Force Roaming and avoid ETF?


Nov 1, 2012
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I am rooted and have Roam Control. Hypothetically speaking, what do I have to do to get Sprint to drop me? Force roam and just stream video for a couple of days or call an 800 number and leave the line open or what?


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2010
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Use a few gigs of roaming data, that should work...

Pretty sure Sprint used to monitor data in 3month cycles at a time... Dunno if that's still the case.... So you might have to have a few bill cycles showing this violation of t.o.s.


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Jan 30, 2011
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Use a few gigs of roaming data, that should work...

Pretty sure Sprint used to monitor data in 3month cycles at a time... Dunno if that's still the case.... So you might have to have a few bill cycles showing this violation of t.o.s.

I just got my termination letter after 3 months of force roaming onto Verizon towers, using Roam Control. Just to ensure I was really going to get the letter I used more than 50 GB roaming data each month.


Nov 1, 2012
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How in the crap do you use 50Gig in a month?!
What wernd said?!

I will probably hold off for now. Just switched to CM 10 and all of a sudden my data speeds jumped up to 2.2 mbps. No clue why, but I'll keep testing speeds and see if this stays as is or is a fluke and it goes back to the 500 kbps I was getting. I can live with 2.2 mbps until LTE rolls out. I will probably buy a Nexus 4, use it as an mp3 player, If my data speeds go back down I can pick up T-Mo's $30 prepaid plan with 5 GB data to test the HSPA+ speeds before jumping off Sprint for good.


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Dec 7, 2010
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Not my comment, but there was a time where I would use over 100gb consistently every month... With an old Touch Pro 1 at that...

Tethering, pretty easy to get up there in gb's..


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Sep 17, 2010
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I unintentionally did something similar to this a long time ago. I had Always Roam set on my old flip phone (I don't remember what kind it was), because it was the only way I could get calls to stay connected. I got a massive phone bill as a result, so I called and asked about it, and they said it was because all of my calls were roaming. Most of the calls were to another phone on the same account, so I didn't understand why I was getting charged for them. After explaining why I had Always Roam set, they fixed my bill and I was able to get out of my contract for free because the service where I used it wasn't reliable.


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May 16, 2010
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I am also currently in the process of doing this.

I don't know how anyone could do 50GB of data while roaming.. Sprint 3G is unusable where I am and I never roam on anything but 1X so it is even slower.

The ToS state that anything over 300MB a month of roaming data is against Sprint policy. I just make sure to be around 500MB of data roaming a month. So far I am on month 2, if this works and I am able to get out of contract I will report back.

That said, the area I live in also seems to be getting spotty LTE so if they do a more thorough launch before I get the letter I'll stop.. I just can't take these speeds anymore, I should of canceled my contract before getting the Evo LTE but I thought they'd launch LTE in my city as fast as they did WiMax... sadly that hasn't been the case.

I have buddies with Verizon and AT&T pulling upwards of 18mbps INSIDE of buildings and I can BARELY pull .3mbps on a good day with 3-4 bars. Sprint deserves to fail, and fail big these type of speeds are unacceptable in 2012.


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Jun 7, 2011
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...That said, the area I live in also seems to be getting spotty LTE so if they do a more thorough launch before I get the letter I'll stop.. I just can't take these speeds anymore, I should of canceled my contract before getting the Evo LTE but I thought they'd launch LTE in my city as fast as they did WiMax... sadly that hasn't been the case.

...Sprint deserves to fail, and fail big these type of speeds are unacceptable in 2012.

So let me get this straight: you renewed to get a device you wanted. You didn't like the data speeds before renewal. Now that you've had it for several months, you've decided that the data speeds you disliked before are still bad and you want them to let you out of your contract. I don't like liver and onions. I'm not going to order liver and onions at a restaurant, knowing I don't like them, and then ask to get my meal comp'd because the food was bad. Obviously we don't know where you live but I am curious as to the state of LTE in your area. Was it promised a long time ago and just hasn't shown up yet, or is it just now rolling out there more or less according to schedule? If you should have had it 6 months ago and it's just now showing up I would be upset as well.

I never had WiMax near me, but I travel all over SoCal so I've used it a lot in the past. It wasn't great but it was better than a sharp stick in the eye. But I knew going in to the OG EVO that WiMax wasn't Sprint's deal and they were prepping this loooong slooow LTE rollout, so I didn't complain. I knew what my area's timeframe was for LTE so I decided to stick with them. But to say they should fail because your data speeds are lackluster is naive. If they fail, then AT&T fail because their LTE isn't fast enough and then T-Mo decides they can't hack it anymore we'd all be left with Verizon. And no competition. If Sprint weren't working on their network all over the country I might agree with you. But I understand what this whole Network Vision is supposed to bring to the network and I understand the technical complexities of it, so I'll wait it out. If they haven't delivered by the end of my contract I'll leave as well because they didn't deliver what they promised, while having more than enough time to do so. But I won't re-up for an extra 6 months and then decide to exploit the roaming provisions in my contract to get out of it. I just won't renew the contract.


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May 16, 2010
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I understand, and respect your opinion.

Believe me, I actually DON'T want to drop Sprint. I upgraded from my OG EVO which worked great due to my city having WiMax.

When I upgraded to the EVOLTE, granted in hindsight I should have known better, but I was promised by the store that my city would have LTE in the same time frame we originally got WiMax.. I got WiMax about 4 months after the launch of the OG EVO. Well, it's been 7 months with no LTE launch in the city and the 3G speeds are totally unacceptable.

With WiMax I was fairly happy with Sprint, and regret upgrading because while the EVOLTE is a great device the data speeds render it practically useless. I mean consistent 3G speeds are like .3mbps down and .1mbps up throughout most of the places I usually am in the city! WiMax made Sprint bearable but without it I can rarely use my phone to do even the simplest things like look at webpages.

What good is a phone with all of this capability which I can truly use only at home while on WiFi? I am not trying to pull a fast one on Sprint, I called them and have complained numerous times and they have been little to no help. So unfortunately now I have to take things into my own hands.

That said, I will stay true to my word, if they do launch LTE in my city before I get a termination letter I will stop force roaming and enjoy speeds I was already accustomed to with WiMax but if not, Sprint deserves what they get.


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Jun 8, 2010
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I am not trying to pull a fast one on Sprint, I called them and have complained numerous times and they have been little to no help.

Sorry, but you are. Just because you say this doesn't make it true.

What did you expect them to do for you when you call to complain? Flip a switch to suddenly give you fast 3G? Send technicians out to immediately install LTE?

The fact is that you chose a phone that you knew for a period of time was going to be LTEless is your fault alone. The fact that the people at the store may have misled you is of no consequence. They are sales people and the unfortunate thing is that they wanted to sell you a device. Anyone who has been involved in any kind of rollout like this knows that schedules slip. So even if the salespeople where telling you the truth it only means the schedule has slipped a couple months.

True karma would be they enable LTE in your area and a month later you get your termination letter.


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May 16, 2010
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Sorry, but you are. Just because you say this doesn't make it true.

What did you expect them to do for you when you call to complain? Flip a switch to suddenly give you fast 3G? Send technicians out to immediately install LTE?

The fact is that you chose a phone that you knew for a period of time was going to be LTEless is your fault alone. The fact that the people at the store may have misled you is of no consequence. They are sales people and the unfortunate thing is that they wanted to sell you a device. Anyone who has been involved in any kind of rollout like this knows that schedules slip. So even if the salespeople where telling you the truth it only means the schedule has slipped a couple months.

True karma would be they enable LTE in your area and a month later you get your termination letter.

Well, if that is your stance on the matter than who am I to argue? That is the beauty of opinions...

If they did send me a termination letter a month after they launched LTE so be it, at that point I'd be on Verizon which has actual LTE coverage and even 3G speeds that are usable. For the same price as I pay on Sprint the only real downside is I would be locked to about 4gigs a month... so what?

I have NEVER gone over like 150 MB of data with Sprint because the speeds are so god damn slow.. what the hell is the point of an unlimited data plan when the speeds are so horrendously slow that the point is moot all together?

I have struggled with the decision to do what I am doing, and there are many times I question it because I do acknowledge your decision of sticking with what I signed up for... but I'll tell you what, every time I try to use a data intensive app (facebook, google+) and it takes me 2-3 minutes just to load my news feed it makes the decision that much easier.

According to S4GRU Sprint MAY potentially launch LTE in my city at the end of this month, so for the time being I have stopped doing the force roam... if after this month this continues than I'll have to re-evaluate.

I am not biased towards Sprint or any carrier.. the ones who provide the services they claim to are the ones that deserve business. If you feel you owe some bit of loyalty to Sprint than kudos to you for that but I don't share the sentiment.


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Jun 7, 2011
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...while the EVOLTE is a great device the data speeds render it practically useless. I mean consistent 3G speeds are like .3mbps down and .1mbps up throughout most of the places I usually am in the city! WiMax made Sprint bearable but without it I can rarely use my phone to do even the simplest things like look at webpages.

I totally understand what you're saying. And if I came off sounding like a douchebag that wasn't my intent. I've had all of the big 3 at one point or another (never had T-Mo) and learned to never Never NEVER N E V E R listen to the sales people at the stores. Regardless of the carrier. That's why I used to go to PPCGeeks and XDA, but now I come here, to get the scoop on my device. I go to S4GRU to get the real skinny on the network. I hate the 3G speeds as well. If it weren't for the free Airave they threw at me I may not have renewed with them last summer, because completing a call in the back half of my home is literally impossible. But I knew what I was getting into when I got the EVO last summer. Unfortunatey they haven't surprised me by getting things done quicker, but they haven't let me down by lagging on my area's network updates either. I've seen guys starting work on the towers locally, so I know it's only a matter of time.


Drop the Bag
Sep 1, 2010
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One of my lines is up in April. I think I'm just going to pay to fee for my line when that time comes. I knew I would feel that way. Which is why I wasn't trying to upgrade. However my old nexus broke and I had no choice. My girlfriend broke her screen and is dealing with it for the next few months.

I'm in the air though of weather I should go back to att or go to Verizon. I never had Verizon.

Jerry Hodges

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May 1, 2013
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If Sprint cancels your account for excessive roaming do you lose your phone number or do you still have the ability to port it out to another carrier?


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2010
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If Sprint cancels your account for excessive roaming do you lose your phone number or do you still have the ability to port it out to another carrier?

I would assume it's yours, but that is a question you would need to ask at that type. I don't think you could ask in advance...

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