Are People noticing higher Data Usage with the Note 4?


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Nov 1, 2010
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I'm on a Verizon Note 4 and have used more in one Week, than I ever had in a Whole Month with my Note 3, N2, or any other Smart Phone I've ever used. I know some of it was my fault, trying things the first month with the phone, but really never expected to be this close to my Data Cap limit in one Week.

I used GPS two times to test it, 15 minutes each time. I used one day for downloading the TTY app for Google Maps, to try and change the Maps Voice and deleted a couple of apps, while on Mobile data. I usually don't do that when out, usually on WiFi at home. Also the first week I did about 8 or 9 Speedtests, which I know added to it. I was at 500mb after 4 days. It was ridiculous. Now after a little over 7 days at 824 mb and I have 1 gb data plan on Verizon. I was going to update it to 2gb plan, but because of my billing cycle date, I have to pay two full months since I transferred from AT&T, to Verizon. So just not going to use the Data until the new Billing cycle and upgrade to 2gb if I come close next month.

I'm a little pissed, because my Use with my Note 3 was at the most 760mb and that was the most I've ever used In 1 month. This is in a week. I looked up online and People with the S5 were having increased data overages, A lot of them with Verizon. Said to turn off all the Verizon Apps, which I did, except my Verizon app and widget. I've really not done anything that I haven't done with previous phones.

Verizon says the Phone has more advanced features that use more data, like more accurate GPS and newer phones use more data. Samsung says it's the Carrier. I know some of it was me, so I'm going to see what happens next month. I use to average under 250mb a month on Verizon before, same with AT&T.

Are other people noticing increased Data usage with their Note 4, even when not really changing your amount of Data usage?


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May 15, 2013
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No haven't used any more than I would have with any other device under the same circumstances. Have you looked through your data usage stats to see if you have a particular app that is causing your higher than normal usage?


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2010
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yes, as I said, I know I'm responsible for some of it. It says removed apps and users is no 1, google text to speech engine no. 2, and Softcard is no. 3. I had a problem with my Soft card Account since I switched to Verizon from AT&T and my card was not being accepted when I tried to use Tap and Pay. So spent 3 1/2 hours with the idiots at Softcard and Amex Serve on the phone to fix the problem, because I had a balance on my soft card account and my card was fine. They had me turning on and off my mobile data a lot trying to get things to work. Until finally just clearing the app and giving me a new Virtual Card number on my account and It finally worked. So that was no. 3 high usage on the list. My buddy says using Google voice to text uses a lot of data, but I did that a lot on previous phones with no problem. So I take some responsibility this month, just wondering if other people are having the same problems. Next month I'm going to see and just use what I need when out and about. Other than what I mentioned, I don't use this phone any different than my previous ones. Here is the screen shots from part of the list of Data Usage.



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Dec 2, 2013
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It's the flip board app all the way to the right. I went through 2gb in the days. I turned that off and my data usage decreased significantly

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May 15, 2013
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yes, as I said, I know I'm responsible for some of it. It says removed apps and users is no 1, google text to speech engine no. 2, and Softcard is no. 3. I had a problem with my Soft card Account since I switched to Verizon from AT&T and my card was not being accepted when I tried to use Tap and Pay. So spent 3 1/2 hours with the idiots at Softcard and Amex Serve on the phone to fix the problem, because I had a balance on my soft card account and my card was fine. They had me turning on and off my mobile data a lot trying to get things to work. Until finally just clearing the app and giving me a new Virtual Card number on my account and It finally worked. So that was no. 3 high usage on the list. My buddy says using Google voice to text uses a lot of data, but I did that a lot on previous phones with no problem. So I take some responsibility this month, just wondering if other people are having the same problems. Next month I'm going to see and just use what I need when out and about. Other than what I mentioned, I don't use this phone any different than my previous ones. Here is the screen shots from part of the list of Data Usage.

Yeah looks like you've got a handle on it now anyway. Whatever those apps were that you deleted did account for a lot of your usage. And your friend is right, Speech to text will use a lot of data if you use it frequently. All the translation is done over the Internet.


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Dec 29, 2010
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Verizon says the Phone has more advanced features that use more data, like more accurate GPS and newer phones use more data.

I hate when someone comes off with some made up crap like that.

I have used a HUGE amount of data in the last week. In my case, it looks like it was the Exchange Service. I deleted and re-added my email accounts and my data usage has dropped a LOT. My battery life has also gone from mediocre, to tremendous. My past week of mobile data AND WiFi data combines had been almost 1.4GB used by the Exchange Service alone. Now it has been less then 10MB today. Plus at 6.5 hours of on time, it just dropped down to 87% battery.

I have to wonder if you have a problem like that sucking data.


Oct 10, 2013
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Keep in mind that you're probably going to download all your favorite apps, run any updates, and check out the UHD screen via some online videos. Your 2nd month should drop down some for that reason alone. Fortunately, I am grandfathered into Verizon's unlimited data plan so I don't have to worry about how much data I'm using.......for now.


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May 9, 2011
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Not particularly. I'm going to see what a full month does after the New Ness wears out. Tapatalk over 4g is gobbling up data as is speedtest (enough of that then I suppose). Other than that Facebook. The rest is minimal. I have 6gb, so I'm fine


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Nov 1, 2010
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As I said, I know my mistakes on some of it, but it went soooooo fast! I always do a lot the first month with a phone and never had this problem. Hopefully turning off or deleting some of the Verizon Apps will help. I did turn off Flipboard, because I don't use that. I'm glad though at least some of you guys are experiencing some of the same stuff as me. As long as next month doesn't exceed too rapidly, I'm fine. I can always upgrade to 2 gb, but don't want anymore than that. I guess I'll stop with the speaking to the phone. I know everyone tests out stuff on the phone when they get it at first, but never before was I this high. Plus, I have downloaded while on Mobile data before and never went over.

The thing that kills me is that I set my Data Alerts for 75% of 1gb, which would have been at 750mb. I didn't get an email or Text like it said on the Verizon Website. I saw that I was over by checking the my Verizon App on Wed. morning the 29th. I was at 824mb. Nothing to alert me. Guess when I got the text and Email, On Friday the 31st. So If I hadn't checked on Wed. I'd already of been over my limit and been charged for the overage, unless I upgraded to the 2gb, which is the same price as the overage amount. So Kind of pissed about that. I put the Data widget on my screen now so I can tell where I'm at.


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Apr 23, 2011
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I have verizon as well. Seems normal to me.

Sent from my Verizon Samsung Galaxy Note 4


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Aziel Oropeza

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Oct 3, 2014
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I have an S3, and ever since I had the flipboard app, it increased my data. Turning it off (I removed it since my phone is rooted) helped out a lot

Sent from my GS3R using Tapatalk


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2014
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I am at about 10 gigs in two weeks of usage. So no, your 824mbs in 1 week is nothing. I do that in 1 day.

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UniQue WerkX

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Oct 31, 2014
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I noticed the same thing that flipboard was using a lot of data. Disabled it and much less data usage.

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