How can I stop my Galaxy S2 (I777) from shutting down without a connected charger?


AC Question

A little backstory: This all started a few days ago after I uninstalled and downloaded some apps. I'm not sure if it's related, but who knows.

Anyway, I uninstalled that popular flashlight app that needs access to your entire phone/accounts for some reason. Shortly after, I tried downloading the NoBloat Free app to get rid of some unwanted stock apps. My phone immediately shut down as I tried to download it. I powered it back on but it shut down after about 30 seconds at the home screen.

I figured it may be a battery issue, so I charged the phone up to 100% (it was at about 75% at the time) and took it off the charger. It stayed on for a while but without warning shut off about two hours later. I restarted the phone normally a few times just in case, but again, nothing.

This morning I decided to factory reset the phone, but this didn't do anything. Now, regardless of if it's at 100%, it will shut down unless I have it hooked up to a charger.

Could it be a battery issue? If so, I'll be headed to my local AT&T today to see if they have any for this specific phone. I'd like to add that it has been dropped a few times. None were so hard that the screen broke, but who knows.


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Jun 10, 2014
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If it works when the charger is connected, but not for long on the battery alone, that does suggest a failing battery. Or to be more precise, that's what it suggests to me.

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