How can I remove the Lollipop update for the Samsung Galaxy S5?


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How can i remove lilipop update for samsung galaxy s5

I recently updated my s5 update but I prefferd my phone as it was.


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Feb 6, 2015
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Re: How can i remove lilipop update for samsung galaxy s5


You cannot revert back im afraid, I am having same issue along with millions of others. I am told that if you do a factory reset it will get rid of any glitches that cause slowness etc, but the skins i.e your screen views cannot be changed back. I am trying to download from google play, Handscent SMS S5 Skins. Its a ersion of the galaxy s5 before we got lollipop. Its the closest we can get. Im struggling to find though on my device after download so getting frustrated. You can take to a samsung store and get them to look at it and get it back to the best they can, or carphone warehouse. if you are UK. Other than that, a strong complaint to samsung. They are looking at another update to rectify any issues with this one but the screen changes are actually samsungs tweaks and a mix of googles design so god knows what the next one will be. Hope that helps.


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Feb 12, 2012
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Re: How can i remove lilipop update for samsung galaxy s5

5.0 was full of bugs. 5.0.1 fixed a few. 5.0.2 fixed a few more. 5.1 will mainly add features, but will fix a few more. By 5.9, we may have a working ROM. (This may be the worst update ever - even worse than the 4.3 bugs which mainly affected the S3.)

Clearing the system cache partition (in Settings, in Storage) may help with some of the problems.