Can an S4 on Cricket be unlocked to use on any other carrier?


Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
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The carrier has to give you the unlock code for any phone that's paid for and is still currently on a plan (or off contract) with them. It's the law in the US. If they say they can't get it or some other nonsense, file a formal complaint with the FCC (Their normal knee-jerk reaction is a $10,000/per day/violation fine if the company can't show cause to not be fined - and "we can't get the number" isn't considered cause, because they can get the number if they try. The manufacturer knows the unlock code of every phone it makes [they keep records] and the carrier can get it from them. The only exception is an older CDMA phone that's not SIM-locked because it has no SIM, so it can't be SIM-locked [SIM locking prevents the phone from being used with a SIM from another carrier, and if the phone doesn't use a SIM ...] so it can't be unlocked. It just can't be used on another carrier, unless the carrier allows you to, and Sprint and Verizon don't allow you to use each other's phones on their networks.)

Dedra Mayes

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Mar 23, 2015
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I hate Cricket, I have been to Walmart AND T-mobile AND Verizon and they ALL say my phone is locked in to only Cricket. I am still being FORCED to purchase a new phone. But you can bet all the money you got Cricket will NEVER EVER AGAIN get my money or service!!! I hope they lose out on customers BIG TIME and never recover!!!!!!


Retired Moderator
Feb 12, 2012
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Dedra, just call Cricket and tell them that you want the unlock code for your phone. no "please", no being nice. And tell the rep that if you get anything from the him or her but a date by which you can expect the code, you'll immediately after getting off the phone file an FCC complaint. And if you don't have the code - or it doesn't work - by the end of that day, you'll be filing a complaint right after midnight on that day.

Scroll up to post #24 for a link to the complaint form. Federal law requires that they get the code for you. "We can't" just isn't an option. "The amount of the fine is" is an option the FCC has. So is "and you have until xxx to pay it" is another one. And they use those options all the time. Once the FCC processes a complaint like this, the only way Cricket can get out of the fine is to provide the FCC with the date on which they provided you with the unlock code. (The FCC will verify that with you, if Cricket uses that defense - and their legal people know it. Cricket doesn't want to play "shoot it out" with the FCC. [Even AT&T backed down against them.])

(Oh, there's another option Cricket has - that's to send you an unlocked phone. Compared to the fine for ONE DAY of violation, flying you one by personal courier would be cheap.)

Fa Meninas

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Mar 24, 2015
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I guess all that has bought a Galaxy S4 from Cricket are having our consumer rights deeply violated. I spent $500 and they are offering me $128 to trade in for a phone of inferior quality. Plus the phone can not be operated in Gsm network bla bla...Does anyone know anyone know if there's grounds for a lawsuit based on antitrust'?

Cocoa Bean

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Mar 30, 2015
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What Cricket has done is ridiculous.

To start a class action suit we all should call this number 1-866-981-4800. It is for a class action lawyer and the services are free. Everyone call and complain and lets make cricket pay. We can't let them get away with this behavior. If enough people complain they will have to listen and correct their course of action.


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Apr 2, 2015
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All the major US carriers have a "No Class Action Suit" in their contracts now.... If you want to sue them, it has to be through small claims court....

DJ - So how did you unlock your Samsung Galaxy S4?
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