Another palm pre convert here needs an answer


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May 10, 2010
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well i think im gonna root my phone when i get home but i see the easy way is the unrevoked way so i checked i have software 3.70.651.1 and hardware 0003 next step is......... i dont know lol

Jason Black

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Dec 3, 2010
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Download unrevoked and you'll be on your way. Instructions where posted by someone else in this thread too... just scroll up.

Sent From Tapatalk.


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Nov 2, 2010
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Tmhe only thing that worries me is that the last post is from may off last year so has anyone used unrevoked lately and had it work?
I just rooted with Unrevoked two months ago. The latest version of Unrevoked was just released less than a week ago.


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Dec 13, 2010
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Mario, I was a day one Pre user until this past December. I still miss the keyboard and the multitasking. Otherwise, the Evo is outstanding. It took me 4 weeks to root the phone because I was paralyzed by the amount of information, often contradictory. When Unrevoked 3.3 came out, I took the plunge. It was super easy.
There are two primary reasons I rooted: to enable easy and complete backups, and mobile hotspot. If you have any questions, send me a message.


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May 10, 2010
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so now that im rooted any suggestion on batterylife. i know some people had said to download setcpu. i know that in the battery sticky alot of people get better battery life after rooting so any suggestion.


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Dec 6, 2010
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Rooting is the first step... understanding the process is another. My thing is... if you believe that your phone need to be modified then go ahead. In my opinion this phone doesn't need any rooting. We have the market that will accommodate us with some missing features on the phone. The thing about rooting is that you have to keep in mind that it changes a few things, and may or may not cause conflict with certain phone features. ( i.e. Don't accept updates to the phone, may result in unknown issues, etc.)

I'm not saying everything about rooting is bad. There are some benefits to rooting. But personally I can live without it. What else do I need my phone to do other than what it can do right now.

(Keep in mind) - ROOTING VOID YOUR WARRANTY. Many people might not agree with my notion, but I believe you should be aware of the pros and cons of rooting your phone.
There are videos, tutorials, and threads explaining on how to root your phone - How many noob like myself can follow those instructions. I believe it would be better to have an experience person root your phone... if you really think you need to root. My palm pre had to be modified, because it was missing a lot more features than my EVO.

Ps. If you still feel like rooting your phone.... then by all means go ahead.

Good luck to you.


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Apr 16, 2010
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On some points, I agree with rush. If you have to ask, "What should I do after rooting?" then maybe it's not time for you to do anything at all.

For me, I had no compelling reason to root other than wifi hotspot. For about 3 months, I ran a stock Sense rom, just rooted for the hotspot functionality.

After a while, I thought, "Man I wish I could change XYZ". Then, I read up on it and I did it. Pretty soon, that led to this, and then that, and then something else, but I suggest you organically figure out what mods you want to your phone instead of someone telling you.
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May 10, 2010
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thats what i was rooting for was for the hotspot and bloatware but must of all was to get better battery life. what i wanted to know is battery life is suppost to be better after you root, i just wanted to be pointed in the right direction for that i.e. how to get rid of some of the bloatware and suggestion on what to run to get better battery life thats all. THANKS to anyone that can help


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Apr 16, 2010
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thats what i was rooting for was for the hotspot and bloatware but must of all was to get better battery life. what i wanted to know is battery life is suppost to be better after you root, i just wanted to be pointed in the right direction for that i.e. how to get rid of some of the bloatware and suggestion on what to run to get better battery life thats all. THANKS to anyone that can help

Try SetCPU. You can buy it off the market, or do some searches for joining XDA and picking it up as an XDA member. You can tinker with your profile settings to get bettery life out of your stock ROM.

Or if you don't want to go through the hassle (which I didn't)... you can try a custom ROM that has battery mods, in addition to other customizations. Here are two Sense based ROMs which I have tried that have good battery life:

Myn's warm 2.2 (which RLS5 is coming out tonight, based on 3.70) uses the colinph battery mod. I got some great battery life with that ROM. Don't use setCPU with the default kernel, because it does not run in tandem with colinph. The default kernel and stuff has all the mods out of the box, just flash the ROM, flash the mods you want (there's a bunch) and roll with it. You can experiment with different kernels later.

Evio 1.76b has an undervolted kernel built into it. You can then also download setCPU (which is not packaged with the ROM) to get additional savings... the ROM has setCPU profiles already built in, so just flash the rom, install setCPU, run setCPU and ensure it has root access and it should have all the profile settings the ROM was designed for.

I also used CM6 with setCPU. Inherently, since this ROM runs faster and uses less resources it feels like (seat of my pants measurement) that it is more power efficient. Coupled with setCPU, I had good battery life here. Cyanogen, remember, is completely AOSP based and has zero HTC Sense ported into it... and will never have. Wimax/4G is in alpha stage at the moment.

You can find all these ROMs on their respective pages in XDA under the Evo / Supersonic android development forum. With those above ROMs, I was getting around 16 hours battery life with gtalk running and with a constant 24/7 flow of work email. With gtalk turned off, I usually get like 24-40 hours depending on usage. YMMV.

I don't agree inherently that rooting gives you better battery life. Rooting allows you to apply mods, or run different software that is more efficient, but to say that rooting = better battery life is a misnomer. Functionally, yes, for best battery life... must root and apply mods/remove bloat/try new ROMs. =)
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Well-known member
May 10, 2010
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THANKS again NPARK i just bought setcpu about 30 mins ago and im gonna see how that helps as far as roms i was looking at those as well as azierl (misspelled sorry) but i keep seeing some of the roms saaying dont run SETCPU or its ok but most of the time it doesnt say at all....... i think im gonna go awhile with setcpu and see how it goes now is there a fourm regarding BLOATWARE and what is safe to remove and what not to remove????
Jan 5, 2011
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I got my evo rooted after a few reboots. Thanks everyone. I tried myn's 2.2 rom but didn't like the performance. It ran really slow for me. Out had a ton of lag just swiping the home screens. Looked nice but maybe I missed something.any suggestions? Gonna try the cyan rom later tonight. I'm looking for speed and definitely the keys got the camera and 4g. Thanks again for your help and advice everyone.
Jan 5, 2011
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Hey I saw that theres a new release for myn's warm. But it says that I need certain radios and do I check to be sure that I have the right ones? Last thing I need is to kill my 1 week old phone.thanks

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