After extended GS4 test drive, I'm going back to Apple for good. Here's why.


Sep 4, 2009
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Some of what you say is true, some is opinion (to which you're entitled), and some is factually wrong. If I thought you might actually be interested, I'd give you details.

But if you like the iPhone better, that's fine. To each his own. The only thing I really wonder about is why you think you need to come here and tell us what you think is wrong with our phones. I've tried the iPhone, and much prefer Android for a number of reasons. But I don't feel any compulsion to log into iPhone forums and tell people there what I think is wrong with their choice.

Posts like this are the equivalent of wearing a Cowboys jersey to an Eagles game. Designed to incite and inflame, and devoid of any real value.

[inappropriate content deleted by moderator]

No, Apple doesn't have any catching up to do. Their features are fine, and they remain the leader in technology.

Now this is truly amusing. Almost everything Apple has incorporated into the last couple of generations of iPhone and iOS was done first in Android. Even fingerprint readers.
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2010
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Almost all of my friends have iPhones and after I introduced them to the Google Hangouts app they are forever grateful. It is literally the only messaging app they use now.


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Feb 21, 2013
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Nothing much to add to what others have (civilly) pointed out, except that I'm on Pete's side -- the iPhone is just too danged tiny.

Also, I'm surprised that in response to no. 5, nobody mentioned Life 360. It works just as well as FMF. Unfortunately, my wife accused me of trying to somehow control her with it and deleted it off her S4.


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Nov 6, 2010
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I loved my iphone4 and it worked well for my needs but after 2.5yrs of looking at this phone and not being able to customize it, I got bored with it. I then went back to android and I am really glad I did.
If the iphone works for this person, enjoy it. If we all liked the same things, it be a boring world. You might have wanted to checkout the HTC One, you might have liked that experience better.


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Feb 15, 2012
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I am increasingly interested in trying the iPhone. I want to see if these apps really are as amazing as everyone says they are because I haven't tried them except on family members devices. I will however never go back to a 4" screen for any reason. If Apple released a 4.5" screen i'd give it a shot I think. I'd love the build quality and the consistency. I am worried that i'd hate the lack of Google Innovation however. I also would never write off another platform entirely because I don't know what they'll come out with in the future. OP mentioned that he's given Android a shot for the last time. I would never be able to make that claim because to me, features, innovation, and quality change and fluctuate way too much for me to ever make such a bold claim. Who knows what Android will do with Hangouts in the future? Google is involved in EVERYTHING. Phones, search, maps, education, internet service, etc. I feel that because of their wide reaching involvment, the very best is yet to come from them. At least I hope, because i'd miss so much if I ever decide to switch to Apple.


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Apr 2, 2011
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After approximately four months with the GS4 on Verizon, I'll be picking up an iPhone 5s on Friday (fingers crossed that I can even find one). I've dabbled in Android for the very last time and consider it to be the clearly inferior platform. Here's why:

1. The thing I do most on my phone is text friends and family, with most everything else being a distant second. iMessage on iOS has such a huge advantage over the basic SMS texting available on Android that it isn't even funny, especially when you're sending pictures or video which I frequently do. Add to that the effortless synching of iMessages across the entire Apple ecosystem (from Mac to iPhone to iPad, etc.), and Android simply can't compete. Plus, when you get right down to it, I hardly know anyone who doesn't have an iPhone so everyone uses iMessage.

2. The thing I do second most on my phone is listen to music. Again, Apple has a huge advantage over Android in that Apple invented the iPod and continues to produce the best music player by a wide margin. Nothing I've tried on Android (and I've tried ALL the 3rd party music apps) comes close. From displaying album artwork to displaying alerts during music playback (especially in the lock screen mode) to synching everything effortlessly with iTunes - the iPhone continues to be the leader for music lovers IMO.

3. The thing I do third most is use social media apps and various other sports/news apps. Almost to an app, the iOS version is better in that it crashes far less, is more fluid and intuitive, and almost always uploads superior pictures, despite the pictures taken by the GS4 being huge and vibrant. I have no idea why that last gripe is the way it is, but that's simply been my experience.

4. Yes, the screen size of the iPhone leaves a lot to be desired. There's no avoiding that. However, the large size of the GS4's screen is really hampered by almost zero visibility in sunlight and poor touch responsiveness when compared to the iPhone. Unless you can palm a basketball, you'll probably need to use two hands on the GS4 and other giant Android phones. However, if you don't touch what you want exactly spot-on (with the phone braced with one hand and your free hand doing the selecting), the screen simply isn't as responsive and accurate to the touch as the iPhone. Don't even get me started on the poor screen sensitivity's effect on text entry and lousy auto-correct and auto-prediction...

5. Lastly, there is no equivalent of the Find My Friends app on Android. When you have family, friends, children, and others all scattered around, it is an absolutely invaluable tool for when you need to keep tabs on someone, like during car/air/train travel, at sporting events/concerts and other large gatherings of people, or just on the commute home. Again, Android can't compete. Although the Google Latitude app existed briefly, if you enabled location reporting so that the app functioned like FMF, the phone's battery would be dead before you set it down.

There are definitely things about the Android that are great and that I will miss. Full-featured Google Search (and accompanying widget) are great, as are Google Maps, the GMail App, snappy camera, and fully customizable user interface via 3rd party launchers. However, for what I use a phone for most, Android is still playing catch-up and probably always will be.

The analogy I'd use here is this - iOS/Apple : Android/Samsung/HTC :: Ferrari : Hennessey Motorsports. Yes, the super-tuned Hennessey sports car (take your pick of which one) can match the performance of and typically exceed that of a Ferrari on the racetrack. However, the Ferrari can't be touched in terms of overall taste, fit, finish, and class.

Not a bad post actually, and I can appreciate your points. You nailed the most obvious differences in platform and services. However, your analogy is off. Ferrari's aren't particularly known for their refinement. They're more like wild stallions. I'd say the difference is more analagous to a Porsche 911 (iPhone) and the Corvette (Android).


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Jun 24, 2013
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I am increasingly interested in trying the iPhone. I want to see if these apps really are as amazing as everyone says they are because I haven't tried them except on family members devices. I will however never go back to a 4" screen for any reason. If Apple released a 4.5" screen i'd give it a shot I think. I'd love the build quality and the consistency. I am worried that i'd hate the lack of Google Innovation however. I also would never write off another platform entirely because I don't know what they'll come out with in the future. OP mentioned that he's given Android a shot for the last time. I would never be able to make that claim because to me, features, innovation, and quality change and fluctuate way too much for me to ever make such a bold claim. Who knows what Android will do with Hangouts in the future? Google is involved in EVERYTHING. Phones, search, maps, education, internet service, etc. I feel that because of their wide reaching involvment, the very best is yet to come from them. At least I hope, because i'd miss so much if I ever decide to switch to Apple.

Being a iPhone user since 2007 and switching to the S4 back in July, I have to say, of all of the things I miss from iOS is the app quality/design. I'm not sure if Apple keeps devs on the ball, but their app quality is MUCH better than Android. So much so, I'm thinking about switching back (I really love the bigger screen and the Android sharing capabilities, however). Just look at how many apps were ready to go for the iOS 7 redesign - all the major apps too (Facebook, Twitter, New York Times, Evernote, etc.), not just one offs. I just don't see something like that happening with Android, if they decided to go for a redesign for Android 4.4 or 5.0. I still don't understand why Android still allows the time to be show nice and big on the lock screen AND show the time in the status bar at the same time. iOS 7 got this part right.


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Apr 29, 2013
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Being a iPhone user since 2007 and switching to the S4 back in July, I have to say, of all of the things I miss from iOS is the app quality/design. I'm not sure if Apple keeps devs on the ball, but their app quality is MUCH better than Android. So much so, I'm thinking about switching back (I really love the bigger screen and the Android sharing capabilities, however). Just look at how many apps were ready to go for the iOS 7 redesign - all the major apps too (Facebook, Twitter, New York Times, Evernote, etc.), not just one offs. I just don't see something like that happening with Android, if they decided to go for a redesign for Android 4.4 or 5.0. I still don't understand why Android still allows the time to be show nice and big on the lock screen AND show the time in the status bar at the same time. iOS 7 got this part right.

Apple has stricter requirements and guidelines compared to Android. For example a lot of game developers had to tell Apple that their 8bit style games were intended that way otherwise Apple would reject them based on their looks. Android really doesn't push that at all.


Jul 19, 2013
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There's nothing wrong with deciding the iPhone and iOS is a better fit for you. My wife, daughter, mother, and mother-in-law. prefer the iphone and I have a couple coworkers that do too. As long as their choice doesn't affect my ability to get what works best for me we're all good.

Note 8.0


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May 31, 2013
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I do free computer seminars at a senior living center every month. The number one question I get asked is, "Should I get an Iphone or Android". My answer is simple:

Iphone if you're an entry level smartphone user. That's it.

Android if you want the latest technology BUT you'll have to live with some of the bugs, kinks, and other issues. It's like driving an ultra luxury car with buttons, GPS, Nav, BT, etc. There are a lot more to learn and a lot more frustration built in

But the OP listed the things important to him. I see no problem with going back to an Iphone. Frankly, I would never own one but I have my own reasons. But I can be objective enough that I can recommend Iphones to many people.


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May 31, 2013
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Not a bad post actually, and I can appreciate your points. You nailed the most obvious differences in platform and services. However, your analogy is off. Ferrari's aren't particularly known for their refinement. They're more like wild stallions. I'd say the difference is more analagous to a Porsche 911 (iPhone) and the Corvette (Android).

I think it's this:

IOS= Lexus
Android= Mercedes S-Class


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2012
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If your new Iphone has IOS6, don't upgrade to IOS7, you may be very disappointed. I want to get IOS6 installed back on mine, IOS7 is ugly and slow conspired to IOS6. Its really slow now compared to my GS4.


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Apr 29, 2013
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If your new Iphone has IOS6, don't upgrade to IOS7, you may be very disappointed. I want to get IOS6 installed back on mine, IOS7 is ugly and slow conspired to IOS6. Its really slow now compared to my GS4.

All new iPhones have IOS7, no downgrading possible. I have IOS7 on my iPad Mini and it runs pretty smooth, you may need to backup and do a clean install if that isn't what you did.


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Nov 2, 2012
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All new iPhones have IOS7, no downgrading possible. I have IOS7 on my iPad Mini and it runs pretty smooth, you may need to backup and do a clean install if that isn't what you did.

They aren't . The iphones that were already in stock weren't opened and upgraded.

Sent from my *PURPLE* Galaxy S4


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Jun 10, 2013
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What the hell is wrong with some of you people that you can't even handle a well thought out, objective post saying why he does not care for Android? Jesus. Worry more about your own lives and less of others.

Personally, as someone who used an iPhone for three and a half years myself, I moved to Android because I was tired of being told basically "You use this email app because we said so". Thre is no other app you can use to replace iMessage, you use iMessage and that's it. I got tired of (over)paying for a phone that couldn't do what phones from 2009 could do. Seriously, Apple is smoking some good crack pricing their phones the way they have this year. It took Apple seven years to add a friggin' flashlight. If I have to give up a little spit and polish in my apps to be able to do whatever I please with my phone, well, that is a tradeoff I was willing to make.

At the end of the day though, they both do the same thing. You can get apps, play games, use a map, get email, surf the internet and take pictures with them. If someone prefers a platform you don't, what's wrong with that? So many Goddamn intolerat people in this world ready to just EXPLODE over nothing, to the point they have to get infractions over it. That is pathetic.

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