iPhone User, Thinking of crossing over


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May 15, 2013
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Switched from IOS about 4 weeks ago to the M8. The only thing I have missed is visual voicemail which I can get if I want to pay verizon another $3 / month, which i will not. Other than that, I have been able to configure the phone to do all the things I had my iphone doing, and more.

Google Voice will give you visual voicemail and many more features for free and it works great.


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Apr 8, 2014
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Switched from IOS about 4 weeks ago to the M8. The only thing I have missed is visual voicemail which I can get if I want to pay verizon another $3 / month, which i will not. Other than that, I have been able to configure the phone to do all the things I had my iphone doing, and more.

+1 on Google Voice. That's what I set up.

Another note: an iPhone will tell you the city and state of the incoming caller if you don't have them in your contacts. Verizon wants another $3 per month for Caller Name ID. I went ahead and signed up for that as it will go a step further than the iPhone and actually provide the person's name, or business name if available. Without that, you only see the phone number.


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Dec 28, 2011
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I really like Siri to set up appts, reminders, and my grocery list.
I wanna second the opinion that Google Now works great for these types of tasks....you can even say "remind me to pickup milk next time I'm at Publix" and next time you drive by the store, BOOM there's your reminder.

Does anyone have a podcast app they like?
As for this, I use Pocket Casts which has a lot of great functionality like you were looking for....it's a couple bucks, but well worth it.


Apr 13, 2014
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I wanna second the opinion that Google Now works great for these types of tasks....you can even say "remind me to pickup milk next time I'm at Publix" and next time you drive by the store, BOOM there's your reminder.

As for this, I use Pocket Casts which has a lot of great functionality like you were looking for....it's a couple bucks, but well worth it.

Ooh! I'll look at that one. Thank you so much!

Chase Nelson1

Mar 28, 2014
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Youmail also does visual voicemail and caller ID for free. I don't know a lot about it but I'm trying it out and it works fine

Posted via Android Central App


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Dec 12, 2009
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iPhone convert here. Been through the iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5s. Love this phone. A few thoughts from me below:

The negligible:

The stock mail app sucks compared to iOS. It doesn't auto-resize e-mails for whatever reason. I use Google Apps for business so I use the Gmail app for everything, so for me that's a non issue, and it will be a non issue for most. I'm OCD though.

OK, some will think I'm reaching a bit here, but I like to have my Visual Voicemail in the phone dialer - like in iOS. I'm on Verizon, and they wanted me to pay $3 for a service that's free when you use an iPhone. I said nope, and set up Google Voice, which is working nicely. You can do a conditional forward to your Google Voice number and it works well (download the app).


Just to comment on these two items...

The "stock" email app will vary from model to model within the Android world, though I agree most are underwhelming, though for the most part at least functional. Keep in mind to that GMail has it's own dedicated app, so when folks refer to the "stock" email app, they are primarily referring to retrieving email from non-GMail accounts. I've never used the stock email app on the HTC One M8, so I can't comment on it much more than that. Luckily, there are some alternatives... For one, GMail works great, so you could always just use gmail *as your email client* (i.e. setup gmail to fetch email from your other accounts), or if you can't/don't want to do that, there are some 3rd party email client apps out there that are definitely more polished than the stock client.

When fully setup (and it's not hard to do) to handle your voicemail service, Google Voice operates in pretty much the exact same way that iPhone's VVM does...and can even do a bit more! From within the Google Voice app, you can even enable a setting to show your messages inline with your call log via the phone app. What I like about using GV for voicemail is that it isn't tied to any device platform or carrier, I can take it with me no matter I choose to use in the future, plus, it can send you an email notification when you get a voicemail, which is nice for folks like me who don't get cellular reception at work. I guess my point here is don't let the VVM be a factor for you when trying to decide.

Thank you so much for your thoughts! I enjoy my iPhone (have a 5), but I'm just ready for something different.... And ready for more space with the sd card!

I hadn't thought about the mini USB thing. I can understand the annoyance. It's a small issue, but I understand.

What's group messaging like? There are messaging apps I can use that will let me group message with my iPhone friends, right? (I already use whatsapp, but I'm not gonna get everyone to switch for me.)

Aside from messaging, the camera is a concern for me. I really just send my pics to friends or post to social media... So I'd think it'd be fine for me? I've seen some beautiful pics posted... But with all the arguing back and forth, it just seems I'll have to give it a shot and see for myself if it'll be acceptable.

Group messaging works fine on Android, but there is one very important thing you need to do if you decide to switch to Android, and that is un-register your phone number with iMessage before you do so, otherwise what commonly happens is you will have issues receiving messages from friends that are using iPhones, because the network still thinks you have an iPhone and tries to send messages via iMessage instead of SMS. Other messaging services like Whatsapp, Google Hangouts and Facebook messenger all work beautifully as well.


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Mar 29, 2014
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I wanna second the opinion that Google Now works great for these types of tasks....you can even say "remind me to pickup milk next time I'm at Publix" and next time you drive by the store, BOOM there's your reminder.

Awesome, never knew you could do that myself!
Will have to try it out, thanks.


Trusted Member Team Leader
Dec 4, 2012
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Excellent discussion. Keep it coming.

As for the picture comparison, the OP can go into a store and upload a pic with the M8 onto Facebook or whatever and upload a comparable shot with the iPhone.

For the most part, with either device, you take the good with the bad. Good cameras and what not for the iPhone, but little customization. Custom six ways to Sunday with Android, but less polish on the apps, etc.

The same comparisons can be made when considering two different Android devices, or a Windows or Blackberry.

From a Sprint Moto X using AC Forums app


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Mar 22, 2011
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I hadn't thought about the mini USB thing. I can understand the annoyance. It's a small issue, but I understand.

Somehow 90% of the time, at the least, I pick up the charging cord it is in the correct manner to be inserted. Either for the force is strong, or the cables build a memory and it seems to work.

Posted via the One successor to the One


May 8, 2013
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The M8 camera is not good, as an iPhone user you will be disapointed.
Hey all!

My contract isn't up for a while, but I'm seriously looking at the m8 as my next phone. I've had an iPhone for 4 years... For those of you who made the switch iOS to Android, are there features you miss or issues you didn't expect?


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Mar 24, 2014
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Here is my three cents worth:
Am bilingual when it comes to OS so have experience on both android, windows and iOS devices. Recently I traded in my iphone 5 for a samsung galaxy note 3. I ended up switching back and here is why: I liked both devices equally well, android devices have a bit more of a learning curve than idevices do. I liked the larger screen on the note 3 but really hate the smaller screen on the iphone. I get headaches and eye strain after ten minutes of trying to use the iphone for reading, gaming etc. I did not have that problem on the note 3. The 5.5 inch screen is just right for me. I do have both android, surface pro, and ipad tablets and like them all and use them equally.

Cameras are getting better and better on all devices. The fine line between which is better is getting narrower as each new device comes out. Unless you are a photo professional where quality is upmost importance to you, the iphone and samsung cameras are on par. Since I do not have any experience with other brands such as HTC I can't add even two cents worth here.

So why did I go back to the iphone? Simple, some of the features on the iphone that come with no extra charge such as voice mail on the device without having to dial a number etc was one of the main reasons. Don't know if this is verizon only or other carriers who charge $4 a month extra to have your messages be on your phone or not. I like having the ability to update my iphone when the updates come out and not wait for a carrier to "test" it first and then wait for them to decide when to update my device. There are apps on the iphone that I like much better than the similar ones for android.

I like not having to worry about things such as the heartbleed bug which affects open SSL devices because apple products are not open SSL. I don't root my devices etc so the "control" that apple has on it's devices don't bother me as they do with a lot of android users. On the note 3. I liked the ability to add an sd card or using a micro to OTG plug an external drive. Being able to move movies from google play store etc from the internal device memory to the sd card or ext drive with kitkat is a big plus. I also like the user exchangeable battery. SO having an sd card and the replaceable battery are two really big pluses, something that I haven't forgiven Amazon taking away from the kindles!

So bottom line, if apple comes out with a 5.5 screen I will probably stay with the iphone because I really like a lot of the apps on it compared to the ones available for android. If they don't come out with a 5.5 inch screen then I will probably seriously consider the note 4 because I really find the larger screen better suited for my needs.


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Jul 9, 2010
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I finally found a decent twitter app! Talon. Very nice interface and features. Close to my preferred twitter client Tweetbot.


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Jul 13, 2011
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I like not having to worry about things such as the heartbleed bug which affects open SSL devices because apple products are not open SSL.

Yet apple left thier phones unsecure enough that in the US, the NSA was found that they can access iphones with a 100% success rate. This was back in December. The fix went out in February of I'm not, mistaken.

This left each and every iPhone vulnerable and open to hackers and left you unsecure.

Regardless of what your views on 4th amendment rights in the US, or human rights, being less secure due to the government's want for access to our privacy is being hurtful to us all in the end.

Posted via Android Central App


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Mar 24, 2014
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Yet apple left thier phones unsecure enough that in the US, the NSA was found that they can access iphones with a 100% success rate. This was back in December. The fix went out in February of I'm not, mistaken.

This left each and every iPhone vulnerable and open to hackers and left you unsecure.

Regardless of what your views on 4th amendment rights in the US, or human rights, being less secure due to the government's want for access to our privacy is being hurtful to us all in the end.

Posted via Android Central App

Actually the fix was out and installed with a few days. Based on your comment I am guessing that you are a huge apple hater and it really doesn't matter because no one brand or device is going to be perfect for everyone. I posted what my experience has been with both apple and android devices, nothing more nothing less.

With regards to the 4th Amendment, human rights, etc, that has nothing to do with this discussion. FYI as a vietnam veteran I consider people like Snowden et al to be in the same category as Hanoi Jane and have no use for either. If you have never been in the military or contributed to your country's service in some matter, you probably don't understand the concept of loose lips sink ships regardless of where you live. Since you don't know me don't presume to know what I think or care about because it has nothing to do with discussions on these devices


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Jul 9, 2010
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Yet apple left thier phones unsecure enough that in the US, the NSA was found that they can access iphones with a 100% success rate. This was back in December. The fix went out in February of I'm not, mistaken.

This left each and every iPhone vulnerable and open to hackers and left you unsecure.

Regardless of what your views on 4th amendment rights in the US, or human rights, being less secure due to the government's want for access to our privacy is being hurtful to us all in the end.

Posted via Android Central App


You mean like the Heartbleed exploit being in every sub 4.2 Android phone out there? Many of those phone not even being updated any longer by OEMs?

Let's keep this informed and level-headed. Keep your hatred/fanboyism out. Please. :)


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Jul 31, 2013
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iMessage is really it because my kids have iPods (and my wife my old iPhone 5) so being able to chat between everyone without the kids having actual phones (too young) was nice. Also I'm a stickler for a seamless experience and iOS gave that.

I switched out because I am a tinkerer at heart, and I was able to get an LG G2 for free. So I couldn't resist a chance to tinker w/ Android again since the G2 is (and M8 by the way) extremely easy to root and add a custom recovery. I loved it. Only reason I don't have it now is I dropped it in the sync and decided to replace over repair, and it seemed silly to buy the same phone again so I went w/ the M8

You can get a solid experience with it, but a lot of Android does feel unpolished next to your standard iDevice. On the flip side you can customize your experience SO much more. Plus you can generally get better battery life due to the fact you have a lot of the phones w/ larger than iDevice batteries, and the ability with Root to REALLY restrict what's running at any given time.

It's a personal trade off. From a feature standpoint... just iMessage and I admit the camera on each "current generation" iPhone is phenom, but Android finally isn't lacking in that department (my first Android phone was a Droid w/ a horrible camera compared to the iPhone 4 at the time).

Just play around with it. One note, though, really look into the M8's camera if your'e a heavy mobile picture taker. I think it's underrated as far as reviews go, but it's also the biggest weak point it has for people with families or just constantly take pics. Especially if you print them. I've had a great experience so far with mine, but I admit it's the "low point" of the device when comparing it to other devices, and the new iPhone's.

It's all your personal preference, man. If you dig it that's all that matters.


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Dec 12, 2009
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iMessage is really it because my kids have iPods (and my wife my old iPhone 5) so being able to chat between everyone without the kids having actual phones (too young) was nice. Also I'm a stickler for a seamless experience and iOS gave that.

I switched out because I am a tinkerer at heart, and I was able to get an LG G2 for free. So I couldn't resist a chance to tinker w/ Android again since the G2 is (and M8 by the way) extremely easy to root and add a custom recovery. I loved it. Only reason I don't have it now is I dropped it in the sync and decided to replace over repair, and it seemed silly to buy the same phone again so I went w/ the M8

You can get a solid experience with it, but a lot of Android does feel unpolished next to your standard iDevice. On the flip side you can customize your experience SO much more. Plus you can generally get better battery life due to the fact you have a lot of the phones w/ larger than iDevice batteries, and the ability with Root to REALLY restrict what's running at any given time.

It's a personal trade off. From a feature standpoint... just iMessage and I admit the camera on each "current generation" iPhone is phenom, but Android finally isn't lacking in that department (my first Android phone was a Droid w/ a horrible camera compared to the iPhone 4 at the time).

Just play around with it. One note, though, really look into the M8's camera if your'e a heavy mobile picture taker. I think it's underrated as far as reviews go, but it's also the biggest weak point it has for people with families or just constantly take pics. Especially if you print them. I've had a great experience so far with mine, but I admit it's the "low point" of the device when comparing it to other devices, and the new iPhone's.

It's all your personal preference, man. If you dig it that's all that matters.

If the camera *is* really important to you, you may want to check out the Samsung Galaxy phones.

Regarding the whole iMessage thing, you can always just use Google Hangouts. On Android, it's practically built into the device and easy to use... But it's also available for use on iOS devices. The only thing Hangouts can't do like iMessage is do group conversations with SMS and Google accounts at the same time...this isn't a small thing, I admit, but otherwise it's a solid alternative

Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk


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Apr 30, 2010
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I'm definitely an android guy but I've dabbled in the iPhone world a bit. Most recently with the 5S.

Things I miss most include imessage and how polished and simple the experience is. Now the simplicity is also what sends me back to android.

Posted via Android Central App


Well-known member
Jul 31, 2013
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If the camera *is* really important to you, you may want to check out the Samsung Galaxy phones.

Regarding the whole iMessage thing, you can always just use Google Hangouts. On Android, it's practically built into the device and easy to use... But it's also available for use on iOS devices. The only thing Hangouts can't do like iMessage is do group conversations with SMS and Google accounts at the same time...this isn't a small thing, I admit, but otherwise it's a solid alternative

Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk

Yeah, I know with Hangouts. I just prefer the built in nature because of the kids side (and not having to have them run an extra app). It's all for interaction with them with ease, and less about other ways to do it.


Apr 13, 2014
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Ooh! I walked over to look at the phone today. That is one perdy phone y'all. :) I did feel like the pictures I took from the camera were a bit off.... But it's also extremely possible that all this talk of the camera being "eh" made me really look for stuff. Pretty sure it would still suffice for my Instagram/Facebook purposes. ;)

I'm tempted to sell my phone now, and just buy the one off contract. But I don't see my partner enjoying my spending the extra $$ right now. ;)

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