Android Central's Free Droid X giveaway

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Nov 16, 2009
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The Droid X is easily the hottest phone of the century, never mind the year. I mean this thing is unbelievable in all aspects. Between the 1ghz processor and the 4.3" screen this blows away the all the competition. This thing even makes the HTC Evo look like a sad piece of molded plastic. I mean come on everyone lets be real here. The Droid X is a piece of fine art like none other. It's a masterpiece of masterpieces and a true champion. It's beyond sexy, and puts all other smartphones to shame. I love my droid but lets be realistic here, the Droid X crushes it in every way possible. The droid X is what a smartphone is meant to be. Unlike the competition the antenna is actually inside the phone where it supposed to be. Everything from the design to the OS makes this phone a true winner in my heart. When I look at the droid X I get tears in my eye. Tears of joy and happiness. Tears of excitement and thrill. I've literally spent hours just looking at photos of the Droid X on google images because it's just so beautiful. I've even went as far as printing a photo of it on my color printer to hang in my office at work next to the countdown calendar. The phone is so hot that I'd rather spend time with it, than even Megan Fox. At least the droid X won't want me for my money. At least the Droid X will always be by my side. The Droid X would easily be the hottest friend I've ever known. I'll leave you with this:

The Droid X is not just another android smartphone people. You need to all understand this and study this. The Droid X is alive with life. It's designers and engineers should be praised with glory. They have truly created something that no others will ever be able to accomplish, but only copy. Amazing events have happened through history and I'm so proud that I will be around to see the Droid X launch. This will truly go down in the history books as one of the most amazing smartphones launches ever.

Thank You,


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Jul 12, 2010
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Bb 8330

This phone blows the BlackBerry Curve 8330 out of the water! I would love to be able to use it! Every single feature about it is amazing and waay better than the BlackBerry. Let's continue the growth of Android! I'd love to have this phone! :) :)


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Jun 28, 2010
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I've always had Verizon, but when the Verizon store in my area didn't hire me I became one of the drones working for the Death Star network. I'm still working there but I've always had Verizon phones. And nothing would make me happier than to get a Droid X and watch it dwarf the iPhone 4. Sure, it may have a higher res screen than the Droid X, but most of the zombies...I mean customers that purchase/ask about the new iPhone don't even know what screen resolution is. Meanwhile, I'd like to snap some 8mp pictures and record video on my equally capable 720p camera. Then maybe I could output those videos via HDMI, that'd be nice. However, seeing as how a spec battle doesn't even matter to most iPhone users, I would love to stand my massive Droid X next to their iPhone and watch them sulk. Plus, I was gonna use my mom's upgrade to get one, so a free one would allow her to get one, too. Thank you, Android Central. And good night.


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Jul 12, 2010
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Moto has always built solid phones, and the X is no exception. It's a beast with its 1Ghz OMAP, 4.3" screen and 8MP camera. HDMI is a huge bonus. And of course, by having the Android OS, it's one of the best smartphones on the market. It's the latest monster on the best network. (Of course, I am a bit annoyed I didn't get a free one via the scavenger hunt, but they didn't exactly give much notice or chance for people in San Francisco!) I can't wait to get my hands on my first smartphone...nothing else can compare!


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Jul 12, 2010
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The X is a simply beautiful. Huge screen, snappy response time (cannot wait for froyo to see what it can do then), photo's and video look great. As long as the on screen keyboard is usable, it will be an iphone killer.


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Jun 29, 2010
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is this all i have to do?

What can you say to make someone give you a DROID X? Well, how about this: I WANT IT! It's a4.3 inch, 720p, HDMI plug, 1ghz TI OMAP, 8mp, (oh, and no antenna issue havin'), badass mofo! AND I WANT IT!:D

Seriously, what can you say?


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Jul 12, 2010
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Let Me Count the Ways...

There are so many reasons why the Droid X should be (and will be) a success:

1. It's a Motorola phone. These folks know how to build good phones. And they have always built exceptional CDMA phones. Call quality should be outstanding.

2. It's running Froyo. While the Droid was a good first step, the Android platform has grown faster than the hardware has evolved. But in this case, the new chipset will make processing smooth and sexy.

3. It's got a beautiful screen. The screen size and color rendering are fantastic.

4. It has far fewer moving parts than the previous Droid. By shifting to an on-display keyboard, the system is sleeker and less prone to mechanical failures. Of course, there will probably be more display problems. But it's a trade-off that most folks will gladly make.

5. It has the best network around. Period. Android is a great computing platform when you have an always-on network. And for the money, Verizon is the best network for this kind of activity. Yes, Sprint's EVO is good. But it's reach is limited to only a few markets. Verizon's EVDO-A is more ubiquitous than Sprint. And the new LTE network will be even better than the WiMax backbone that Sprint is yoked to. This phone won't support LTE. But it will be the phone from which I'll make my LTE move.


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Jul 12, 2010
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The Droid X is the perfect phone for me. I just need any excuse right now to leave T-mobile and the mytouch3g, and winning this phone would make that decision instantly.

The 1Ghz processor and the huge 4.3 inch touch screen makes my old mytouch look like an expensive paperweight. I have been drooling over the features of this phone for quite awhile, the lack of keyboard is an absolute plus. The 8mp camera which will be quite handy when I need to take a quick photo and the HDMI output which is essentially the best thing of life.

Basically, the Droid X is God's gift to me, and I would love to finally have a reason to turn in my Magenta for Big Red!


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Apr 26, 2010
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Well, I like the non-Moto Blur, Phil Blur, ui. I'm also a pretty big gamer, and the bigger screen and separate graphics chip are a HUGE plus for me. After reading the review, I'm almost positive I'm going to sell my Incredible and jump to the Droid-X. I've always used moto phones up until I got my Incredible, and now I'm wishing I would have just waited out for the next-gen moto devices (or atleast got caught in the DInc backorders...).


Jul 6, 2010
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Droid X is the phone I've been waiting for to break me out of the Inifinite Loop.



Jul 12, 2010
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Droid X

It's the hottest phone of the year because it doesn't lose signal strength just from holding it. It's a better alternative to the Incredible for me because it's large enough for my gorilla thumbs to type on without messing up every other word. Also, it's better than the Evo 4g because it's not on Sprint's network.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2009
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why is this the hottest phone of the year?

1) It's android, the best mobile OS
2) DROIDDOES massive 4.3in screens
3) 8gb on memory space devoted to app storage = no more worrying about how much space is left on my phone!
4) It's android - wait did I already say that?


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Jul 12, 2010
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Droid technology is the hottest thing smoking. A few friends of mine got the new iPhone 4 and wouldn't stop bragging about it, but they had no words when all three of them had no service but I was talking crystal clear even on the DC metro in tunnels.

The phone is fast, sexy and does everything I could possibly want it to. I mean, I just saw the tweet for this site (on my Droid), followed the link (on my Droid), and created an account, received the email with my password, changed my password and wrote this post (third times the charm...on my Droid), so I'm more than positive the Droid X will match up and then some.
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