EVO 4g vs. Nexus S or EVO 3D


Dec 28, 2010
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Ok....this is sad to say but I have officially grown tired and too frustrated with my EVO 4g. I aquired it last December in a move from the Pre, liked everything aboit it especially the PDA tether app. Watched the ginherbread update roll out, read the forums and decided to hold off a few months before updating. Last month I started to get the "low space" icon without updating. Deleted a few apps, still the icon. Disabled syncs on emails and such, deleted videos, pics and files......STILL low!. So I decided I might as well update to gingerbread. Been on it one week and my evo is slowly becoming paralized. Makes me sick! I am non-rooted. I have not rooted because there seems to be no easy way (checked unrevoked 3 but sorry, still way to complicated for me even though I prewared my pre). I can not download apps, nor can I install updates. I also can't send a video. I could do ALL these on the pre.

So, I will ne putting the EVO to pasture.....please your thoughts on which phone I should get. The Nexus S or the EVO 3D? Read the forums and good and bad to both. I want a phone with enough internal storage so I don't have to worry about installing a few apps (plus I'm not even a big gamer). I also want a phone that is easy to root so I can get rid of the bloatware. PLUS....can send a video of one minute via sendspace or any cloud platform. Many thanks forum riders!


Well-known member
May 4, 2011
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First the EVO 4G is SUPER EASY to root. If you have any semblance of computer knowledge I garuntee it will take you less than a half hour. The problem is youre messing wioth unrevoked 3 when you should be using revolutionary now that you're 2.3.3. But if you don't want to root I say evo 3d. I'm not some EVO groupie. I've only had mines for a month, thing is if I'm spending hundreds of $ on ANYTHING, even a leaf blower, I'm researching it. When I got my EVO in August it was between that and nexus s which came out months after EVO. However after reading product reviews and owner reviews I realized the EVO was more powerful. I liked the amolded display, huge internal memory, pure Google experience and being first in line for updates (nexus s owners already have Google wallet and 2.3.4) but I disliked the processor that was slower than EVOs, poor call quality, EVOs flash player is better and I read battery life can be spotty. Put it like this: evo came out in what june 2010? Nexus s in what, feburary? I got the evo when i had a free and clear few hundred $ to spend and really could have got either (i wasnt paying $500 for photon or evo 3d) NOW KEEP IN MIND THIS IS WHAT I READ, I AM NOT A NEXUS S OWNER AND DONT KNOW IF THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN MY EXPERIENCE. Im only responding to this b/c i had to choose between nexus s and evo 4g a month ago. With that said wouldn't it be nice if sprint had test phones? Like a nexus s you could take home for say 48 hours. But I suggest you for in-depth research. Check out sites like pcmag.com and others and go to the nexus s forums and EVO 3D forums and see what users say
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May 15, 2010
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videos, pics, files, etc. are stored on the SD card so they should not be an issue. do you have an excessive amount of Apps installed? i have ~200MB free space with almost 40 apps installed, ~3,000 contacts, and 2 Gmail accounts.

just curious - can you list all of the Apps you have installed? (maybe use appbrain.com)

the EVO 3D has ~1GB Internal Memory storage vs.~512MB for the EVO but you will always run into a finite amount of space if you have infinite App installation desires. (Parkinson's Law).

you may want to try a factory wipe reset might free up some memory and you may be able to move some Apps to SD and also clear App caches. if you are using the Mail App do not sync "All" past mail on the server - set it to sync only the last 7 Days or so.

top magoo

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2010
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my 14 y/o daughters evo slowed to a crawl after 2-3 months. when i checked it out, she had over 13,000 text messages. we downloaded "delete old messages" and let it clean out anything > 2 weeks old and sped up the evo back to brand new.

check it out


May 15, 2010
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my 14 y/o daughters evo slowed to a crawl after 2-3 months. when i checked it out, she had over 13,000 text messages. we downloaded "delete old messages" and let it clean out anything > 2 weeks old and sped up the evo back to brand new.

check it out

good point. i don't know why people save their old text messages. i delete them immediately after the "conversation" ends.


Dec 28, 2010
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Great point. I counted the apps I have dowoaded. 34 with netflix being the biggest. The use a total of about 125mb. The phone says I have used over 300mb with only about 30mb left, hence the low space icon I guess. I have one gmail account I never use and two hotmail accounts set to hold emails about a month old. I have deleted some texts and only have about 500 on file from my 250 or so contacts. So, with that said, what the heck is wrong with my phone and also, why can't I send a video? Many thanks!

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