6p or S7


Dec 9, 2015
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I'm looking to buy a new phone I'm getting tired of my lg g3. I'm very interested in the 6p, However I've been hearing rumors that the S7 is having a late January or early February release(correct me if I'm wrong). So my question is should I just get the 6p now or wait for the s7. All input would be greatly appreciated thank you.


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Jan 6, 2011
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I came from the LG G3. Without getting into all the great things about the 6P, I'll hit on one big area - the 6P is not a carrier phone. The new Samsung is probably going to be an amazing phone but you'll probably buy it through your carrier, right? This means updates will take forever and stop sooner than they should. The phone will be loaded up with bloatware too.

This is not to say a Samsung phone doesn't have it's advantages. I just think the 6P wins when you create a pro/con list.

There is always going to be the next greatest thing on the horizon. In February, you'll hear about LG or Motorola or HTC coming out with a new phone soon. It's an endless cycle. You just have to jump in at some point.

I'll also tell you that although the G3 is a very good phone, you're going to LOVE the 6P. The only thing I do question is the camera. I think the G3 probably had a slightly better camera despite its age. The 6P's camera is pretty great though.

Good luck! Hope that helps!


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Jun 22, 2012
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Just like Paul stated, both will have their benefits and cons. Personally, I've had my last 3 phones be Samsung manufactured, and I'm done with the Samsung software and per-loaded carrier junk. I'm enjoying the Nexus line much more than my Note 4 (my Note 3 had the S Pen utilized quite a bit but I didn't really use it in the 4). The only thing I wish I had was the IR blaster, but the Note 5 discontinued that feature anyway.


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Aug 10, 2010
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Rumors of the S7... it's so much fun waiting for rumors of the next big thing to come out... but right now they are just that rumors. If you really listen to the AC Podcast you might have heard Phil say a very small comment on those rumors recently... they are rumors. It really doesn't sound like even they believe it will come out that soon. Seriously, if you want a new stock Nexus that will get updates quickly then there is the 6P... probably the best phone out in the market right now.

If you want to wait around for a rumored phone... Jan, Feb... more likely a few months later... and this will have all the Samsung bloat, plus all the carrier bloat added in... very little of which you can uninstall, maybe deactivate at best... personally, I've been there, done that... no thanks.

But if that's you, by all means go ahead and wait for that phone... bloat and all.


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Oct 25, 2011
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S7 will probably be announced in late February but it probably won't start selling til March or maybe even April. That's 3 to 4 months away. And if you're willing to wait then the next big phone will always be 3 to 4 months away. Get the 6P now if you must get a phone now, but it seems like your g3 is still functional so maybe wait it out and see what the S7 is all about and if it doesn't do it for you then you can probably get the 6P even cheaper by then. You can't really go wrong, I'd personally get the 6P now tho.

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Mar 19, 2011
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The 6P is the best phone available today, the S7 will have better hardware but so will the 2016 Nexus which will follow the S7 by about 6 months. As everyone says the big advantage of a Nexus is that you get the latest software immediately, with Samsung the delay will be many months. The other software advantage is that Google supports Nexus phones much longer than Samsung supports their phones.

The S7 will have a Snapdragon 820 which has much faster single core performance than the 810 in the 6P however the question is will the difference be noticeable, I doubt it. Processor performance has been good enough for a long time. The performance of the 6P is as snappy as you would want it to be, but so was the N5 which had a processor that was 40% slower than the 6P, the Internet is the limiting factor not the CPU. The screen on the 6P is a 2K AMOLED, I don't think there will ever be a screen that's significantly better. The DPI of a 2K screen is beyond the limits of the human eye so there isn't any point to more pixels. It's also plenty bright, but I suppose you could make a brighter screen. Battery life on the 6P is decent but obviously there is room to improve on all phones and I doubt the S7 will be better than the 6P in this regard.

I only buy Nexus phones because they are the easiest to root if need be and they always have the latest software.


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Dec 6, 2010
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Nexus 6p.

Remember, Nexus is pure Android so its going to be smooth.

Samsung will have Touchwiz so with the SD820, it might still lag. Not saying it will but ever Samsung device I have played with has always lagged except out of the box. And when I mean lag, I don't mean minutes of waiting. It just means comparing to other devices, apps loads slightly slower. Not noticeable unless comparing to another devices right next to each other.

Buy the 6p now and when the S7 comes out, think about it and decide if you want to keep it or sell it.

I came from a LG G3 and I have no regrets at all. This device flies and its so smooth. I also stopped my daily reboot habits I got from the G3 and I reboot maybe once a week.

Nexus 6P


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Dec 15, 2009
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don't buy a phone based on speculation. get what you need now. always something better around the corner. when s7 comes out you will ask if I should get a s7 or the nexus for next year. I personally can't stand TouchWiz and love pure android. so for me it's always Nexus.

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Mar 20, 2011
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It gonna be 200+ more expensive and the fact that you deal with bloat and carrier driven to OS interpretation, rather than have a pure experience that You make your own.

Don't get me wrong, I love Samsung devices and I am typing this on a Sammy s6 edge but I am craving a device that I can modify to what I want it to be and I'd not, I wipe it and start over. That's the fun.


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Sep 26, 2011
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As much as I loved my Note 4, not having to wait on a two step process to update (Samsung needing to work on it first, then the carriers doing their own thing and releasing it at their own schedule) and not knowing exactly when that update is coming (beyond the staged rollouts), never-mind avoiding manufacturer and carrier bloat has made me so happy with my 6P. I don't think I'll ever be able to go back to a non Nexus device now, especially if they keep the trend of having a premium model.


Nov 27, 2012
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The rumors I've read about the S7 have all said it'll be very similar to the S6. If you like TW, don't mind bloat, and don't care about updates, I'd say wait it out. Worse case scenario you'll save a few bucks and be able to compare the two.

If you like the 6p better than the S6 though, I'd say jump on it. It's the best phone available right now and that won't change for the foreseeable future.


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Jun 18, 2011
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After the S6/edge I'm putting Samsung on hold, I love the Note series even more and I didn't bother with the Note 5.

For me to go back to Samsung, I need bigger & better battery life and the microSD.

Don't get me wrong I love Google's nexus.


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Oct 18, 2010
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And there will be an s8 and s9. I'll bet the s7 will not outperform the nexus in any significant way. You pay a price in performance and updates for all those extras carries though in and which most of us never use.


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May 11, 2013
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Every year I buy the latest Nexus. I then will pick up another like the G4 or Galaxy for camera reasons. Then switch back and forth.
With Hauwei manufacturing the new Nexus, camera is for the first time on par w top flagships.
I'm done w carrier phones. Selling my Note 5 which will be the last device I buy through a carrier. I'll only consider one in the future if Samsung sells unlocked direct from their own website w an option to choose between pure Android or tw as default launcher.

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