phone)

How is the photo app?
Is it snappy or sluggish, like the Pre's.

Hey there dbd what's up buddy??? Its Philly from P/C.

I got to tell ya m8 this EVO is a pretty slick device!!! From what I remember of the gripes you had about the Pre, your not going to find many if any on the EVO.

If I remember right you weren't to much in to themes and patches. No worries here m8, pretty much everything we had a patch for..... it's already in the OS. Android has had a couple more years to evolve. It's really slick, and with senseUI it's got a lot of eye candy and little things to keep you busy.

I Loved WebOS, but even with the 800 kernel installed it just wasn't fast and snappy. The EVO is both at the sametime. Doesn't handle multitasking as cleanly or as gracefully, but in multitasks just as well once you play around with it.

Battery life is better than the Pre, well that is once you get past the setting it up and can't put it down phase. Got 14 hours the first full day I had it.

I was a bit nerves about not having a physical keyboard but got over that real quick. The on screen keyboard is really good,specially in landscape mode.

File management is can be done a lot like it was on WM, there are a few really good freeware and aware in the AndroidMarket.
And with the devs already coming up with custom ROM's for the EVO already. And from what I'm reading once you get the hang of how the OS operates "rooting" and installing them or even building a few yourself isn't that hard.

The camera is amazing!!!!!! No really it is. The picture quality is really crisp and clear, almost more than real life. Same with the camcorder. Both are leaps and bounds betters than the Pre's could ever hope to be.

You know what dbd, enough is enough already. Get in your car, drive to your Sprint store and grab yourself a EVO. You won't regret it.

Promise me one thing..... let me know when you post over at
P/C that you upgraded to the EVO, I want to swing by and read that one.


Andrew Ruffolo

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Jan 5, 2010
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I switched from Pre to Evo after 5 pre's in as many months (2 of which I couldn't even use the phone due to no cell service on the Indian Reservation I was on). HTC is definitely light years ahead of Palm in building quality devices (well, not really, but Palm definitely cut corners when designing the Pre). I'm very happy with my Hero and Android. I looked at Android with an open mind after leaving WebOS, but I couldn't be happier now. Even now, there are things Android has supported since day 1 that Palm still doesn't. I used to use the VZW song identifier... was disappointed when the Pre didn't have API's for recording from the mic (still doesn't officially). Now, I've been using Shazam (popular app on the iPhone) since the day I got the Hero. iHeartRadio came the following month (December), so I could listen to my morning show when in South Florida, where they aren't. There's another feature in 2.1 phones that still hasn't been mentioned on Palm phones... Bluetooth File Transfer, something else my LG Dare could do. You may not find a need for it, but I like it. No need to connect a wire just to send a file. Also, with LogMeIn Ignition, I can log into my computer at home, drag a file into my dropbox folder and download it right to the phone in under 1 minute... not at all possible on a Pre. I've learned to make Android and its apps work to my advantage. Give it a full test run and I guarantee you'll put the Pre up on ebay.


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Nov 18, 2008
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I don't see the big deal in jumping to a different platform when another isn't doing it for you anymore.
The only Droid that's interesting me because I'm with Att is the N1. I'm anxious to see what's coming down the pipe.


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Nov 17, 2009
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I had the Palm Pre Plus with Verizon. I loved the WebOs. I use my phone for instant messenger more than anything. I hated it on the Pre. I also dropped it on the ground and a whole chunk of plastic broke of. I've dropped my Motorola Droid a few times besides a couple tiny knick here and there on the corners its in awesome shape. Android os has everything I need, and you can get so much from the market.

Kyle Gibb

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May 17, 2010
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Hopefully you Pre lovers will get some decent hardware soon. Its kind of surprising to me Palm hasn't released the "Pre 2" or whatever it will be called yet. They have to know tons of Pre owners hit their 1 year upgrade time already and many will be jumping to the Evo. I would love to see iPhone, Android, and webOS as the 3 dominant smartphone OS's going forward. Lets all agree to bump out WinMo 7 and BB m'kay? ;)

dbd -- pqp

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Jun 9, 2010
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Hey there dbd what's up buddy??? Its Philly from P/C.

I got to tell ya m8 this EVO is a pretty slick device!!! From what I remember of the gripes you had about the Pre, your not going to find many if any on the EVO.

If I remember right you weren't to much in to themes and patches. No worries here m8, pretty much everything we had a patch for..... it's already in the OS. Android has had a couple more years to evolve. It's really slick, and with senseUI it's got a lot of eye candy and little things to keep you busy.

I Loved WebOS, but even with the 800 kernel installed it just wasn't fast and snappy. The EVO is both at the sametime. Doesn't handle multitasking as cleanly or as gracefully, but in multitasks just as well once you play around with it.

Battery life is better than the Pre, well that is once you get past the setting it up and can't put it down phase. Got 14 hours the first full day I had it.

I was a bit nerves about not having a physical keyboard but got over that real quick. The on screen keyboard is really good,specially in landscape mode.

File management is can be done a lot like it was on WM, there are a few really good freeware and aware in the AndroidMarket.
And with the devs already coming up with custom ROM's for the EVO already. And from what I'm reading once you get the hang of how the OS operates "rooting" and installing them or even building a few yourself isn't that hard.

The camera is amazing!!!!!! No really it is. The picture quality is really crisp and clear, almost more than real life. Same with the camcorder. Both are leaps and bounds betters than the Pre's could ever hope to be.

You know what dbd, enough is enough already. Get in your car, drive to your Sprint store and grab yourself a EVO. You won't regret it.

Promise me one thing..... let me know when you post over at
P/C that you upgraded to the EVO, I want to swing by and read that one.

Hey South Philly guy, thanks for responding and giving me all that info.
I do appreciate it, and i'll keep that promise, lol lol. :D