Bionic to GN question


Nov 29, 2010
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On my 3rd Bionic because of data drops. VZW told me last time that if this one does the same I could get a different model and the GN was an option. Question would you compare the GN over the Bionic? Really don't care about rooting, just want a phone that works.


Jul 15, 2011
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I was in the exact same boat you are in. I went for the Gnex and honestly this is the best phone I have ever used. The ONLY thing I miss is the accessory options available on the Bionic. Other than that I am very happy I made the switch.


May 15, 2012
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Personally, I did the same thing you did minus get a replacement. I sold my bionic to my buddy and picked up nexus device because of ICS. It really depends where you are at and if you get a good phone and not defective. the OS is worlds better than gingerbread and i didn't like motoblur overtop the bionic. My problems lied with signal reception being weaker and dropping alot on the phone. Sammy seems to make overall weaker antennas as the charge had issues as well. Unfortunately after 5 replacements, I had to get another phone and picked up the rezound which works much better for where I'm at and my buddy still has my old bionic and loves it after it got some stability updates.

I have to say first make sure your signal isn't dropping when on 3/4g all the time. If it's not, then you're good. Second, you really have to be in or near an area with strong 4g. I am in delaware where by VZW map standards, i should have strong 4g but the nexus never connected when i went in any building. In philly however, I had strong 4g everywhere(because the towers are so close together) which made the phone awesome. It really depends as I love the nexus alot because of stock experience and if you want to root, the community is awesome and people are very helpful. Personally, my rezound has yet to drop 4g where im at and comapring it side by side with a nexus, it pulls up vide, music and just about everything faster but that is really i think because how samsung builds cdma/lte phones. HTC and moto seem to have done a better job in my experience with 4g phones at getting the antenna to pick up 4g better.

Again all depends on where you are at I think but overall the phone itself is sweet. I never had any problems with anything else. I enjoyed the camera alot and the phone is the smoothest moving android phone I have ever used. The screen is also one of the nicest screens on a phone I have experienced and the playback of videos looks fantastic. I like how there isn't any bloatware from startup at all on these devices just the feel of everything makes this OS feel complete and awesome. You also should be the first to get jellybean although if you don't root, you will be at verizon's mercy at when they release the update haha.

Hope this helps.

Hope this helps
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Nov 29, 2010
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That does help, thank you. I am in Tampa, FL and we have a strong 4G signal. My Bionic goes from 4G to nothing. Does not even switch to 3G and it does this all over the area so it's not just a problem with a specific tower.