HTC One (M8): An In-Depth Review of HTC's Dot View Case.


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Jan 8, 2013
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Above all, I do not work for HTC, nor do I receive compensation for reviewing HTC products, or for reviewing them a certain way.

Here we go: I'll give it to you straight. The following is a non-biased review of HTC's Dot View case for the HTC One M8.

1) Construction.

The construction on the Dot View case is something that I could not find a problem with. The case features a semi-flexible, hard back cover, with a silicone-type screen cover hinged onto the left side of the back cover. The screen cover is firmly attached to the back cover and conveniently (maybe not for some) springs back into the closed position (lying flat on the screen) once pressure holding it open is released. The only feature I thought could maybe be improved upon is the ability for the screen cover to stay adhered to the phone via a magnet, somewhat like Apple's Smart Cover. While there is a magnet located in the square HTC logo on the screen cover itself, I don't believe that this is enough to prevent the cover from separating a small amount from the phone itself.

Overall rating: 9/10. Reason: screen cover may not lay completely flat with the phone (were talking a very minimal amount of separation here, folks. Nothing too big).

2) Phone Availability.

With the Dot View case, you will have accessibility to most (read: 99.99%) of the ports that you need. This case features an "open" design in that the only points of attachment from the phone to the case are the four corners. This lets you access the ports on the top, right side, and bottom of the phone without hindrance (i.e., the IR sensor and sleep/wake button on top, the Micro SD card port and volume rockers on the right side, and the charging port and headphone jack on the bottom). However, the only port that the phone does not have access to is the SIM card slot, located on the left side of the phone. This is due to the hinge of the screen cover. However, I doubt that you will need to access the SIM card slot that frequently to the point of it being a pain-in-the-neck. For this reason, I believe that the nonavailability to access the SIM port without taking the phone out of this case is negligible. There are cutouts for the Duo Camera, flash, and microphone on the back of the case, so you're good there (probably implied, but this is an in-depth review, so what the heck...). On the front of the silicone screen cover, there is a single square cutout for the front-facing camera as well as the proximity sensor for phone calls. However, the only availability you have for the notification light is through the dots (or, I guess, only one dot) on the screen case. Unless the case is lined up correctly with the notification light, you cannot get any information from the notification light without opening the screen case and checking directly on the phone itself. The improvement here would be to include a small circular cutout (larger than that of the dots) for the notification light, making checking of your phone for phone information easier (red for overheating/charging, solid green for charging completed, and flashing green for notifications.

Overall Rating: 9/10. Reason: no access to the SIM card slot, and little/no access to the notification light (unless you constantly need to access the SIM port (lets face it, you probably don't unless you have a SIM card issue), this is also a negligible problem. However, the notification light thing is another discussion...)

3) Features.

The Dot View case comes with a wide array of notification features that allow you to gain information regarding different aspects of your phone without ever opening the screen cover. Some of these features include volume level, message notification, incoming call notification, voice communication, date and time, and weather notification. These notifications react accordingly to gesture input, although it may take a couple times for the dot view mode to turn on when double tapping on the screen. While the responsiveness is really good, it could always be better. The notifications are also good, but it makes me wonder what else could be integrated into this case to make it better: for example, navigation compatibility, compatibility with apps that aren't currently supported, or maybe the availability for messages to be read via a scrolling affect from right to left of the screen cover...hey, I'm just thinking about what else we could possibly bring to this case.

Overall Rating: 8.5/10. Reason: limited gestures (time will tell if extra features are added, but for now, the 8.5 stays).

4) Phone handling.

As you could imagine, this case does get in the way of many functions that you would already be performing normally and easily without a case on the phone. For example, two-handed operation for the phone requires the screen cover to be swung to the back of the case. This makes me wonder if the "spring back" of the screen cover will wear out over time or not. The handling of the phone this way is a bit of a hindrance and doesn't feel right. One thing I didn't take into account using the same principle was navigation. I always use Google Maps, so for this phone to fit into my phone dock on the vents of the car, the screen cover must be swung to the back of the phone. As you could imagine, I only use Google Maps when I'm traveling a far distance or to an unfamiliar area: this also makes me question if the long-term condition of the screen cover being swung to the back of the phone will wear out the spring back motion of the screen cover itself. Not to mention that when the screen cover is placed behind the phone case, it doesn't lay flat against the back of the phone, since the phone does have some amount of curvature. In other words, if you are going to be using Google Maps, you'd have to take the case off in order for it to properly sit in your car dock (unless you have/can find a dock that will allow the screen cover to be opened (and stay open), but still not be swung all the way back against the back of the phone). I personally found taking pictures to be a pain, because you not only have to keep the screen cover open with you hand, but you also have to prevent it from going so far back as to prevent it from covering the Duo Camera or flash. One may think that these problems arise with such a case, but nonetheless, these problems will persist.

Overall Rating: 7.5/10. Reason: Let's face it...the case gets in the way of performing important functions.

That's really all I can think of as of now. I am going to go ahead and give this phone case a rating of 8 out of 10. While there are several issues with this case (mentioned above), I believe that it does add a nice plethora of functionality to the overall experience of using the HTC One M8 and makes using the phone a more enjoyable experience.

For the price, it is my opinion that the included functionality and features make paying for it justifiable.

I hope some of you get some use out this.


*UPDATE*: After applying a screen protector (which I am extremely OCD about, so I make sure to get it nearly perfect every single time), I noticed that after opening and closing the screen cover, the screen protector seemed to have actually moved toward the hinge side of the case. I am guessing that this is because the screen cover is actually gradually gripping the protector and moving it very minimally. My suggestion for this would be to apply the screen protector more toward the opposite side of the hinge. That way, it would take longer for the screen protector to move to the opposite side. This is a tiny bit of an annoyance, but it does not at all take away from the overall product. The final overall rating I issued still stands. To prevent this even further, you could use a ZAGG screen protector for the HTC One M8, as they (in my opinion and experience) will adhere to the screen more securely, and be less prone to movement.

*UPDATE #2*: Due to the silicone construction, you could imagine that this case builds up a fair amount of gunk. If you are like me, this makes me a bit OCD and so I regularly clean my phone to make it as shiny and new as possible. I guess placing this phone into a pocket doesn't help out, as pockets contain lint and other micro traces of dust, among other things. This is to be expected.
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Apr 30, 2010
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Re: An In-Depth Review of HTC's Dot View Case.

Thanks for taking the time to let us know about the case. I'm considering getting one but I have always been sort of turned off with flip cases since it does make things a bit awkward when taking pictures

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Jan 8, 2013
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Re: An In-Depth Review of HTC's Dot View Case.

Thanks for taking the time to let us know about the case. I'm considering getting one but I have always been sort of turned off with flip cases since it does make things a bit awkward when taking pictures

Posted via Android Central App

No problem.

Definitely where this case lost points. You may be safer going with something else. But the pure awesomeness of the case itself is something I just couldn't refuse.


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Feb 23, 2010
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Re: An In-Depth Review of HTC's Dot View Case.

How easy or hard is it to take the case off? I also put my phone in a holder in my car and have been worried it would be a pain and too much of a hassle.

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Jan 8, 2013
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Re: An In-Depth Review of HTC's Dot View Case.

How easy or hard is it to take the case off? I also put my phone in a holder in my car and have been worried it would be a pain and too much of a hassle.

Android Central App on my Nexus 7 (2013)

It is pretty easy to slip in and out of the case, so if need be, you will not be fumbling around with it. Note that this does not mean it will fall out of the case, only that taking the case off is a hassle free process.


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Mar 29, 2014
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Re: An In-Depth Review of HTC's Dot View Case.

Fantastic review, thanks!

I've been pondering some of these points before I read your review.
I use a car cradle and was wondering how it would sit in it.

The flashy lights lured me in so I ordered one but as there's no stock for a month and now reading about the case being sprung loaded so it's always trying to shut, causing issues with using the phone when the case is open, the notification light, the car cradle thing and the case getting in the way taking photos, it's making me reconsider my order.
It's not a cheap case and I don't really want to wait a month for a case that annoys me when I get it.

But still, dot lights.... hmmmmm


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Apr 7, 2012
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Where did everyone find your cases?? Everywhere online shows "not in stock" and my local verizon stores don't have them in stock either. THANK YOU!


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Fantastic review, thanks!

I've been pondering some of these points before I read your review.
I use a car cradle and was wondering how it would sit in it.

The flashy lights lured me in so I ordered one but as there's no stock for a month and now reading about the case being sprung loaded so it's always trying to shut, causing issues with using the phone when the case is open, the notification light, the car cradle thing and the case getting in the way taking photos, it's making me reconsider my order.
It's not a cheap case and I don't really want to wait a month for a case that annoys me when I get it.

But still, dot lights.... hmmmmm

There are definitely trade-offs for this phone case. But in my opinion you're always going to get something that one case doesn't have, and another case is going to have something that another case doesn't have...and so on. So it's not like this is the only case with trade-offs.

But like I said, the added functionality made it worth it (for me).

Where did everyone find your cases?? Everywhere online shows "not in stock" and my local verizon stores don't have them in stock either. THANK YOU!

I ordered mine in the Verizon store one week ago today, along with receiving the phone in hand the same day. I talked to a Verizon representative at a different store and they said they only received around 10 as you could imagine they went fairly quickly.

I'd imagine that as the phone becomes more available, so will the case. Ask them to order it for you and ship it to your address. Another option is asking them to check other Verizon store for in-stock availability.
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Apr 5, 2014
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I thought your review was spot on and very good, but needing a screen protector might be a bit OCD. You nailed it on the head with the double tap lack of response which works about 50% of the time for me. I'm not so sure, but it may have more to do with picking up the phone and taping to quickly before the phone is ready to respond. I really love this case, but holding it open to do tasks can be very uncomfortable because the lid hurts my hand a little while holding it open with one hand. If the lid folded all the back that wouldn't be a problem.

The biggest annoyance for me is trying to take a picture. Taking a picture can be very clumsy and you feel like you might drop it while "man-handling" to get that picture you wanted. If your wanting to take a quick picture with the phone, you can forget that.

Bottom line for me: It has a lot going for it and like anything else there are always some trade-offs to deal with.



Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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I thought your review was spot on and very good, but needing a screen protector might be a bit OCD. You nailed it on the head with the double tap lack of response which works about 50% of the time for me. I'm not so sure, but it may have more to do with picking up the phone and taping to quickly before the phone is ready to respond. I really love this case, but holding it open to do tasks can be very uncomfortable because the lid hurts my hand a little while holding it open with one hand. If the lid folded all the back that wouldn't be a problem.

The biggest annoyance for me is trying to take a picture. Taking a picture can be very clumsy and you feel like you might drop it while "man-handling" to get that picture you wanted. If your wanting to take a quick picture with the phone, you can forget that.

Bottom line for me: It has a lot going for it and like anything else there are always some trade-offs to deal with.


I agree. The double-tap only really works when you pick up the phone. I've tried double-tapping while the phone is flat on a table, and the case just won't take the input. Although, if you are checking the dot view case for notifications, HTC probably figures that you'd need to pick up the phone in order to receive the correct angle for reading the time, weather, temperature, etc.

As for the screen protector, that's just in my nature. I figure that the screen is going to be exposed at some point during my interaction with it, so I go for the "better safe than sorry" route. Sure, Gorilla 3 glass could probably take some damage, but I'd rather layer it up with that extra plastic for those "just-in-case moments".

Dan Lyttleton

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Apr 18, 2014
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My biggest gripe with this case is that even when I've unchecked "show email notifications" in settings, Dot View case still always shows an icon for unread emails. Obviously I have unread emails, who ever manages to get thru then all? Wish I could stop it from showing emails altogether. Anyone else have this issue?


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May 16, 2011
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Seems to emphasize how nice it is to have a bare phone. I think I'd rather have the Samsung/LG style case if anything, because the simple window is more reliable. I guess HTC went with edgy and certainly more uniform screen protection without totally sacrificing notifications. We'll see how the market reacts, whether any of the function cases get enough sales.

But for now I feel that insurance and a bare phone are superior, added cost and all. My local Sprint has been phenomenal with same-model loaners when family got their less durable phones repaired, so not too worried right now.


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May 5, 2014
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Great review. The case is nifty. Coming from someone who rarely uses a case, my opinion might not carry much weight. Personally, I wouldn't use this case because IMO a case should protect the phone. Meaning the only reason I'd ever put a case on is for protection. The DOT case offers little to none. Although I do appreciate the way that HTC was able to make a case something more than a case as far as integrating it with lock screen notifications and such.


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Jan 8, 2013
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Great review. The case is nifty. Coming from someone who rarely uses a case, my opinion might not carry much weight. Personally, I wouldn't use this case because IMO a case should protect the phone. Meaning the only reason I'd ever put a case on is for protection. The DOT case offers little to none. Although I do appreciate the way that HTC was able to make a case something more than a case as far as integrating it with lock screen notifications and such.

You are correct. This phone case is not designed with the intent of protection, but instead for the sake of functionality.


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Apr 26, 2012
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Thanks a lot for the detailed review.
A question.
How hard is the back plastic at it's corners, where it holds the device? Will it scratch/wear out the corners of the phone ??


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
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Thanks a lot for the detailed review.
A question.
How hard is the back plastic at it's corners, where it holds the device? Will it scratch/wear out the corners of the phone ??

Sorry for the late reply. It's been a while since I've checked this site.

The plastic near the corners is sturdy enough to hold it in place while also offering a light construction. The corners of the phone will not wear out. However, the case will take damage/scratches fairly easy.

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