EVO 4G Too Thick and Heavy???


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Aug 6, 2010
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OK Guys just wanted to kick this around

I finally convinced my Blackberry toting friend to switch to Android

We went to Best Buy and looked at an EVO

Ive had mine since September, and he's played with mine enough to know what he's getting into

I finally got a call from him, and he told me he had finally purchased an android

To my surprise he opted for a Samsung Galaxy S 4G instead of an EVO

I must say it was a delight to hold that phone in my hand

It was super Light, and faster than my phone at opening up some of the same web pages

I came away asking myself, why are our phone's so heavy?

While this is extremely thin and light?

I wish the next EVO was lighter, but after seeing that the EVO 3D will essentially be the same weight.

I became disappointed

Just wanted to share my opinions
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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2011
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The samsung is only 2 ounces lighter. It has 184 megs of available internal memory??? Really. No flash for the 5 meg camera. A lot of people note that Samsung isn't great with updates. Also, in comments in forums are complaints that Samsung has not fixed a gps problem that is a carryover from it's non 4g twin, the Vibrant. Look at the comments from the AC review:


That said, if you feel TMobile works in the areas you frequent and you like the phone then you need to do what you feel is best. Me, I'd let my friend be the test subject. LOL (See how long he's happy with the limited internal memory.)


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May 16, 2010
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I don't find my Evo thick or heavy and it has a case on it that doubles its thickness. Like the above post mentions the Evo is a more robust phone anyways but definitely not big.


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Apr 18, 2010
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Lots of people complain how light Samsung phones are and that they feel cheap because of it, to each his own I guess?

Also, besides the short falls of the Epic mentioned already, the feeling of the slider really bugs me, I rather have a solid phone like the Evo/Evo3d than one with moving parts. Before his Samsung laptop crushed his Epic (oh...the irony), my buddy also had problems with his Epic turning off when he closed his keyboard a little too hard.

Lets face it, the only advantages the Epic has over the Evo are speed and the screen. Yes, they are significant advantages but will only be super important to someone that's into gaming.

Either way, if you want a 4.3" screen and a solid phone made by HTC, you will just have to live with the physical dimensions that come with it. I think the Evo is the perfect size, and will happily accept the Evo 3ds slightly different dimensions.


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Jun 8, 2010
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Maybe he preferred T-Mobile over Sprint and not necessarily the Galaxy 4G over the EVO....

Personally, I will always pick carrier before phone and not the other way around...


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Nov 9, 2009
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My wife has an EPIC, and I used to have a Samsung Moment before my EVO. This is personal opinion, but I have always felt that the build quality of HTC products is better than that of Samsung. Samsung smartphones have always felt cheap, plasticky (if that's a word), and toy-like. The EVO feels as though it will hold up to daily life better than most.

I agree with Manny in that the moving parts on a cell phone always seem like they will not hold up. Like with the Palm Pre, you always get a little twist with a slide out keyboard, which I do not care for.

But, everyone has to choose what they prefer. I have thought about the Samsung Nexus when it arrives on Sprint, but I would definitely have to get some hands on time before I would switch.


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Apr 4, 2011
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The Evo 4g was the first phone that I ever bought, and well, since I now have to buy a GSM phone, I decided to go with the Samsung Nexus S, and I am very satisfied by seeing the difference of weight between the two phones.

I definitely see how people can call the Samsung androids as cheap by being light weight, and I'm especially worry about dropping the phone, and I'm impressed by the robustness of the Evo 4g, after dropping it accidentally to seeing hardly any damage.

Very big difference in weight. Definitely feels better to hold this phone to my ear, and talk much longer!


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Feb 3, 2011
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Maybe I'm just accustomed to it, but I actually think the EVO is just right. It feels solid and I don't have to strain to see the screen. I don't like the feel of a slide-out keyboard either. Jmho. For me, the EVO is perfect. :)


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2010
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" EVO 4G Too Thick And Heavy???".... "That's What She Said!!!!" Sorry had to!?!?!? ;-p

The EVO is the first HTC branded phone I've owned. And by branded I mean Manufacturered and wearing the HTC tag.

The Palm Treo 600, Treo 800 and Treo Pro were all manufacturered by HTC for Palm. They were all very solid and very well built devices.

As for the EVO.... it perfect.

Sent from my MIUI havin, Gingerbread Throwing EVO


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2011
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OK Guys just wanted to kick this around

I finally convinced my Blackberry toting friend to switch to Android

We went to Best Buy and looked at an EVO

Ive had mine since September, and he's played with mine enough to know what he's getting into

I finally got a call from him, and he told me he had finally purchased an android

To my surprise he opted for a Samsung Galaxy S 4G instead of an EVO

I must say it was a delight to hold that phone in my hand

It was super Light, and faster than my phone at opening up some of the same web pages

I came away asking myself, why are our phone's so heavy?

While this is extremely thin and light?

I wish the next EVO was lighter, but after seeing that the EVO 3D will essentially be the same weight.

I became disappointed

Just wanted to share my opinions

I dunno my Evo feel just right. And without a case it is pretty darn thin.


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2010
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I hate how light the Samsung android phones feel. They feel like they are fake and or are going to break very easily. I like my phone to feel like a phone and not a toy.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2010
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I've had the Evo since last summer. I never really felt it was heavy at all. However, if you have a Galaxy S phone next to you and compare, it does seem a lot heftier. They seem feather light compared to the Evo that we're used to.


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2010
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I played with my brother's Captivate and wasn't really that impressed. Weight didn't really feel much different, but the one thing I did notice was the lag in sound and pic when booting it up. After my brother played with my evo he said how much smoother it was.

So over all there is really nothing to question about the evo in my opinion.

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